State Facilities If the State makes space available to the Party in any State facility during the term of this Agreement for purposes of the Party’s performance under this Agreement, the Party shall only use the space in accordance with all policies and procedures governing access to and use of State facilities which shall be made available upon request. State facilities will be made available to Party on an “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis, with no warranties whatsoever.
Office Facilities The University will endeavor to provide each member with an adequately furnished private office and will endeavor to provide a conference room in each major building.
PUBLIC FACILITIES Supplier’s employees may be required to perform work at government- owned facilities, including schools. Supplier’s employees and agents must conduct themselves in a professional manner while on the premises, and in accordance with Participating Entity policies and procedures, and all applicable laws.
Employee Facilities Employee Facilities. Restrooms and attendant facilities shall be provided as required in the orders and regulations of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. A good faith effort will be made by the Employer to provide facilities for employees’ personal belongings.
Existing Facilities Each of the Existing Facilities shall be repaid in full and terminated and all collateral security therefor shall be released, and the Administrative Agent shall have received pay-off letters in form and substance satisfactory to it evidencing such repayment, termination and release.
Developer Attachment Facilities Developer shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Developer Attachment Facilities described in Appendix A hereto, at its sole expense.
Access to Facilities Each of the Company and each of its Subsidiaries will permit any representatives designated by the Purchaser (or any successor of the Purchaser), upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, at such person's expense and accompanied by a representative of the Company, to: (a) visit and inspect any of the properties of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; (b) examine the corporate and financial records of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (unless such examination is not permitted by federal, state or local law or by contract) and make copies thereof or extracts therefrom; and (c) discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries with the directors, officers and independent accountants of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries will provide any material, non-public information to the Purchaser unless the Purchaser signs a confidentiality agreement and otherwise complies with Regulation FD, under the federal securities laws.
Verizon OSS Facilities Any gateways, interfaces, databases, facilities, equipment, software, or systems, used by Verizon to provide Verizon OSS Services to CBB.
Developer’s Attachment Facilities (“DAF”). Developer shall, at its expense, design, procure, construct, own and install the DAF, as set forth in Appendix A hereto.
TEACHER FACILITIES A. The Board shall provide for each actively employed teacher: 1. A serviceable desk, chair and computer. 2. Access to a dining table. 3. A lockable desk, file cabinet or closet in which teachers may store instructional materials and supplies. 4. An appropriately furnished room to be reserved for the exclusive use of staff as a faculty lounge. Said room will be regularly cleaned by the custodial staff and will be in addition to the other teacher work areas. However, staff will be expected to keep the lounge reasonably neat and orderly. 5. Access to well-lighted and clean employee restrooms, separate from the students' restrooms with appropriate supplies. 6. Storage facilities for special instructional personnel. 7. In accordance with applicable food and nutrition guidelines, the principal, at request by a majority of the teachers, may arrange for the installation of a maximum of two faculty vending machines in each faculty lounge. All proceeds from the machines shall be used in such manner as the majority of teachers and educational support employees of that building shall determine. Cost, if any, of installation shall be borne by the teachers and educational support employees of each school. B. Where feasible in existing buildings, and in all new buildings, the following will be provided. 1. A teacher work area containing adequate equipment and supplies to aid in the preparation of instructional materials. 2. A communication system so that teachers can communicate with the main office from their classrooms, provided that such system is used only for emergency announcements during class periods. 3. Space for teachers' dining in a faculty lounge or other room unavailable to students with tables and chairs sufficient to accommodate teachers during their lunch period. C. Teachers shall report in writing to the principal any condition considered unsafe or hazardous. The principal shall take action(s) as appropriate and shall notify the teacher in writing of such action(s) taken within five (5) days. D. A telephone will be made available for teachers to use for school business. Teachers and principals shall arrange this use to provide reasonable privacy during the call. During the workday, teachers may make personal phone calls only if the calls cannot be made at any other time. E. Teachers who need access to a telephone for school business after the workday ends shall arrange this access with the principal. Teachers with supervisory responsibilities will also have access to the building. F. An adequate portion of the parking lots at each school will be reserved for teacher parking. Effective July 1, 2012, newly hired employees assigned to the South East Street Central Office location will be required to pay a fee of $45 per month if they elect to park in designated BOE parking areas. Twelve-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 24 equal paychecks. Eleven-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 22 equal paychecks. Ten-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payment over 20 equal paychecks. G. The Board will take steps to ensure teachers have access to their classrooms when custodians unlock the buildings in the morning and up to one (1) hour before custodial shifts end on weekdays during the school year, provided rooms are not being utilized by outside user groups. Teachers shall have access to their rooms during summer operating hours during summer months unless there is scheduled maintenance, outside user groups or FCPS programs occurring.