Compliance and Liability Sample Clauses

Compliance and Liability. CONFIDENTIALITY – The Credit Union may release confidential Depositor information as permitted or required by law or in a court proceeding or with the Depositor’s consent.
Compliance and Liability. The Company and, to the knowledge of the Company and the Principal Shareholders, each Site, is in compliance with all, and the Company has no liability under any, Environmental Laws, except where the failure to comply or liability would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company;
Compliance and Liability. Seller and each Site are in compliance with all, and Seller has no liability under any, Environmental Laws, except for such noncompliance or liability which, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Change.
Compliance and Liability. 6.1 The CHAPTER will strictly follow policies and procedures for, and remain in compliance with federal, state and local antitrust, trade regulations, tax and other applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. The CHAPTER will make available its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to XXXX National on an annual basis for review, and XXXX National will make its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws available to the CHAPTER for review. 6.2 The parties are separate and independent entities, neither party shall be liable or have responsibility for the acts of the other, or its officers, directors, employees, or agents. The CHAPTER and National agree to indemnify and hold harmless one another, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, losses, or demands (including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses) that may result from its willful or negligent acts or those of its officers, directors, employees, or agents.
Compliance and Liability. A. No land shall hereafter be developed and no structure shall be located, relocated, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged or structurally altered in the FOD except in full compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement and any other applicable ordinances and regulations that may apply to the FOD. B. The degree of flood protection sought by the provisions of this Agreement is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on acceptable engineering methods of study, but does not imply total flood protection. This Agreement does not imply that districts outside the FOD or land uses permitted within such district will be free from flooding or flood damages. C. This Agreement shall not create liability on the part of the Municipalities or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this Agreement or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder.
Compliance and Liability. 3.1 Subject to paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3, the Client and the Participating Affiliates shall be solely responsible for (a) the preparation, approval and submission of all Benefit Plans and related amendments for Internal Revenue Service determination, (b) each Benefit Plan's compliance with state and federal law (including applicable provisions of the Code and ERISA and regulations promulgated thereunder) and all other applicable laws and regulations and (c) all measures required under state and federal law (including applicable provisions of the Code and ERISA and regulations promulgated thereunder) and all other applicable laws and regulations, to assure, the qualification and compliance of the Benefit Plans with such laws. Exult Supplier shall be under no duty to question terms of the Benefit Plans and the measures taken by the Client. 3.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 3.1, the Client may (as a condition of agreeing to the Exult Supplier carrying out any Special Services) in respect of Special Services generally, and those relating to Benefit Plans specifically, require Exult Supplier to provide inter alia increased levels of insurance cover under Clause 22 of the Framework Agreement, provided that the cost of such insurance shall be a Pass Through Cost.
Compliance and Liability. The Charterer will comply with and cause all passengers to (i) observe and comply with the COVID-19 public health requirements, measures and procedures which are applicable, especially those of the country under which rules the Carrier is operating the Aircraft and in the countries overflown and where the Aircraft departs and lands, and (ii) to be informed on the limitations of Broker’s and Carrier’s liability in that respect: The Broker nor the Carrier can’t be hold liable and will be set free and harmless by the Charterer and Charterer’s passengers and such passenger’s heirs for any potential infection and/or related damage caused by the COVID-19 virus occurred or caused in relation to the performance of the flight(s) considered under the Air Charter Agreement, provided Carrier’s compliance with the applicable COVID-19 health safety requirements, measures and procedures, and in absence whereof Carrier’s liability is anyhow limited, it being understood that any liability occurrence in that respect will qualify as liability resulting from an “accident” in accordance with the applicable regulations. Definities. Deze Algemene Voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle overeenkomsten van vervoer per vliegtuig ("de Overeenkomst") tussen Jetworld BV ("de Makelaar") en een Klant ("de Charteraar") waarbij Jetworld optreedt als agent die luchtvervoer aanbiedt aan de Charteraar door de verkoop van individuele plaatsen op gecharterde zakenvliegtuigen. De gecharterde luchtvervoerdiensten die in deze Overeenkomst zijn opgenomen, xxxxxx geleverd door een vliegtuigexploitant ("de Vervoerder") die in het bezit is van een Aircraft Operator Certificate (AOC). Onderaanneming door de Charteraar. De Charteraar zal de gehuurde ruimte en/of lading van het Vliegtuig niet uitbesteden of geheel of gedeeltelijk in gebruik geven zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de Makelaar. Tenzij uitdrukkelijk en schriftelijk anders overeengekomen, wordt een dergelijke goedkeuring door de Makelaar gegeven op voorwaarde dat de onderaannemer zich houdt aan alle verplichtingen die aan de Charteraar xxxxxx opgelegd en dat de Charteraar de volledige verantwoordelijkheid op zich neemt voor alle handelingen of verzuimen van de onderaannemer en zijn functionarissen, werknemers of agenten. Substitutie - onderaanneming door de Makelaar. De Makelaar heef het recht om zonder opgave van redenen (een) ander(e) luchtvaartuig(en) in de plaats te stellen van het in deze Overeenkomst genoemde Luchtvaar...
Compliance and Liability. The Surviving Corporation and each Site is in compliance with all, and the Surviving Corporation has no liability under any, Environmental Laws, except where the failure to comply or liability would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Surviving Corporation;
Compliance and Liability. The Company and each Site is in compliance with all, and the Company has no liability under any, Environmental Laws, except where the failure to comply or liability would not be reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Effect or where the cleanup has been budgeted as part of the Relocation.
Compliance and Liability. 18 (c) Releases and Environmental Conditions...............................................18 (d) Environmental Audits................................................................18 (e) Potentially Responsible Party.......................................................18 (f) Notice of Violation.................................................................18 (g) Notices, Warnings and Records.......................................................18 2.25