Component 2 Sample Clauses

Component 2. Improving regulation, supervision and institutional discipline: This component shall support: (a) Knowledge and skill development of staff of National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) on innovative financial products; (b) training on supervisory and regulatory subjects specified by the regulators (NBE and FCA), and (c) policy seminars. The Programme will also finance technical assistance (TA) to the NBE supporting: (a) policy development for MFIs in aspects referred in the PIM; (b) economic reforms in the development of the financial infrastructure; (c) the development of protocols to facilitate rural and micro-leasing markets; (d) policy dialogue in economic reform areas. At the FCA, the Programme shall support: (a) the process of separating the legal, as well as regulatory and supervisory responsibilities between financial and non-financial cooperatives; (b) setting up a dedicated financial cooperatives regulation wing in FCA; (c) implementation of tiered regulation/inspection; and (d) the establishment of regional/national apex financial institutions.
Component 2. Project management and coordination. This component will focus on the efficiently and effectively managed Project achieving results with communication and knowledge management integrated in all aspects of operations. The Project is expected to obtain the following outcomes: - Market driven rural business incubators are strengthened. - Production, productivity and marketing of agro-entrepreneurs are improved through public-private producer partnership (PPP) models. - Market participation and profitability of beneficiaries enhanced through sustainable enterprises, improved market infrastructure, access to financial services, access to land as well as use of improved technologies. - Increased ease of beneficiaries doing agribusiness.
Component 2. Sustainable and scalable rural finance services. The component shall comprise three sub-components that represent a sequential, three-pronged approach to developing rural financial services.
Component 2. An economic analysis (economic model or models) relating to both 1a and 1b. This contract annex relates to component 2 only.
Component 2. Improving access to agricultural and rural finance. This component shall facilitate the provision of the required financial services to transform the ailing agricultural sector and improve access to finance for smaller farmers, producers, fishers and rural micro-entrepreneurs. Access to financing shall be improved by the development of innovative agricultural and value chain financing models to be piloted and consequently scaled-up through partner financial institutions.
Component 2 pro-poor value chain development. This component aims at increasing the income of the target population by integrating it into inclusive and pro-poor value chains. This will be achieved by providing incentives (e.g. capacity, assets, and access to financing) to agribusiness entities (i.e. cooperatives and agro-enterprises) to develop inclusive, pro-poor value chains. The component comprises three subcomponents:
Component 2. Improving regulation, supervision and institutional discipline: This component shall support: (a) Knowledge and skill development of staff of National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) on innovative financial products; (b) training on supervisory and regulatory subjects specified by the regulators (NBE and Federal Cooperative Agency (FCA)), and (c) policy seminars. The Programme will also finance TA to the NBE supporting: (a) policy development for MFIs in aspects referred in the Programme Implementation Plan;