Composition of Arbitral Tribunals Sample Clauses

Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. The arbitral tribunal referred to in Article 15.5 shall consist of three members. Each Party shall appoint an arbitrator within 30 days of the receipt of the request under Article 15.5. If a Party fails to appoint an arbitrator within such period, then the Arbitrator appointed by the other Party shall act as the sole arbitrator of the Tribunal. 2. Once the Parties have appointed their respective arbitrators, the Parties shall endeavour to agree on a third arbitrator who shall serve as chair. If the Parties are unable to agree on the chair of the arbitral tribunal within 30 days after the date on which the second arbitrator has been appointed, the chair shall be appointed in the presence of both Parties by a draw of lot from a list comprising four nominees of each Party. If a Party fails to submit its list of four nominees within 10 days of the other Party submitting its list, the chair shall be appointed by a draw of lot from the list already submitted by the other Party. 3. Any person appointed as a member or chair of the arbitral tribunal shall have expertise or experience in law, international trade, other matters covered by this Agreement or the resolution of disputes arising under international trade agreements, and shall be chosen strictly on the basis of objectivity, reliability, sound judgment and independence. Except in the case of a sole arbitrator appointed in accordance with paragraph 1, the chair shall not be a national of either Party and shall not have his or her usual place of residence in the territory of, nor be employed by, either Party, nor have dealt with the case in any capacity. 4. If an arbitrator appointed under this Article resigns or becomes unable to act, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed for the appointment of the original arbitrator and the successor shall have all the powers and duties of the original arbitrator.
Composition of Arbitral TribunalsEach Party shall, within 30 days after the date of receipt of the request for the establishment of an arbitral tribunal, appoint one arbitrator who may be a national of its country and propose up to three candidates to serve as the third arbitrator who shall be the Chair of the arbitral tribunal. The third arbitrator shall not be a national of the country of either Party, nor have his or her usual place of residence in the country of either Party, nor be employed by either Party, nor have dealt with the dispute in any capacity.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. Each Party shall, within 30 days after the date of receipt of the request for the establishment of an arbitral tribunal, appoint one arbitrator who may be a national of its country and propose up to three candidates to serve as the third arbitrator who shall be the Chair of the arbitral tribunal. The third arbitrator shall not be a national of the country of either Party, nor have his or her usual place of residence in the country of either Party, nor be employed by either Party, nor have dealt with the dispute in any capacity. 2. Both Parties shall agree on and appoint the third arbitrator within 45 days after the date of receipt of the request for the establishment of an arbitral tribunal. If the Parties fail to agree on the third arbitrator, the Parties shall request the two arbitrators appointed pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article to appoint the third arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to appoint the third arbitrator within 10 days, the Parties shall consult each other in order to jointly appoint the third arbitrator of the arbitral tribunal within a further period of 30 days. 3. If an arbitrator or the Chair appointed under this Article resigns or becomes unable to act, a successor arbitrator or Chair shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed for the appointment of the original arbitrator or Chair, and the successor shall have all the powers and duties of the original arbitrator. 4. The date of establishment of an arbitral tribunal shall be the date on which the third arbitrator is appointed.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or the parties to the dispute agree, the arbitral tribunal shall have three members. 2. The complaining party shall appoint an arbitrator to the arbitral tribunal pursuant to Article 6 within 20 days of the receipt of the request for appointment of the arbitral tribunal under Article
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. The arbitral tribunal shall comprise three members. 2. In the written notification pursuant to Article 15.6, the complaining Party or Parties requesting the establishment of an arbitral tribunal shall designate one member of that arbitral tribunal.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three members. 2. Each Party shall appoint an arbitrator within 21 days of the receipt of the request to establish an arbitral tribunal.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. ‌ The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators. The numbers should not be even. If they are not able to determine the number of arbitrators, the arbitral Tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or the parties to the dispute agree, the arbitral tribunal shall have three members.
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. Article 16.8 Functions of Arbitral Tribunals - 8 -
Composition of Arbitral Tribunals. 1. An arbitral tribunal shall comprise three arbitrators, who should have relevant technical or legal expertise. 2. Each Party 3. The Parties shall endeavor to agree on and appoint the third arbitrator within 45 days after the date of receipt of the request for the establishment of an arbitral tribunal, taking into account the candidates proposed in accordance with paragraph 2. 4. If a Party has not appointed the one arbitrator in accordance with paragraph 2, or if the Parties fail to agree on the third arbitrator in accordance with paragraph 3, the arbitrator or arbitrators not yet appointed shall be chosen within 10 days by lot from the candidates proposed in accordance with paragraph 2. 5. The date of the establishment of an arbitral tribunal shall be the date on which the chair is appointed. 6. If an arbitrator appointed under this Article resigns, dies or otherwise becomes unable to act, a replacement arbitrator shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed for the appointment of the original arbitrator. The replacement arbitrator shall have all the powers and duties of the original arbitrator. The work of the arbitral tribunal shall be suspended until the replacement arbitrator is appointed.