COMPUTER PRODUCED SCHEDULES. A. The contractor shall provide monthly, to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), all computer-produced time/cost schedules and reports generated from monthly project updates. This monthly computer service will include: three copies of up to five different reports (inclusive of all pages) available within the user defined reports of the scheduling software approved by the Contracting Officer; a hard copy listing of all project schedule changes, and associated data, made at the update and an electronic file of this data; and the resulting monthly updated schedule in PDM format. These must be submitted with and substantively support the contractor’s monthly payment request and the signed look ahead report. The COTR shall identify the five different report formats that the contractor shall provide.
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  • COMPUTER GRAPHICS FILES The Engineer agrees to comply with Attachment G, Computer Graphics Files for Document and Information Exchange, if determined by the State to be applicable to this contract.

  • Reference Materials The Board agrees to continue to make available to employees the reference materials maintained by the district. Principals are encouraged to provide additional reference materials of high use in schools where feasible.

  • COMPUTER SOFTWARE The Grantee certifies that it has appropriate systems and controls in place to ensure that state funds will not be used in the performance of this Grant Agreement for the acquisition, operation, or maintenance of computer software in violation of copyright laws.

  • Shift Schedules 1501 Shift schedules for a minimum of a four (4) week period shall be posted at least two (2) weeks in advance of the beginning of the scheduled period. Shifts within the minimum four (4) week period shall not be altered after posting except by mutual agreement between the nurse(s) concerned and the Employer. Requests for specific days off duty shall be submitted in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to posting and granted, if possible in the judgment of the Employer. 1502 Requests for interchanges in posted shifts or a portion thereof shall also be submitted in writing, co-signed by the nurse willing to exchange shifts with the applicant. Where reasonably possible, interchanges in posted shifts are to be completed within the posted shift schedule. It is understood that any change in shifts or days off initiated by the nurses and approved by the Employer shall not result in overtime costs to the Employer. 1503 Night shift shall be considered as the first shift of each calendar day. 1504 Master rotations for each nursing unit shall be planned by the Employer in meaningful consultation with the nurse(s) concerned. The process for meaningful consultation shall include:  Employer proposes a master rotation including the Employer established criteria and provides to Nurses concerned  Nurses are provided reasonable time to submit feedback and/or an alternate master rotation for consideration.  The amended or new master rotation is provided to Nurses for review. Nurses are provided with a reasonable time to submit feedback.  At each step of the consultation process the Union will be provided with the new or revised master rotation to ensure contract compliance.  Employer has the sole discretion to select the new master rotation and provides rationale for the selection. Master Rotations shall, unless otherwise mutually agreed between the nurse(s) concerned and the Employer, observe the conditions listed hereinafter:

  • DELIVERY SCHEDULES In accordance with the "Non-State Agencies Participation in Centralized Contracts” and “Extension of Use” clauses herein, this Contract is extended to local governments, political subdivisions and others authorized by law as well as State agencies. The Delivery Schedules (based on Requirement Letter RL182) are available as a guide to indicate proposed delivery points and estimated annual requirements. Delivery Schedules may be revised or clarified as necessary. Any specific questions regarding the site conditions should be directed to the end-user at the telephone number shown on the Delivery Schedule. The Delivery Schedules are available upon request. Contractors shall be obligated to deliver under the Contract to any State agency which places a purchase order under the Contract, whether or not such delivery location is identified in the Delivery Schedules. Any political subdivision or other non-State entity which has not filed a requirement with OGS as of the date of the bid opening shall be eligible to receive deliveries at Contractor's option only, upon placement of a valid purchase order to the Contractor's address as indicated in the award. Contracts created by OGS in response to receipt of Filed Requirements are considered to be binding. At Contractor's request, Contractor will be advised in writing regarding political subdivisions or other Non-State entities which have filed on a timely basis but do not appear on the Delivery Schedule. Where “Standby” is indicated in the Delivery Schedule, this reflects those facilities which normally use a fuel supply (i.e. natural gas) other than fuel oil and will only use fuel oil when alternate fuel is unavailable.

  • Schedules Schedules to this Agreement form a part of it.

  • Embedded Software To the extent any goods contain Embedded Software (defined below) that is not Buyer’s Property, no title to such Embedded Software shall pass to Buyer, and Supplier shall grant Buyer, its customers and all other users a non-exclusive worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free right to use, load, install, execute, demonstrate, market, test, resell, sublicense and distribute such Embedded Software as an integral part of such goods or for servicing the goods (the “Buyer-Required License”). If such Embedded Software or any part thereof is owned by a third party, prior to delivery, Supplier shall obtain the Buyer-Required License from such third-party owner. “Embedded Software” means software necessary for operation of goods and embedded in and delivered as an integral part of goods.

  • Computer Equipment No computers and/or personal electronic devices, such as tablets and laptop computers, or any component thereof, may be purchased with funds provided under this Contract, regardless of purchase price, without prior written approval of ADMINISTRATOR. Any such purchase shall be in accordance with specifications provided by ADMINISTRATOR, be subject to the same inventory control conditions specified above in Subparagraphs 18.1.1 to 18.1.4, and, at the sole discretion of ADMINISTRATOR, become the property of COUNTY upon termination of this Contract.

  • COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE If performance involves acquisition of existing computer software, the following Company Exhibit is incorporated by reference: CCS Commercial Computer Software License (Company – July 2010).

  • Alternate Work Schedules Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for overtime-eligible employees by the Employer in order to meet business and customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and state law. When there is a holiday, employees may be required to switch from their alternate work schedules to regular work schedules.

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