Alternate Work Schedules Sample Clauses

Alternate Work Schedules. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for overtime-eligible employees by the Employer in order to meet business and customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and state law. When there is a holiday, employees may be required to switch from their alternate work schedules to regular work schedules.
Alternate Work Schedules. In response to an employee request, and subject to the operating needs of the department or agency, an appointing authority may, after consultation with the VSEA, establish alternative work schedules in which starting and quitting times, as well as length of meal breaks, for individual employees may vary from pre-established standard work schedules. Any newly established alternative work schedule established on or after July 1, 1990, shall be with the mutual agreement of management and the employee and subject to the concurrence of the VSEA and the Department of Human Resources. Alternative work schedules include job sharing, four (4) day workweek, alternative schedules with core time, and actual flex time.
Alternate Work Schedules. 1. Employees may request adjustments to their regular schedule and supervisors will adjust work hours during a workday or workdays during a workweek providing business and customer needs are met and there are no documented performance or attendance concerns. 2. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for overtime-eligible employees in order to meet business and customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and state laws. 3. Previously approved alternate work schedules may be permanently rescinded by the Employer if business and customer service needs are no longer being met, or if performance or attendance concerns occur. In such case, the Employer will provide notice to the employee with written confirmation to follow.
Alternate Work Schedules. Employees may be assigned to workweeks and work shifts of different lengths in order to meet business and customer service needs, or in response to an employee request as long as the work schedules comply with federal and state law. For full-time employees, alternate work schedules will contain two (2) consecutive days off unless the University and the employee mutually agree to an alternate schedule without two consecutive days off. The University may change the alternate work schedule in accordance with Article 7.3B. When there is a holiday, employees may be required to switch from their alternate work schedules to regular work schedules.
Alternate Work Schedules. Alternative work schedules must comply with federal and state laws. Alternate work schedules constitute all schedules other than schedules listed in Subsection 16.3 A and schedules for overtime eligible nurses of not more than eighty (80) hours within a fourteen (14) day work period. 1. The Employer and Union agree this Section allows for the establishment of alternative work schedules by mutual agreement between the Appointing Authority and the employee(s) requesting the alternate work schedule. If a request is approved, the Employer will notify the Union at least seven (7) days in advance of the effective date of the new schedule. 2. By mutual agreement, the Employer and the Union may also establish alternate work schedules. Requests and responses shall be in writing.
Alternate Work Schedules. By mutual agreement, the City and Union may enter into cost equivalent alternate work schedules for some or all represented employees. Such alternate work schedules may include full-time work weeks of more or less than five (5) days. Such changes in the work schedule shall not alter the basis for, nor entitlement to, receiving the same rights and privileges as those provided to employees on five (5) day, forty (40) hour week schedules.
Alternate Work Schedules. (a) Employees may be assigned to work weeks and work shifts of different lengths in order to meet business and customer service needs or in response to employee request. For full-time employees, alternate schedules will consist of forty (40) hours of work, with at least two (2) consecutive days off, in a seven (7) day period. Absent mutual agreement, alternate schedules will not include split shifts. (b) Upon employee request, the University will consider allowing an employee to work an alternate schedule with flexible starting and ending times set by agreement between the employee and his or her supervisor. Employee requests to work such a schedule will be granted or denied based on operating needs.
Alternate Work Schedules. Employees may request adjustments to their regular schedule and supervisors will consider adjusting work hours during a workday or workdays during a workweek. Work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for overtime-eligible employees in order to meet business and customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and state laws. The appropriate Division or Regional Program Manager or other Agency designee will consider commute trip reduction, work efficiency and other reasonable factors, such as employee needs, when setting work schedules. Alternate work schedules may be rescinded by the Appointing Authority or designee if business and customer service needs are not being met, or if performance or attendance concerns occur. In such case, the Employer will provide the basis for the change in writing to the employee.
Alternate Work Schedules. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be established for overtime-eligible nurses by the Employer in order to meet business, program and customer service needs, as long as the alternate work schedules meet federal and state laws. Nurses may request alternative work schedules and such requests will be approved by the Employer, subject to business, customer service and patient care needs. The Employer may disapprove requests if there are performance or attendance concerns. Previously approved alternate work schedules may be rescinded by the Employer if business, customer service or patient care needs are no longer being met, or if performance or attendance concerns occur. The Employer will consider nurses’ personal and family needs. Where such alternative work schedules are established or amended, the schedule shall include how the alternative schedule operates during a week in which there is a recognized holiday. If a supervisor rejects, or amends an alternative work schedule for holiday weeks, then the supervisor shall inform the employee, in writing, of the reason(s) for the rejection or amendment, including why the alternative work schedule will not meet the business, customer service and patient care needs.
Alternate Work Schedules. (a) Except for work schedules that have a thirty-six/forty-four (36/44) hour work schedule over a two (2) week period of time, and flexible work schedules, an alternate work schedule shall be defined as a work scheduled that is other than a five (5) day eight (8) hour work schedule with regularly established starting and stopping times. This section shall not apply to flexible work schedules or work schedules that have thirty-six/forty-four (36/44) hours worked over a period of two