Computing Your Interest Charge. We figure the interest charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the “Average Daily Balance” of Purchases and “Average Daily Balance” of Cash Advances, including current transactions.
Computing Your Interest Charge. We figure the
Computing Your Interest Charge. We figure the interest charge on
Computing Your Interest Charge. We figure the INTEREST CHARGE on your account by applying the periodic rate to the “Average Daily Balance” of each Balance Category on the account, including current transactions. Balance Categories include Purchases, Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, Introductory Rates and any special rate offers we may make available from time to time. If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $1.00 (the minimum interest charge will appear as “Minimum Charge” in the fees section of your statement).
Computing Your Interest Charge. We figure the interest charge on yo ur account by applying the periodic rate to the “Average Daily Balance” of Purchases and “Average Daily Balance” of Cash Advances, including cu rre n t transactions.