Average Daily Balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance” of Purchases, we take the beginning balance of your Credit Card account each day, add any new Purchases, and subtract any Cash Advances, payments, or other credits which were applied to Purchases, unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, late charges, membership fees, and other fees. If you paid the Purchases balance in full by the Payment Due Date in the previous billing cycle, in the current billing cycle we will credit payments otherwise applicable to Purchases based on our allocation method as of the first day of the current billing cycle. These computations give us the Purchases daily balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance” of Cash Advances, we take the beginning balance each day, add any new Cash Advances, and subtract any Purchases, payments, or other credits which were applied to Cash Advances, unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, late charges, membership fees, and other fees. This gives us the Cash Advances daily balance. Then we add up all of the Purchases or Cash Advance daily balances for the billing period and divide each total by the number of days in the billing period. This gives us the “Average Daily Balances.”
Average Daily Balance. Average daily balance is determined by taking the end-of-day balance in the account for each day in the statement period, add those balances together, and then divide by the number of days in the statement period. Business Days Our Business Days are Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Cash Deposits Please do not send cash deposits. In the event that cash deposits are received by the Bank, you agree that the Bank's determination of the amount of the deposit will be conclusive. The Bank is not liable for any deposits, including cash, lost in the mail. Check Forms and Special Conditions We require you to use a check printer that meets technical standards for checks that are acceptable to us and the Federal Reserve Bank System. We reserve the right to disregard any information on the check other than the drawer's signature, the payee, the amount, any magnetically-encoded information at the bottom of the check, and endorsements on the reverse side of the check unless we have previously agreed to do so in writing. For example, we will not be liable for any damages because we pay an Item which contained any conditional statement or restriction such as "Void after 90 days", "Void over $100", "Payment in Full", or "Two Signatures Required". We will adhere to such conditional statements only if you notify us of the statements before the Item is presented and we have specifically agreed in writing to honor such conditional payment restrictions. If an Item is returned or payment is delayed as a result of any writing or marking that you or a prior endorser placed on the front or back of the Item, you will be responsible for any cost and liabilities associated with such return or delay. Collected Balance Collected Balance is the Ledger Balance minus the amount of any deposited checks for which we have not received provisional credit from the bank of account. Your Collected Balance may be different than your Available Balance. Converting Checks to Electronic Debits Some businesses convert checks that you give them into electronic debits, sometimes referred to as an electronic check. When we receive the electronic debit, we charge your account immediately after the business enters the transaction, so you may have a reduced right to stop payment and may incur an overdraft if you do not have sufficient funds in your account to cover the amount of the check at the time you write the check or authorize the transaction. Since the check is not sent to us, we do n...
Average Daily Balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance” of Purchases, we take the beginning balance of your Credit Card acc o u n t each day, add any new Purchases, and subtract any Cash A d va n ces, payments, or other credits which were applied to Purchases, unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, late charges, membership fees, and other fees. If you paid the Purchases balance in full by the Payment Due Date in th e previous billing cycle, in the current billing cycle we will credit payme n t s otherwise applicable to Purchases based on our allocation method as of the first day of the current billing cycle. These computations give us th e Purchases daily balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance” of Cash Advances, we take the beginning balance each day, add any new Cash Advances, and subtract any Purchases, payments, or other credits which were applied to Cash Advances, unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, late charges, membership fees, and other fees. This gives us the Ca sh Advances daily balance. Then we add up all of the Purchases o r Ca sh Advance daily balances for the billing period and divide each total by the number of days in the billing period. This gives us the “Average Daily Balances.”
Average Daily Balance. The Interest Charge imposed on purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances with respect to a Billing Cycle will be determined by multiplying the Average Daily Balance of purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances by a Periodic Rate. The Average Daily Balance for purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances is calculated separately. We take the beginning balance of cash advances, balance transfers, or purchases in your account each day, add any new cash advances, balance transfers, and purchases (whichever are applicable) and subtract any payments or credits (and unpaid Interest Charges). This gives us the Daily Balance. Then we add up all the Daily Balances of cash advances and purchases for the billing cycle and divide the totals by the number of days in the billing cycle. This gives us the “Average Daily Balances” for purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances. Interest Charges start to accrue on cash advances, balance transfers, and purchases from the date the cash advance, balance transfer, or purchase is posted to your Account, and your Account balance is reduced when the Credit Union receives your payment or enters a credit. However, a portion of your balance that is the result of purchases has a different treatment if you pay all of that portion by at least twenty-eight (28) days after we send your billing statement. An Interest Charge will be imposed on the portion of purchases included in the New Balance that remains unpaid within 28 days after the closing date.
Average Daily Balance. To obtain the daily balance for each Balance Category we take the beginning balance each day and add new transactions applicable to each category, and subtract any payments, credits, and refunds applied to the category. To figure your Average Daily Balance for each Balance Category, we add all your daily balances and divide by the number of days in the billing period.
Average Daily Balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance of Purchases” we take the beginning balance of your Credit Card account each day, add any new Purchases, and subtract any unpaid interest or other finance charges, Cash Advances, payments, other credits that were applied to Purchases, late charges, membership fees, over-limit fees, and other fees. If you paid the Purchases balance in full by the Payment Due Date in the previous billing cycle, in the current billing cycle we will credit payments otherwise applicable to Purchases based on our allocation method as of the first day of the current billing cycle. These computations give us the Purchases daily balance. To get the “Average Daily Balance of Cash Advances” we take the beginning balance each day, add any new Cash Advances, and subtract any unpaid interest or other finance charges,
Average Daily Balance. To obtain the daily balance for each Balance Category we subtract any payments made within the grace period effective the first day of the billing cycle, then we take the beginning balance each day and add new transactions applicable to each category, and subtract any payments, credits, and refunds applied to the category. To figure your Average Daily Balance for each Balance Category, we add all your daily balances and divide by the number of days in the billing period.
Average Daily Balance. We determine the Average Daily Balance for each Account Segment when we calculate your interest payable every month. We explain how we determine the Average Daily Balance in the "Calculating interest" section.
Average Daily Balance. We shall calculate the Finance Charge using the method known as “Average Daily Balance,” which We shall obtain by adding the balances due at the end of each day of the billing period, and dividing the product into the number of days within said period. We shall determine the balances due at the end of each day by adding: (i) the previous day’s Final Balance, (ii) purchases of goods and services, and (iii) cash advances; and subtracting payments and other credits paid during the day. We shall add and subtract these items before computing the Finance Charge.
Average Daily Balance. To determine the “Average Daily Balance,” we take the beginning balance on your account each day, add any new advances/purchases/fees, and subtract any payments or credits and any unpaid fees and finance charges. This gives us the daily balance. Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle. This gives us the “Average Daily Balance.”