Human Resources (i) Advice and assistance in relation to the staffing of Party B, including assistance in the recruitment, employment and secondment of management personnel, administrative personnel and staff of Party B; (ii) Training of management, staff and administrative personnel; (iii) Assistance in the development of sound payroll administrative controls in Party B; (iv) Advice and assistance in the relocation of management and staff of Party B;
General Counsel The General Counsel subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the management and direction of the day-to-day legal affairs of the Company. The General Counsel shall perform such other duties and may exercise such other powers as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the President.
Responsibility of Dual Directors, Officers and/or Employees If any person who is a director, officer or employee of the Adviser is or becomes a Trustee, officer and/or employee of the Fund and acts as such in any business of the Fund pursuant to this Agreement, then such director, officer and/or employee of the Adviser shall be deemed to be acting in such capacity solely for the Fund, and not as a director, officer or employee of the Adviser or under the control or direction of the Adviser, although paid by the Adviser.
Relationship Management LAUSD expects Contractors and their Representatives to ensure that their business dealings with and/or on behalf of LAUSD are conducted in a manner that is above reproach.
Telephone Consultation When an Employee, who has been assigned on-call duty, is consulted by telephone and is authorized to handle patient/resident/client matters without returning to the workplace, such Employee shall be paid at the overtime rate for the total accumulated time spent on telephone consultation(s), and corresponding required documentation, during the on-call period. If telephone consultation has been provided by the Employee and the total accumulated time spent on such telephone consultation(s) and corresponding required documentation, during the on-call period, is less than 30 minutes, the Employee shall be compensated at the overtime rate for 30 minutes.
President and Chief Executive Officer The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Trust, unless the Board of Trustees designates the chairman as chief executive officer. The chief executive officer shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Trustees are carried into effect. The chief executive officer shall also be the chief administrative officer of the Trust and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Board of Trustees may from time to time prescribe.
Relationship Managers The Participant Relationship Manager and the Reclaim Fund Relationship Manager at the date of this agreement for the purposes of clause 27 of Part B of this agreement are as follows: (a) the Participant Relationship Manager: Xxxxxx Xxxxx; and
Chief Operating Officer The Chief Operating Officer shall be responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Company and shall see to it that all orders of the Chief Executive Officer are carried into effect.
INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION 8.1 You are entitled under the General Data Protection Regulation to access personal data we hold on you in our housing files. We will provide you with a copy of any such information we hold within one calendar month of your request. You may have other rights under the General Data Protection Regulation in relation to your personal data, which we will honour. You are entitled to check information you have provided in connection with your housing application free of charge. 8.2 We will publish an annual report on our housing management performance which you may obtain from us on request. We will give you information about our complaints procedure. 8.3 On request, we will provide you with information relating to: • the terms of your tenancy; • our policy and procedures on setting rent charges; • our policy and rules about: - admission to the housing lists; - allocations; - transfers of tenants between houses; - exchanges of houses between our tenants, and tenants of other landlords; - repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy; • our arrangements for taking decisions about housing management and services. 8.4 We will consult you about making or changing: • policies regarding housing management, repairs and maintenance if the proposal is likely to significantly affect you; • proposals for changes in rent and service charges where they affect all or a class of tenants (and you are to be affected); • proposals for the sale or transfer of your house to another landlord; • decisions about the information to be provided relating to our standards of housing management and performance; • performance standards or targets in relation to housing management repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy. We will take into account any views that you have before making a final decision. Any consultation with you will include giving you comprehensive information in an accessible form and reasonable time to express views.
Data Protection Officer 10.1 The Data Processor will appoint a Data Protection Officer where such appointment is required by Data Protection Laws and Regulations.