CONTRACT LIMIT. FEES, AND EXPENSES The GLO will grant CDBG-DR funding to Developer at a firm fixed price in the amount of $1,506,000.00, in accordance with Attachment A. To submit a draw request, Developer shall submit to the GLO Form 11.04, Building Contractor’s Request for Payment, along with all required supporting documentation, upon completion of Payment Benchmarks in accordance with the terms outlined in Attachment A.
a) Developer’s GLO Contract Number;
b) the current amount being billed;
c) the cumulative amount billed previously;
d) the balance remaining to be billed; and
e) an itemized statement of services performed, including documentation required by the Contract, such as invoices, receipts, statements, stubs, tickets, time sheets, and other information that, in the judgment of the GLO, provides full substantiation of reimbursable costs incurred.
a) be submitted to XX.Xxxxxxx@XXX.Xxxxx.Xxx; and
b) be supported by documentation that, in the judgment of the GLO, fully substantiates costs incurred; and
c) prominently display "GLO Contract No. 19-097-008-B626."
CONTRACT LIMIT. Designated Remedial Classes 24 HIGH SCHOOL All Classes - 30 except, P.E. - 40 HS Health - 34 Life skills - 30 Yearbook - 30 Computers - 30, or equal to number of computers in room Instrumental/Vocal Music Unlimited Designated Remedial Classes 24 At no time shall a class exceed the reasonable physical limits of the classroom, lab facility, or number of work stations available and equipped for students.
CONTRACT LIMIT. The limit of this Agreement shall not exceed the amount shown in Table B-1 without approval from TAMPA BAY WATER in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement.
CONTRACT LIMIT. The maximum value of all of the orders that may be placed during the ordering period(s) is $600,000,000. If the maximum value is reached before the duration of the contract, no new task orders may be placed.
CONTRACT LIMIT. Total Payment by the ADAMH Board for the services rendered by Provider will not exceed a total of $ for the contract period.
CONTRACT LIMIT. For services performed and costs incurred during the term of the Agreement, the total amount billed during the term of the contract shall not exceed $ .
CONTRACT LIMIT. DK/TI 22 Kindergarten - 22 1 - 24 2 - 26 3 - 26 4 - 28 5 - 28 K-5 Art - 32 K-5 Music - 36 K-5 P.E. 36 6, 7, and 8 CORE classes 29 6-8 Health (TCB) 34 6-8 Computers - 30, or equal to number of computers in room Instrumental/Vocal Music Unlimited Designated Remedial Classes 24 HIGH SCHOOL All Classes - 30 except, P.E. - 40 HS Health - 34 Life skills - 30 Yearbook - 30 Computers - 30, or equal to number of computers in room Instrumental/Vocal Music Unlimited Designated Remedial Classes 24 At no time shall a class exceed the reasonable physical limits of the classroom, lab facility, or number of work stations available and equipped for students.
CONTRACT LIMIT. FEES, AND EXPENSES The form of invoice will be prescribed by the Subrecipient and made available to Provider in a separate submission from the Subrecipient. At a minimum, invoices must clearly reflect:
(a) Provider’s Contract Number;
(b) the name and GLO Contract Number (12 digits) of the Subrecipient Agreement to which services have been provided;
(c) the current amount being billed;
(d) the cumulative amount billed previously;
(e) the balance remaining to be billed; and
(f) an itemized statement of services performed, including documentation as required under the Contract, such as invoices, receipts, statements, stubs, tickets, time sheets, and any other which, in the judgment of the Subrecipient, provides full substantiation of reimbursable costs incurred. Subject to the maximum Contract amount authorized herein, upon specific, prior, written approval by the Subrecipient, lodging, travel, and other incidental direct expenses may be reimbursed under this Contract for professional or technical personnel who are (a) away from the cities in which they are permanently assigned; (b) conducting business specifically authorized by the Subrecipient; and (c) performing services not originally contemplated in the Scope of Services. The limit for such reimbursements shall be the rates established by the Comptroller of the State of Texas, as outlined in the State of Texas travel guidelines, TexTravel. If a rate within the limits set forth in TexTravel is not available, Provider shall use its best efforts to obtain the lowest available room rate. Provider shall obtain prior approval from the Subrecipient.
CONTRACT LIMIT. FEES AND EXPENSES., is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: CENTS ($780,000.00) as approved by the Executive Director effective as of the date executed by the Parties in Amendment No. 2.”
CONTRACT LIMIT. FEES AND EXPENSES., is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($21,475,647.00) as approved by the RRC Commissioner as on December 7, 2021.”