Vocal Music Sample Clauses
Vocal Music. For each class section of secondary choral music a teacher is scheduled to teach, five (5) hours of an accompanist’s service will be provided weekly (during the school day and/or during performances).
Vocal Music. At the secondary level an accompanist will be provided for performing classes with thirty five (35) or more students and at performances.
Vocal Music a. Senior High Choir (includes Village Green retreat, festivals, concerts, rehearsals, etc.) 13%
b. Middle School Choir (includes festivals, concerts, rehearsals, etc.) 4.0%
c. Middle School Band/Choir Assistant 2.0% d. Elementary Vocal (for each Music Teacher) 2.0% 9. Intramurals* (per activity) 1.5% 10. Debate and Forensic 4.5% 11. Senior High Yearbook - Printed 6.5% 12. Senior High Yearbook - Video 6.5% 13. Middle School Yearbook - Printed 4.0% 14. Senior High Newspaper 6.5% 15. Noon Hour Supervision 3% 16. OM Coordinator 3.0% 17. OM Coach 2.0% 18. NCA Chairperson 3.0% 19. Driver Education Coordinator 6.0% 20. 7th/8th Grade Student Council 3.0% 21. High School Student Council 4.0% 22. Advanced Placement (AP) Coordinator 2.0% 23. Dance Team 3.0% 24. Equestrian Team 2.0% 25. FFA (including the summer program) 5.0% 26. Quiz Bowl 2.0% 27. Project Close-up 2.0% 28. Wellness—Weight Room Supervisor—HS—Fall 4.0% 29. Wellness—Weight Room Supervisor—HS—Winter 4.0% 30. Wellness—Weight Room Supervisor—HS—Spring 3.0% 31. Wellness—Weight Room Supervisor—HS—Summer Paid hourly—Athletic Fund
Vocal Music. No individual class shall exceed sixty (60) students.
Vocal Music. 1. All percentages based on Step 7 of the B.A. schedule.
2. These stipends paid when performances are approved in advance by the superintendent. 3. Elementary Musicals 3% Section 6 OTHER
A. This agreement shall constitute the full and complete commitments between both parties and may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from or modified only through the voluntary mutual consent of the parties in written and signed amendment to this Agreement.
B. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher, heretofore executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and condition of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
C. This Agreement shall supersede any rules, regulations or practices of the Board which shall be contrary to its terms.
D. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of the Agreement to any employee or group of employees shall be found contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
E. Two copies of this Agreement will be printed at the expense of the Board of Education. All additional copies requested by the Association and the Board will be shared on a proration basis in the reproducing of a printed, bound copy.
F. This Agreement shall not be effective until ratified by the Board of Education and by the membership of the Association.
G. Teacher's eligible to retire under the Michigan Retirement Law will submit to the Board a written notice of intention to retire at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date of retirement.
H. Each teacher, upon request by the District, shall submit to a general physical examination by a physician designated by the District. The cost of such examination shall be borne by the District.
I. While acting in their professional capacity, teachers will not publicly criticize the District, board members, or the administrative staff and likewise while acting in their appointed capacity the Board and administration will not publicly criticize a teacher.
J. The administration or the Board has the right to call a meeting of teachers during the school day, as defined in Section 3. x.X.
X. During the negotiating process, if an impasse should develop, both sides, the Board and the Association, have the rig...
Vocal Music. 1. All percentages based on Step 7 of the B.A. schedule.
2. These stipends paid when performances are approved in advance by the superintendent. 3. Elementary Musicals 3% Section 6 OTHER
A. This agreement shall constitute the full and complete commitments between both parties and may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from or modified only through the voluntary mutual consent of the parties in written and signed amendment to this Agreement.
B. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher, heretofore executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and condition of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
C. This Agreement shall supersede any rules, regulations or practices of the Board which shall be contrary to its terms.
D. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of the Agreement to any employee or group of employees shall be found contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
E. Two copies of this Agreement will be printed at the expense of the Board of Education. All additional copies requested by the Association and the Board will be shared on a proration basis in the reproducing of a printed, bound copy.
Vocal Music. Senior High Choir (includes Village Green retreat, festivals, concerts, rehearsals, etc.)
Vocal Music. For each class section of secondary choral music a teacher is scheduled to teach, five
Vocal Music a. Senior High Choir (includes Village Green retreat, festivals, concerts, rehearsals, etc.) 13%
b. Middle School Choir (includes festivals, concerts, rehearsals, etc.) 4.0%
c. Middle School Band/Choir Assistant 2.0%
d. Elementary Vocal (for each Music Teacher) 2.0%
Vocal Music. (If responsible for a high school musical, a 1.5 differential is added.) Band (If responsible for a high school musical, a 1.5 differential is added. If band participates in 5 or more adjudicated marching contests, 2 of which must be field performances and 1 of which must be a parade, a 5.0 differential is added.) Drill Team Color Guard Senior High: Coordinator Technical Director: (If more Cross Country than two public dramatic productions are approved by the principal and are performed, increase Technical High School: Yearbook Newspaper 909 911 913 915 917 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Differ‐ ential Factor 9.0 2175 2610 3045 3480 Step 1 3915 2262 2715 3167 3619 Step 2 4072 2349 2819 3289 3758 Step 3 4228 2436 2923 3411 3898 Step 4 4385 2523 3028 3533 4037 Step 5 4542 2610 3132 3654 4176 Step 6 4698 2697 3237 3776 4315 Step 7 4855 2784 3341 3898 4455 Step 8 5012 2871 3445 4020 4594 Step 9 5168 2958 3550 4141 4733 Step 10 5325 0000 0000 0000 4872 Step 11 5481 3132 3759 4385 5011 Step 12 5638 0000 0000 0000 5151 Step 13 5795 3306 3967 4629 5290 Step 14 5951 3414 4097 4780 5463 Step 15 6146 3523 4227 4932 5636 Step 16 6341 Differential Schedule for Employees, 2021‐22, for School District 24J Differential Schedule for Employees, 2021‐22, for Activities Involving Supervision of Students Xxxxxx County Activities Involving Supervision of Students Beyond Beyond the Regular Employee Day Salem, Oregon Regular Employee Day