CONTRACTED AREA. The Contracted Area is called “GUAYUYACO”, with an area of twenty one thousand one hundred ninety-one (21,191) hectares and five thousand eight hundred (5,800) square meters, which coincides with the Contracted Area of the CPR Xxxxxxx and is located within the municipal jurisdictions of Villa Xxxxxx, Puerto Xxxxxx, and Mocoa in the Department of Putumayo and Piamonte, in the province of Cauca. The commercial reservoirs of the CPR Xxxxxxx, Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx and Toroyaco, are excluded. This area and the commercial reservoirs are described in Attachment “A”, which is part of this contract.
CONTRACTED AREA. Surface and its projection in subsoil identified in Clause 3 and bordered in Attachment A, in which THE CONTRACTOR has been authorized, pursuant to this contract, to perform the Hydrocarbon Exploration, Evaluation and Exploitation Operations thereof.
CONTRACTED AREA. The Contracted Area is called "CRIXXXXXX" xnd it encompasses an extension of eighty two thousand eight hundred and fifty four (82.854) hectares and five hundred and seventy two (572) square meters, and is located in the jurisdiction
CONTRACTED AREA. This is the Volume defined in Clause 3 above, described in Annex "A" to this Contract.
CONTRACTED AREA. 2 CLAUSE 4. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................3 CHAPTER II - EXPLORATION.................................................................................7 CLAUSE 5.
CONTRACTED AREA. The Contracted Area is called "RIO XXXXXXXXX", with an area of fifty eight thousand five hundred forty six (58,546) hectares, with forty-six (46) square meters. This sector is located within the municipal jurisdictions of San Xxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Puli, and EMPRESA COLOMBIANA DE PETROLEOS ECOPETROL RIO XXXXXXXXX ASSOCIATION CONTRACT Pag. 3 Guataqui, in the province of Cundinamarca and Guatabal, Lerida, Venadillo, Ambalema and Piedras, in the province of Tolima. This area is described in Attachment "A" which is part of this contract.
Paragraph 1. Should any person file a claim asserting ownership of the Hydrocarbons in the subsoil within the Contracted Area, ECOPETROL shall deal with the case, assuming such obligations as may arise.
Paragraph 2. Should a part of the Contracted Area extend over the areas that are or have been reserved and declared as included in the National Park System, THE ASSOCIATE is thus committed to comply with the conditions set forth by the competent authorities, not implying an amendment to this Contract and not allowing for any claim against ECOPETROL, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Clause 30 (item 30.2) herein.
CONTRACTED AREA. The Contracted Area is called "RIO XXXXXXXXX", with an area of fifty eight thousand five hundred forty six (58,546) hectares, with forty-six (46) square meters. This sector is located within the municipal jurisdictions of San Xxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Puli, and <PAGE> EMPRESA COLOMBIANA DE PETROLEOS ECOPETROL RIO XXXXXXXXX ASSOCIATION CONTRACT Pag. 3 Guataqui, in the province of Cundinamarca and Guatabal, Lerida, Venadillo, Ambalema and Piedras, in the province of Tolima. This area is described in Attachment "A" which is part of this contract.
CONTRACTED AREA. This is the land defined in Clause 3 above, described in Annex "A" to this Contract.
CONTRACTED AREA. The Contracted Area is known as "RIO SECO", and comprises an area of seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty five (17,465) hectares with fifteen hundred 1,500 square meters and is located within the municipal jurisdictions of Caparrapi, La Palma, Chaguani, Guaduas, and San Juan de Rio Seco in the Department of Cundinamarca. This area is desxxxxed herein below and, as shown in the map enclosed as Annex "A" of this Contract, which also includes the corresponding calculations. As frame of reference the Geodesic Vertex "COCO - 217" is utilized, from the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute, whose GAUSS flat coordinates oxxxxxxxxxx xx Xanta Fe de Bogota are: N-1,065,143.80 065, 143.80, E-938,570.41, corresponding with the geographic coordinates: Latitude 5(degree) 11' 16.42" North of the Equator, Longitude 74(degree) 38' 05.9" West of Greenwich. From this point of reference one continues in a Northeasterly course 21(degree) 40' 12.66" for a distance of 5,225.51 meters until arriving at point "A", the departing point for the marking of the boundaries, which coordinates are: N-1,070,000.00, E-940,500.00. The straight line "A-B" runs Eastbound and is 7,115 meters in length. Point "B" coincides at a point with one point of the Dindal Contract. From point "B" one continues Southbound to point "C" which coordinates are: N-1'065.000.00, E-947.615.00. The straight line "B-C" has a length of 4,100 meters. From point "C" Westbound one arrives at point "D" which coordinates are: N-1'065.900.00, E-943,700.00. The straight line "C-D" has a length of 3,915 meters. From this point one continues to point "E", having coordinates N-1'038.000.00, E- 943.700.00. The straight line "
CONTRACTED AREA. Comprises the sur- face delimited by the coordinates in Annex B. The Contracted Area shall be gradually reduced in accordance with the provisions in Chapter IX.