COPY CREDITS. If applicable, if a copier is being rented, the Customer will receive one (1) copy credit for each copy presented to Vendor which, in the Customer’s opinion, is unusable and also for each copy which was produced during servicing of the equipment. Copy credits will be issued only if Vendor is responsible for providing equipment services or maintenance services (except time and materials maintenance). Copy credits will be reflected on the invoice as a reduction in the total copy volume, except for run length plans which will be credited at a specific copy credit rate as shown on the applicable price list.
COPY CREDITS. If applicable, for each print device in the Cost-Per-Image Agreement, the Customer will receive one (1) image credit for each image presented to Vendor which, in the Customer’s opinion, is unusable and also for each image which was produced during servicing of the equipment. Image credits will be reflected on the invoice as a reduction in the total copy volume, except for run length plans which will be credited at a specific image credit rate as shown on the applicable price list.