CORPS. DANCER - An individual dancer engaged for a non-solo dance performance.
CORPS. A leave of absence, not to exceed two complete school years, may be granted to any teacher who is accepted for service in the Peace Corps. Upon return to the service of the District, said teacher shall be granted salary step credit for the period of time the teacher was on leave and shall have any sick leave and unused vacation benefits restored. An incomplete probationary period, if any, must be completed upon reinstatement.
CORPS. Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in the Democratic Republic of East Timor. Signed at Dili May 24, 2002; en- tered into force May 24, 2002. TIAS
CORPS. Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps program in Equatorial Guinea. Exchange of notes at Malabo November 18, 1987; entered into force November 18, 1987. TIAS International express mail agreement, with de- tailed regulations. Signed at Malabo and Wash- ington April 9 and May 21, 1991; entered into force July 1, 1991. TIAS 11810.
CORPS. Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps of the United States in Estonia. Signed at Tallinn February 6, 1992; entered into force February 6, 1992. TIAS ; 1939 UNTS 113. International express mail agreement, with de- tailed regulations. Signed at Tallinn and Wash- ington December 31, 1991 and February 10, 1992; entered into force March 7, 1992. TIAS 11852. Postal money order agreement. Signed at Tallinn and Washington March 9 and 22, 1993; entered into force June 1, 1993. TIAS 11920.
CORPS. Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps program in the Democratic Re- public of the Congo. Exchange of notes at Kinshasa May 8 and October 12, 1970; entered into force October 12, 1970. 23 UST 268; TIAS 7304. International express mail agreement, with de- tailed regulations. Signed at Kinshasa and Washington June 29 and July 20, 1990; en- tered into force August 30, 1990. TIAS 11736.
CORPS. Agreement concerning the program of the Peace Corps in Niue. Signed at Alofi Sep- tember 23, 1994; entered into force September 23, 1994. TIAS 12109. Agreement regarding U.S. approval for re- transfer of U.S. defense articles and services to NATO for purposes of supporting the NATO– led Implementation Force (IFOR). Exchange of letters at Brussels December 18, 1995; entered into force December 18, 1995. TIAS
CORPS. ASS’NS CODE XXX., §4A-101 et seq. (the “Act”) pursuant to articles of organization filed on November 9, 2005.
CORPS. Agreement relating to the establishment of a Peace Corps program in El Salvador. Exchange of notes at San Salvador August 11, November 13 and 20, 1961; entered into force November 13, 1961. 12 UST 2983; TIAS 4899; 433 UNTS 221. International express mail agreement, with de- tailed regulations. Signed at San Salvador and Washington August 29 and October 6, 1989; entered into force October 30, 1989. TIAS 11689. Postal money order agreement. Signed at Mex- ico August 16, 1991; entered into force Octo- ber 1, 1991. TIAS 11800.
CORPS. ASS’NS CODE XXX., §4A-101, et seq. (the “Act”) pursuant to articles of organization filed on June 25, 2007.