LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 16.01 The Employer may, at its discretion, grant a leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority to an employee for personal reasons. All requests for such leave of absence shall be in writing as far in advance as practical. The Employer agrees to reply to such request in writing within seven (7) working days whenever possible. Requests for such leave will not be denied in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. 16.02 It is understood that employees on leave of absence shall not use the time granted for purposes other than declared in their request for such leave. Failure to abide by this clause may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination. 16.03 The Union shall be notified of all leaves granted under this Article and shall be provided with a copy of the document setting out the terms and conditions of the leave of absence. 16.04 Employees who have been selected by the Union to attend Union conventions or conferences or attend to other Union business shall be granted a leave of absence by the Employer so long as only one person per department is on such leave of absence at any one time. The Unit Grievor shall notify the Employer in writing not less than ten (10) days prior to the start of the leave of absence of the names of the members requiring leave. The employer reserves the right to deny the request if made less than 10 days prior to the start of the leave. Seniority shall accumulate during such period. 16.05 The Employer shall continue to provide all benefit, for all leaves less than thirty (30) days in duration. 16.06 Employees required to attend to union business pas per article 16.04 will be paid by the Union except as prescribed in 7.03. 16.07 The Employer agrees to grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year to work in an official capacity for the Union, provided such request is made by an authorized representative of the International Union. The Union agrees to notify the Employer fourteen (14) days prior to the return to work of such employee.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 21.01 Where operational requirements permit, leave of absence with pay by means of salary continuation, and without loss of seniority may be granted to any employee elected or appointed to represent the Union at Union conventions and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for receipt of such pay. The Union shall give the Employer at least 14 days notice of such leave. Such leave will not be unreasonably denied. 21.02 Where operational requirements permit, Union members selected to represent the Union during negotiations up to and including conciliation shall be paid for the time in attendance of the sessions by the Employer, for any lost time, up to three (3) members. With reasonable notice to the Employer, Union members selected to represent the Union in arbitration cases while processing grievances or other Union business shall be granted a leave of absence with pay, by means of salary continuation, and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for receipt of such pay. 21.03 If an employee is summoned for jury duty, he/she shall be paid by the Employer the difference between the regular hourly salary rate for the number of hours he/she otherwise would have been scheduled to work and the daily jury duty or witness fee paid. 21.04 On the occasion of the birth of his child, a male employee shall be allowed one day special leave with pay. 21.05 Employees shall be entitled to maternity and/or child care leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. 21.06 Employees shall be entitled to family responsibility leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. 21.07 “Voluntary Leave of Absence not to exceed one year” An employee desiring a leave of absence without pay may be granted leave in so far as regular operations of the Company will permit, providing reasonable written notice is given to the Company. Such leave of absence shall not exceed what, in the opinion of the Company, is a reasonable period of time to a maximum of twelve (12) months. Leaves shall be subject to approval by the Company. An employee will be informed of any conditions applicable to such leave. In addition, an employee may not seek or obtain alternate employment with a competitor while on Leave of Absence.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. With respect to the Award, the Company may, in its sole discretion, determine that if you are on leave of absence for any reason you will not be considered as having terminated employment with the Company; however, your rights to the Restricted Stock Units during a leave of absence will be limited to the extent to which those rights were earned or vested when the leave of absence began.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 13.1 Leave of absence may be granted to Regular employees by the City Manager for urgent and substantial reasons, up to a maximum of one year (except when the employee is receiving long term disability benefits in which case a time limit of five (5) continuous years shall apply), providing satisfactory arrangements can be made to perform the employee’s duties without undue interference with the normal routine of work. Inability to return to work after an employee’s sick leave has been exhausted will be considered as an urgent and substantial reason and in such cases a leave will be granted. 13.2 A leave of absence will commence on and include the first workday on which the employee is absent and terminates with and includes the workday preceding the day the employee returns to work. 13.3 All applications for leave of absence shall be made in writing except when the employee is unable to do so. The conditions under which an employee will be restored to employment on the termination of leave of absence shall be clearly stated by the City in conjunction with the granting of a leave of absence. Upon an employee’s return to work after a leave of absence, the employee will be reinstated to the employee’s former position and working conditions, providing that the employee is capable of performing the duties of the employee’s former position, except that if there has been a reduction of forces or the employee’s position has been eliminated during said leave, the employee will be returned to the position the employee would be in, had the employee not been on a leave of absence. 13.4 An employee’s status as a Regular employee will not be impaired by such leave of absence and the employee’s seniority will accrue. 13.5 If an employee fails to return immediately on the expiration of the employee’s leave of absence or if the employee accepts other full-time employment while on leave, the employee will thereby forfeit the leave of absence and terminate the employee’s employment with the City. 13.6 An employee on a leave of absence as provided herein shall not accrue vacation or sick leave benefits nor maintain group insurance coverage. An employee may, however, at the employee’s option and expense, maintain the employee’s group insurance coverage providing the full monthly premium is received in the Finance Department of the City on or before the first day of the month for which the premium is intended. Notwithstanding the above, however, if the leave of absence is as a ...
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 13.01 The Company may grant leave of absence without pay at its discretion. Such leaves shall be for stated periods and shall not exceed three (3) months, unless both the Union and the Company mutually agree otherwise. A request for leave of absence without pay will be answered in five (5) working days. 13.02 The Company's payment towards all group insurance benefits shall be suspended after the first month of any leave of absence granted under Article 13.01, for employees with less than three (3) years of service, for employees with three (3) to five (5) years of service, payment will be suspended after two (2) months, and for employees with five (5) years' service or over, after three (3) months. They will be reinstated upon the return of the employee to full-time duty. If the employee wishes continuation of these benefits during such a leave, it will be his/her responsibility to pay the total cost of these group insurance benefits prior to starting the leave of absence. 13.03 Pregnancy leave shall be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, Part XI and Article 13.02 shall apply. Entitlement to benefits under the collective agreement will be in accordance with the Employment Standards Act of Ontario, as may be amended from time to time. 13.04 Notwithstanding Article 13.03 above, if an employee is entitled to pregnancy leave under Section 35(1) of the Employment Standards Act, as may be amended from time to time, she will be treated for the purpose of calculating vacation pay credits only as if she worked her normal regular weekly hours for a period of seventeen (17) weeks or for the actual duration of her pregnancy leave, whichever is the shorter period of time. The employee's vacation pay credits for the above time period will be based on the percentage rate she is entitled to under Article 15. The parties further agree that under no circumstances is it to be construed that an employee is to be entitled to any pay, other than vacation pay credits as is provided under this Article, while off on pregnancy leave. Finally, the parties agree that this Article is not applicable to an employee on Parental Leave under Section 38(1) of the Employment Standards Act, as may be amended from time to time.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Employees on leave of absence without pay may opt to retain coverage under the Plan and shall pay the full premium. Coverage shall be permitted for a period of twelve (12) months of absence without pay, except if such leave is for educational purposes, when the maximum period shall be extended to two (2) years. If an employee on leave of absence without pay becomes disabled, her allowance under this Plan shall be based upon monthly earnings immediately prior to the leave of absence.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 13.1 Leave of absence may be granted to Regular employees by the City Manager for urgent and substantial reasons, up to a maximum of one year (except when the employee is receiving long term disability benefits in which case a three (3) year time limit shall apply) providing satisfactory arrangements can be made to perform the employee’s duties without undue interference with the normal routine of work. Inability to return to work after an employee’s sick leave has been exhausted will be considered as an urgent and substantial reason and in such cases a leave will be granted. If the employee is approved to return to work both by the employee’s and City’s medical doctors, but the employee is physically unable to return to the previously held position, the City will work with the employee and the Union in an effort to place the employee in a vacant position within the City for which the employee is qualified and physically able to perform. 13.2 A leave of absence will commence on and include the first workday on which the employee is absent and terminates with and includes the workday preceding the day the employee returns to work. 13.3 All applications for leave of absence shall be made in writing except when the employee is unable to do so. The conditions under which an employee will be restored to employment on the termination of leave of absence shall be clearly stated by the City in conjunction with the granting of a leave of absence. An employee is required to provide periodic medical certifications as to the conditions necessitating the leave if the leave is as a result of exhaustion of sick leave and report at the request of the City during the leave regarding the employee’s status and intention to return to work. Upon an employee’s return to work after a leave of absence, the employee will be reinstated to the employee’s former position and working conditions, providing that the employee is capable of performing the duties of the employee’s former position, except that if there has been a reduction of forces or the employee’s position has been eliminated during said leave, the employee will be returned to the position the employee would be in, had the employee not been on a leave of absence. 13.4 An employee’s status as a Regular employee will not be impaired by such leave of absence and the employee’s seniority will accrue. 13.5 If an employee fails to return immediately on the expiration of the employee’s leave of absence or if the employee accept...
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. A one (1) year leave of absence will be granted to any fully certified teacher who has completed not less than two (2) years of service in the District and who has been recommended for employment during the succeeding year in the following cases: A. Should a teacher desire to further his/her education by attendance at a college or university, or, if vocational personnel, at a technical school, or if a teacher accepts a position in a state or national educational office, a notice of intent and application for leave should be submitted by the teacher as early in the preceding school year as is possible. A leave of absence for travel when an accredited institution gives college credit may be approved. B. Should it be impossible for a teacher to fulfill a teaching contract during the contract year or the succeeding year because of illness, childbirth or adoption, family emergency or other circumstances beyond the teacher's control, an application for such leave may be made at the time the necessity for the leave becomes known and if a qualified replacement can be secured, the leave will be granted. The Board of Trustees will attempt to make written contact with the teacher on the leave of absence during March of the leave year for the purpose of receiving the teacher's intent towards teaching in the District for the succeeding year. Documentation of this attempt will be placed in the personnel file of the teacher on leave. The teacher must notify the Board in writing no later than April 1 if he/she wishes to accept a contract. If the teacher's intention is to accept a contract, the teacher is guaranteed a position upon return unless the position was RIFed. Should the position not be RIFed, the teacher may be guaranteed a return to the same position if his/her request to return to that position is approved by the board prior to the beginning of the leave of absence. The board's prior approval will be contingent upon the ability of the District to find a suitable replacement and the recommendation of the school principal. A leave of absence will be considered a break in service. The teacher returning from leave will be placed on the current salary schedule in the step following that of his/her last full term contract, and in the appropriate column for academic preparation. Xxxx leave accumulated prior to the leave of absence will be credited to the teacher upon resumption of services in the District.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 20.1 Employees requesting time off for the purpose of attending Labour Conventions or other union business not connected with this agreement shall be granted such time off without pay subject to the following conditions: (a) Number of Employees not to exceed five (5) for each period of leave, and (b) Maximum days not to exceed twenty (20) working days in any calendar year, and (c) Maximum days not to exceed thirty (30) working days in any calendar year for the President of the Local, and (d) The number of Employees from any one department shall be limited to one (1) save and except that the Employer shall give consideration to a request by the Union that more than one (1) Employee from a department or sub-department in the case of large departments be permitted leave of absence, and (e) The Union shall notify the Director of Labour Relations in writing of the names of Employees to be granted time off under the conditions as outlined in this Article not less than four (4) calendar days before such leave is to be taken. 20.2 An Employee shall be granted five (5) regularly scheduled consecutive work days bereavement leave, without loss of pay or benefits, on the death of a spouse, common-law spouse, same sex partner, a parent, step parent, adopted or xxxxxx parent of the Employee or the Employee's spouse, a child, step-child, or Xxxxxx child of the Employee or the Employee's spouse, a grandparent, step grandparent, grandchild or step grandchild of the Employee or of the Employee's spouse, the spouse of a child, the Employee's brother or sister, the Employee's parent-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. Such bereavement leave shall be taken at the time of that bereavement or at the time the Employee received notification of such bereavement. Proof of bereavement may be required by the Director of Labour Relations or designate. The definition of immediate family shall be deemed to apply equally to Employees engaged in a common-law relationship that are deemed to be spouses pursuant to the Family Law Reform Act, as amended. Where the burial occurs outside the Province, reasonable traveling time up to seven (7) calendar days without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Employee’s Department Head. In order to receive the paid leave provided for in this Clause, absence must result in loss of time and pay from a regular shift and the Employee must have worked the day before or the day after, provided that an Employee granted ...
LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 2401 The nurse will be required to submit a written request for any leave of absence unless otherwise herein stipulated. These requests will specify the reason for the leave and will be considered on an individual basis and may be allowed at the discretion of the Employer unless otherwise indicated in the agreement; however, requests for education leave will be given special consideration. Except in emergencies, such requests must be made at least four (4) weeks in advance. The Employer shall notify the nurse of her/his decision in writing, within two (2) weeks of receipt of the request. Requests for extension of educational leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, and bereavement leave will be granted if reasonably possible.