Professional Growth Sample Clauses
Professional Growth. The Superintendent shall devote the Superintendent’s time, attention, and energy to the direction, administration, and supervision of the District. The Board, however, encourages the continued professional growth of the Superintendent through the Superintendent’s active attendance at and participation in appropriate professional meetings at the local, regional, state and national levels. The Board shall encourage the use of data and information sources, and shall encourage the participation of the Superintendent in pertinent education seminars and courses offered by public or private institutions or by educational associations, as well as the participation in informational meetings with those individuals whose particular skills, expertise, or backgrounds would serve to improve the capacity of the Superintendent to perform the Superintendent’s professional responsibilities for the District. In its encouragement of the Superintendent to grow professionally, the Board shall permit a reasonable amount of release time for the Superintendent as the Superintendent and the Board deem appropriate, to attend such seminars, courses or meetings. The District does hereby agree to provide in the District’s budget during the term of this Contract for the benefit of the Superintendent, a professional development budget per contract year to be used for registration, travel, meals, lodging, and other related expenses. The District shall pay the Superintendent’s membership dues to the American Association of School Administrators, the Texas Association of School Administrators, and the Texas Association of Suburban/Mid-Urban Schools, as well as other memberships necessary to maintain and improve the Superintendent’s professional skills.
Professional Growth. The policy of the District shall be to encourage continued and active participation on the part of classified employees in a program of professional growth activities designed to improve service to students and the District, and to assist in the personal and professional development of the employee. Professional growth is designed as a continuous purposeful program of study/training to retain and extend the high standards of the classified employees. The purpose of this program will be:
1. To improve the standard of service of the classified staff;
2. To extend and constantly improve the standards of on-the-job performance;
3. To provide opportunities for personal growth and advancement and thereby exert a concerted effort to retain qualified classified personnel. The policy shall be interpreted and implemented as follows:
1. Professional growth credit shall be given for unit credit collegiate-level coursework. Non- collegiate courses shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the employee’s immediate supervisor and the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee.
2. Professional growth credit will be provided for coursework completed on the employee’s own time. Released time for on-the-job training to participate in study/coursework, etc., shall not result in professional growth credit.
3. Professional growth credit shall be given only for that coursework begun and completed subsequent to the effective date of the Agreement into which this proposal is incorporated.
4. All coursework for professional growth credit shall be job-related or related to advancement to another District job and subject to prior approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor and the Chief Human Resources Officer. The burden of proof of job-relatedness falls to the employee making request for professional growth credit.
5. If the District determines that the coursework is not job related, the employee may appeal this decision using an appeal process similar to the one now operating with working out- of-class provisions of the Agreement.
6. Upon promotion of the employee to a new classification, the units completed for professional growth credit shall be reviewed by the new supervisor and the supervisor’s vice president to determine whether the growth credits shall carry over.
a. If units were gained completing courses which provided employee with prerequisite skills for the new position, the professional growth credit will not be carried over.
b. If the credit is not job-relate...
Professional Growth. Professional growth is the continuous purposeful engagement in study and related activities designed to retain and extend the high standards of classified unit members.
Professional Growth. The Board encourages the continuing professional growth of the Administrator through participation in professional seminars, programs, and conferences sponsored by local, state, and national school administrator and school board associations, as well as seminars offered by public or private educational institutions, groups, persons, or associations, and will pay the expenses of same as approved and provided by the Board in its annual budget.
Professional Growth. The Superintendent may attend professional meetings at the local, state and national levels, the expenses of said attendance to be paid by the District. The District shall reimburse the Superintendent for all reasonable expenses resulting from the performance of his duties as Superintendent.
Professional Growth. The District requirements for periodic academic study shall be the same as the requirements established by the State of Kansas for renewal of professional employee certification.
Professional Growth. The Employer and the Federation recognize the need to strive for academic excellence in the field of education, including professional growth for its academic employees. To help defray the expense of professional improvement (including journals and professional membership dues) the Employer agrees to the following:
Professional Growth. The Superintendent shall devote the Superintendent's time, attention, and energy to the direction, administration, and supervision of the District. The Board, however, encourages the continued professional growth of the Superintendent through the Superintendent's active attendance at and participation in appropriate professional meetings at the local, regional, state and national levels. The Board shall encourage the use of data and information sources, and shall encourage the participation of the Superintendent in pertinent education seminars and courses offered by public or private institutions or by educational associations, as well as the participation in informational meetings with those individuals whose particular skills, expertise, or backgrounds would serve to improve the capacity of the Superintendent to perform the Superintendent's professional responsibilities for the District. In its encouragement of the Superintendent to grow professionally, the Board shall permit a reasonable amount of release time for the Superintendent as the Superintendent and the Board deem appropriate, to attend such seminars, courses or meetings. The District shall pay the Superintendent's membership dues to the American Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Administrators, as well as other memberships necessary to maintain and improve the Superintendent's professional skills. The District shall bear the reasonable cost and expense for registration, travel, meals, lodging, and other related expenses for such attendance and membership.
Professional Growth. Each unit member who earns additional professional growth will be eligible for reimbursement providing that all provisions of this article are met. An annual cap of dollars appropriated for professional growth shall be $120,500 per fiscal year during the term of this contract.
Professional Growth. (for current employees) Substitute (daily) = $120.00 Long Term - $135.00 All Professional Growth Units must be approved by the Prof. (Effective September 6, 2016) Growth Committee in advance (pre-approved) of the unit member EXPERIENCE: earning the units except for units sponsored by the District. Upon initial employment for all unit members hired after July 1, 2000, Unit members shall be advanced on the salary schedule on the credit for service outside the District shall be allowed on the salary basis of approved educational and professional growth units, schedule at the rate of one(1) year for each year equivalent to 75% or verified by transcript forms or Certifcate of Education Unit forms more of a contract year of school employment in an accredited or District approved verification forms, which the unit member institution while serving under a preliminary or professional clear completes beyond the requirements of the bachelors degree. credential up to a maximum of 13 years. Certificated unit members may submit unit verification at any time. Beginning the 2004-05 school year, upon initial employment of Units submitted during a month will be effective on the first day of shortage area teachers (agreed upon by District and Federation), the next month for salary placement purposes and shall be paid Special Ed. teachers, psychologists, and Language/Speech/Hearing on the next regular payroll check at the end of the month. specialists, the District will accept year for year service credit including years of service with an emergency permit. Board approved October 10, 2017 2.5% COLA effective July 1, 2018 Salary Schedule #53 Column 1 Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Column G Years/Step BA + 60 or Masters BA + 75 and Masters BA +75, Masters and **Ntnl Board Certification BA +75, Masters & *Doctorate BA +75, Masters, *Doctorate, & **Ntnl Board Certification 1 $73,542 $76,484 $78,014 $79,543 $81,073 2 $75,969 $79,008 $80,588 $82,168 $83,748 3 $78,476 $81,615 $83,247 $84,880 $86,512 4 $81,066 $84,308 $85,994 $87,681 $89,367 5 $83,741 $87,090 $88,832 $90,574 $92,316 6 $86,504 $89,964 $91,763 $93,563 $95,362 7 $89,359 $92,933 $94,791 $96,651 $98,509 8 $92,308 $96,000 $97,919 $99,840 $101,760 9 $95,354 $99,168 $101,150 $103,135 $105,118 10 $98,501 $102,441 $104,488 $106,538 $108,587 11 $101,752 $105,822 $107,936 $110,054 $112,170 12 $105,110 $109,314 $111,498 $113,686 $115,872 13 $105,110 $109,314 $111,498 $113,686 $115,872 14 $105,110 $109,314 $...