COUNCIL EMPLOYEES. 7.1 This clause applies in the event that a bidder is an employee, officer or elected official of Council (Council Employee). 7.2 The bidder warrants to Council that they have not used information acquired during the course of their duties as a Council Employee to gain an advantage, whether directly or indirectly, over other bidders at the Auction. 7.3 If the auctioneer reasonably suspects that the bidder is not able to comply with the warranty provided in clause 7.2 the auctioneer may, in their sole discretion, refuse to accept a bid from the bidder.
COUNCIL EMPLOYEES. You must comply with the reasonable request of the Council’s employees relating to the use of the premises and the Council’s property, and must not hinder, abuse, threaten or assault than in the performance of their duties.


  • Casual Employees A casual employee is one who is not regularly scheduled to work other than during periods that such employee shall relieve a regular full-time or regular part-time employee. Casual employees accumulate seniority on an hourly basis and are entitled to such benefits as are contained in the “Addendum - Casual Employees”.

  • Shift Employees Employees who work rotating shift patterns or those who work qualifying shifts shall be entitled, on completion of 12 months employment on shift work, to up to an additional 5 days annual leave, based on the number of qualifying shifts worked. The entitlement will be calculated on the annual leave anniversary date. Qualifying shifts are defined as a shift which involves at least 2 hours work performed outside the hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm, excluding overtime. Number of qualifying shifts per annum Number of days additional leave per annum 121 or more 5 days 96 – 120 4 days 71 – 95 3 days 46 – 70 2 days 21 – 45 1 day

  • Provisional Employees 343. Non-permanent employees, defined as employees with no permanent classification or employees with a permanent classification serving in another classification, shall be entitled to the following: 344. 1. Non-permanent employees shall be treated as permanent employees with respect to health and welfare benefits, compensation and salary steps, seniority, retirement (upon completion of 1040 hours in any twelve month period), and leave benefits, including but not limited to sick leave, vacation and personal leave.

  • Other Employees Except as may be required in the performance of Employee’s duties hereunder, Employee shall not cause or induce, or attempt to cause or induce, any person now or hereafter employed by the Company or any of its affiliates to terminate such employment. This obligation shall remain in effect while Employee is employed by the Company and for a period of one (1) year thereafter.

  • Seasonal Employees Seasonal employees still on trial service should refer to Article 71, Sections 2 and 3 regarding salary increases.

  • Company Employees Each Party shall not, directly or indirectly solicit for employment, any employee of the other Party who has been directly involved in the performance of this Agreement during the Term and for one year after the earlier of the termination or expiration of this Agreement or the termination of such individual's employment, with the other Party. It shall not be a violation of this provision if any employee responds to a Party's general advertisement of an open position.

  • Former Employees All Employees terminating service with the Employer during the Plan Year and who have satisfied the eligibility requirements based on the terms of the Employer's accumulated benefits plans checked below (select all that apply; leave blank if no exclusions): a. [ ] The Former Employee must be at least age (e.g., 55) b. [ ] The value of the sick and/or vacation leave must be at least $ (e.g., $2,000) c. [ ] A contribution will only be made if the total hours is over (e.g., 10) hours d. [ ] A contribution will not be made for hours in excess of (e.g., 40) hours

  • All Employees The Company shall not include the shift differential in any employee’s wage rate for the calculation of overtime.

  • TIME EMPLOYEES Definition

  • JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The parties agree that they will continue the Joint Labor-Management Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the employees covered by this Agreement. Topics for the Joint Labor-Management Committee may include, but are not limited to, Professional Development, Incentive Pay, etc. The Committee shall meet quarterly or as mutually agreed by the co-chairs. The President of CWA or designee and the Director of Human Resources or designee shall serve as co-chairs.