Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
Attachment C, Standard State Provisions for Contracts and Grants Attachment C is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the Attachment C December 15, 2017 attached to this Amendment. Child Support (Applicable to natural persons only; not applicable to corporations, partnerships or LLCs). Contractor is under no obligation to pay child support or is in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order as of the date of this amendment.
Long Description (If Applicable Training to provide the knowledge, skills and abilities needed as a result of agency mission, policies, or procedures. . Training to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities needed as a result of assignment to new duties and responsibilities when such training is not part of a planned, career development program (e.g., training provided to a staffing specialist who has been newly assigned to a position involving classification duties).
Gold Open Access Articles May be shared according to the author-selected end-user license and should contain a CrossMark logo, the end user license, and a DOI link to the formal publication on ScienceDirect. Please refer to Elsevier's posting policy for further information.
ATTACHMENT D Standard State Provisions - Architect/Engineer Professional Service Agreement (dated 04/12/2011)
System Description The wet detention basin is designed to trap 80% of sediment in runoff and maintain pre-development downstream peak flows. The basin has two forebays (smaller ponds) located at the low end of two grass xxxxxx. In addition to runoff conveyance, the grass xxxxxx also allow infiltration and filtering of pollutants, especially from smaller storms. The forebays are each 4 feet deep. They are connected to the main pool by 18 and 24-inch metal pipes that outlet onto a rock chute. The forebays will trap coarse sediments in runoff, such as road sands, thus reducing maintenance of the main basin. The main pool will trap the finer suspended sediment. To do this, the pond size, water level and outlet structures must be maintained as specified in this Agreement (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). The main basin receives runoff from a 67.1 acre drainage area (41.2 acres within the subdivision and 25.9 acres off-site drainage coming from the east). During high rainfall or snow melt events, the water level will temporarily rise and slowly drain down to the elevation of the control structure. The water level is controlled by a 12-inch concrete pipe extending through the berm in the northwest corner of the basin (see Figures 1 and 3). On the face of the 12-inch pipe, there is metal plate with a 3-inch drilled hole (orifice) with stone in front of it. This orifice controls the water level and causes the pond to temporarily rise during runoff events. Washed stone (1- 2” diameter) is placed in front of the orifice to prevent clogging. High flows may enter the grated concrete riser or flow over the rock lined emergency spillway. “As-built” construction drawings of the basin, showing actual dimensions, elevations, outlet structures, etc. will be recorded as an addendum(s) to this agreement within 60 days after [Municipality Name] accepts verification of construction from the project engineer.
Schedules Incorporated The Schedules annexed hereto are hereby incorporated herein as a part of this Agreement with the same effect as if set forth in the body hereof.
of Attachment Z The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for all System Upgrade Facility costs as required by Section of Attachment Z or its share of any System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades costs resulting from the final Attachment S process, as applicable, and Attachment 6 to this Agreement shall be revised accordingly.
Task Description This task includes activities associated with permit-required monitoring conducted in accordance with the conditions specified by state or federal regulatory agencies. All monitoring tasks must be located within or adjacent to the Project area and follow the Department’s Regional Coastal Monitoring Program and FWC's marine turtle and shorebird monitoring programs. Guidance for monitoring of nearshore resources is available in the Department's Standard Operation Procedures For Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Of Beach Nourishment Projects. The Local Sponsor must submit work products directly to the appropriate state or federal regulatory agencies in accordance with permit conditions to be eligible for reimbursement under this task, unless otherwise directed.