Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees Sample Clauses

Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees a) Contractor understands and agrees that (i) under the Affordable Care Act and the California Affordable Care Act, Covered California may generate funds through Participation Fees on Contractor’s QHPs and (ii) Covered California shall collect Participation Fee and distribution related expenses from premiums remitted by Employers and Employees. b) Contractor recognizes that the total cost of all Participation Fees for Covered California must be spread across Contractor’s entire book of business in the single risk pool (both inside and outside Covered California) for the small employer market. c) With respect to Covered California for Small Business, Contractor acknowledges that (i) Covered California is responsible for collecting premiums from Employers and Employees, and (ii) Covered California will remit applicable Employer and Employee premiums collected by Covered California to Contractor, net of (1) Participation Fees computed in accordance with the Participation Methodology - Covered California for Small Business, and (2) Distribution related expenses determined in accordance with the terms set forth at Sections 2.2.3 and 3.3. Covered California for Small Business shall transfer funds to Contractor on a monthly basis or such other intervals as mutually agreed upon by Covered California and Contractor and shall establish a process to resolve any disagreements on premium amounts due in a timely manner and prior to transfer of funds to Contractor as required under this Section. d) In the event that Contractor disputes the amount of Participation Fees billed or deducted by Covered California, Contractor shall submit a written notice of such dispute to Covered California within thirty (30) Days following receipt of such bill or deduction by Covered California. Contractor’s notice will document the nature of the discrepancies, including, reconciliation of any differences identified by Contractor in enrollment or premiums collected. Covered California will respond to Contractor within forty-five (45) Days of receipt of the notice by either (i) paying the amount claimed by Contractor or
Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees. (a) Contractor understands and agrees that (i) under the Affordable Care Act and the California Affordable Care Act, Covered California may generate funds through a participation fee (“Participation Fees”) on Contractor’s QDPs and
Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees a) Contractor understands and agrees that (i) under the Affordable Care Act and the California Affordable Care Act, the Exchange may generate funds through a participation fee (“Participation Fees”) on Contractor’s QHPs and (ii) Contractor is responsible for the timely payment of any Participation Fees to the Exchange. b) Contractor recognizes that the total cost of all Participation Fees for the Exchange must be collected by Contractor by spreading the cost across the premiums charged to Contractor’s entire small employer risk pool (both inside and outside the Exchange) for Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees. No rate charged to an Enrollee can have a higher per member per month fee to cover this overall Participation Fee than is charged to all other enrollees of the respective risk pool. c) With respect to Covered California for Small Business, Contractor acknowledges that (i) the Exchange is responsible for collecting premiums from Employers and Employees, and (ii) the Exchange will remit applicable Employer and Employee premiums collected by the Exchange to Contractor, net of (1) Participation Fees computed in accordance with the Participation Methodology - Covered California for Small Business, and (2) agentAgent commissions determined in accordance with the terms set forth at Section 2.3.
Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees. (a) Contractor understands and agrees that (i) under the Affordable Care Act and the California Affordable Care Act, the Exchange may generate funds through a participation fee (³Participation Fees´) on Contractor¶s QDPs and (ii) Contractor is responsible for the timely payment of any Participation Fees to the Exchange. (b) The Participation Fee payable to the Exchange during each month of this Agreement shall be equal to a per member per month (³PMPM´) rate of $.83 multiplied by the number of Enrollees percent of the premium paid by each eEnrollee[SV(2] (TBD) in Contractor¶s QDPs for such month plus additional fees as necessary to pay aAgent commissions. This Participation fee is based on the Exchange¶s estimates of the revenue required to support the transition of the Exchange to being self-sufficient beginning in 2015. The Participation Fee will be assessed by the Exchange and payable monthly by Contractor based on enrollment in Contractor'spremium paid by enrollees in Contractor¶sQDPs sold through the Covered California for Small Business Exchange for 2017-2019. The Participation Fee will be reviewed each year as part of the Exchange¶s annual budget process. (c) With respect to Covered California for Small Business, Contractor acknowledges that (i) the Exchange is responsible for collecting premiums from Employers and Employees, and (ii) the Exchange will remit applicable Employer and Employee premiums collected by the Exchange to Contractor, net of (1) Participation Fees computed in accordance with the Participation Methodology - Covered California for Small Business, and (2) aAgent commissions determined in accordance with the terms set forth at Section 2.3.
Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees. (a) Contractor understands and agrees that (i) under the Affordable Care Act and the California Affordable Care Act, the Exchange may generate funds through a participation fee (“Participation Fees”) on Contractor’s QDPs and (ii) Contractor is responsible for the timely payment of any Participation Fees to the Exchange. (b) The Participation Fee payable to the Exchange during each month of this Agreement shall be equal to a per member per month (“PMPM”) rate of $.83 multiplied by the number of Enrollees in Contractor’s QDPs for such month plus additional fees as necessary to pay agent commissions. This Participation fee is based on the Exchange’s estimates of the revenue required to support the transition of the Exchange to being self-sufficient beginning in 2015. The Participation Fee will be assessed by the Exchange and payable monthly by Contractor based on enrollment in Contractor's QDPs sold through the Covered California for Small Business Exchange. (c) With respect to Covered California for Small Business, Contractor acknowledges that (i) the Exchange is responsible for collecting premiums from Employers and Employees, and (ii) the Exchange will remit applicable Employer and Employee premiums collected by the Exchange to Contractor, net of (1) Participation Fees computed in accordance with the Participation Methodology - Covered California for Small Business, and (2) agent commissions determined in accordance with the terms set forth at Section 2.3.

Related to Covered California for Small Business Participation Fees

  • SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION AND DVBE PARTICIPATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. If for this Contract Contractor made a commitment to achieve small business participation, then Contractor must within 60 days of receiving final payment under this Contract (or within such other time period as may be specified elsewhere in this Contract) report to the awarding department the actual percentage of small business participation that was achieved. (Govt. Code § 14841.) b. If for this Contract Contractor made a commitment to achieve disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) participation, then Contractor must within 60 days of receiving final payment under this Contract (or within such other time period as may be specified elsewhere in this Contract) certify in a report to the awarding department: (1) the total amount the prime Contractor received under the Contract; (2) the name and address of the DVBE(s) that participated in the performance of the Contract; (3) the amount each DVBE received from the prime Contractor; (4) that all payments under the Contract have been made to the DVBE; and (5) the actual percentage of DVBE participation that was achieved. A person or entity that knowingly provides false information shall be subject to a civil penalty for each violation. (Mil. & Vets. Code § 999.5(d); Govt. Code § 14841.)

  • UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS Seller agrees to actively seek out and provide the maximum practicable opportunities for small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned small businesses, minority business enterprises, historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions, Historically Underutilized Business Zone small business concerns and US Veteran and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned small business concerns to participate in the subcontracts Seller awards to the fullest extent consistent with the efficient performance of this Contract.

  • Cashing out annual leave The employee may, with the agreement of the employer, request in writing, to cash out up to two weeks of their annual leave during each 12 month period. Annual leave cannot be cashed out in advance of it being credited to the employee. Cashed out annual leave will be paid at the rate of pay that the employee receives at the time when the request is made.

  • REPORT OF CONTRACT USAGE All fields of information shall be accurate and complete. The report is to be submitted electronically via electronic mail utilizing the template provided in Microsoft Excel 2003, or newer (or as otherwise directed by OGS), to the attention of the individual shown on the front page of the Contract Award Notification and shall reference the Group Number, Award Number, Contract Number, Sales Period, and Contractor's (or other authorized agent) Name, and all other fields required. OGS reserves the right to amend the report template without acquiring the approval of the Office of the State Comptroller or the Attorney General.

  • STUDENT DISCIPLINE AND TEACHER PROTECTION A. Whenever it appears that a particular pupil requires the attention of special counselors, social workers, law enforcement personnel, special education personnel, or other professional persons the teacher will report these circumstances to his/her immediate supervisor for consideration of referral. Whenever it appears that the presence of a particular student in the class will impede the education of the balance of the class because of disruptions caused by said student, the Board will relieve the teacher of responsibilities with respect to said pupil until needed improvements and corrections can be made, to the extent such action is consistent with the provisions of I.D.E.A., the student's I.E.P., and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Association recognizes that, in a large measure, the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom is governed by the teacher's ability to manage students. B. A teacher may exclude a pupil from class for up to one (1) full school day when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will furnish the principal, either as promptly as being his teaching obligations will allow or no later than the end of the school day, full particulars of the incident in writing. The pupil shall not be returned to class until after consultation by the principal with the teacher, in accordance with the requirements of Section 1309 of the Revised School Code. C. Any case of assault upon a teacher related to his employment by the district shall be promptly reported to the Board or its designated representative. The Board will provide the teacher with access to legal counsel appointed by the Board, at Board expense, to advise the teacher of his/her rights and obligations with respect to such assault and shall promptly render all reasonable assistance to the teacher in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities. D. Under no circumstances shall any teacher be required or requested by the Board or any agent thereof to transport students in an automobile or other motor vehicle that is the personal property of the teacher. E. Time lost by a teacher in connection with any incident mentioned in paragraph C and D above shall not be charged against the teacher, providing the teacher's actions were in conformance with existing school policies. F. The Board will reimburse teachers for any non-negligent loss, damage or destruction of clothing or personal property of the teacher while on duty in the school or on school premises if such loss or damage is the result of student attack upon the teacher or results from student resistance to reasonable discipline or physical restraint by the teacher. G. Staff handbooks (or revisions) will be forwarded to the Association President for input and comment at least thirty (30) days prior to publication and adoption by the District. Student handbook drafts will be forwarded to the Association President by May 15 annually. The Association President will be notified of any subsequently proposed revisions not later than fourteen (14) days prior to presentation to the Board.