COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on the Supply Chain and Social Selling Sample Clauses

COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on the Supply Chain and Social Selling. With the COVID-19 pandemic, governments in some countries decreed the closure of factories, markets, and other centers dedicated to the production and sale of food agglomerations could occur. This has affected the capacities related to traceability in the different supply chain links due to staff limitations because of the restrictions imposed by governments. COVID-19 has also affected the use of digital sales platforms, especially social sales platforms and e-commerce. Although developing countries struggle to harness digital opportunities, the pandemic has caused a digital shift that has boosted digital media performance. According to [38], online marketplaces have seen increases in their sales. In general, digital businesses have been more resilient to the pandemic crisis since they have not been so affected by the restrictions imposed by governments. Governments are considering the use of a Digital Health Passport (DHP) to certify that a product has not been exposed to any biological risk on the supply chain and to prevent highly contagious diseases like the COVID-19 spread to tourist locations, work facilities, or airports from and to take measures to avoid future pandemic scenarios. A Health Passport is an expandable document that contains all the critical personal, social care, and clinical information about a person with one or multiple health considerations [39], like the Digital Certificate of Vaccination “MiVacuna” [40] offered by the Colombian government, that certifies that the owner has started or completed the vaccination schedule, and the results the of COVID-19 test taken, to allow their access to highly crowded sites or events. Although the pandemic has brought benefits, it has also presented challenges to governments and companies to obtain more significant benefits from this boom and achieve greater penetration of potential consumers. The main challenges to be solved are disruptions in traceability in the supply chain and commercial coordination due to privacy policies on social networks. In addition, access to the internet so that more people can access these methods of buying and selling food. A way to help recover business that has not migrated to social selling or e-commerce and to improve the condition of the company that has done it is to develop a national strategy to facilitate this adaption of these strategies, a cost reduction for internet access, increased internet connectivity, among others [38]. But also the inclusion of ne...
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