Cross Country Sample Clauses
Cross Country. 8th Gr. Boys Coach .08 Head Boys & Girls Coaches .16 7th Gr. Boys Coach .08 7th & 8th Gr. Boys & Girls. Coach .07
Cross Country a. Practices will be held as equitably as possible in Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx and Armour
Cross Country a. It will be the responsibility of the starter or clerk to record attendance and fees for the officials at major meets on the form provided by Section VIII. Thisform will then be sent to the Section for verification. All pay sheets must be submitted within 3 business days of competition.
b. Officials assigned as a varsity starter, clerk, and head finish judge shall receive an additional $14.00 over the life of the contract.
1.) For the County meet officials will be paid hourly at a rate of $45.00. The hourly rate will end at the nearest half hour when the meet is completed, or the official’s duties have ended. (Officials will work a minimum of 4 hours)
c. For the State Qualifier meet officials will be paid a flat rate of $187.00 (2022-2023), $188.00 (2023-2024) and $189.00 (2024-2025) with no overtime fees.
Cross Country. HS Head Boys .1000 HS Head Girls .1000 MS Head Boys .0500 MS Head Girls .0500 MS Boys/Girls Assistant Coach .03348 Head Coach .0760 Assistant Coach .0441 HS Football .0398 HS Basketball .0487 MS Football .0398 MS Basketball .0398 HS Director .1334 HS Assistant .0774 MS Director .0774 MS Yearbook .0300 HS Yearbook (a) .0760 HS Newspaper (biweekly publication) .1334 HS Literary Magazine .0152 MS Newspaper .0152 HS Music Coordinator .0154 HS Marching Band Director .1087 HS Symphonic Band Director .1087 HS Marching Band Assistant .0697 HS Concert Band .0697 HS Woodwind/Marching Specialist .0203 HS Orchestra Director .0506 9th Grade Band .0697 MS Instrumental Director .0833 MS Instrumental Director Assistant .0506 MS Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx .0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Director .0075 Elementary Orchestra Assistant .0045 Elementary Band Assistant .0045 HS Vocal .0855 HS Show Choir .0395 HS Choral Choreographer .0205 Pep Band .0225 Majorette .0364 Flag Corps .0364 Stage Band .0205 Dance Team .0205 Percussion Specialist .0205 Elementary Vocal Evening Program .0075 6th Grade Band .0075 Student Council (one each for the JH/HS) .0265 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Advisor .0133 Junior Class Advisor .0265 HS Guidance (each Counselor) $1,000 Coach .1334 Assistant .0774 Drama & Speech Aide .0449
Cross Country. Fees shall be determined by the MMSD Athletic Director and the Parks Superintendent prior to use of the City’s Facilities.
Cross Country. The cross-country courses at the following locations:
(1) Warner Park.
(2) Xxxxx Xxxx.
(3) Yahara Hills Golf Course.
(4) The Xxxx Golf Park
Cross Country. Track
1. Varsity Cross Country 8.0 2. Cross Country - Middle School 4.0
Cross Country. Head Boys Cross Country .14 .16 .18 Head Girls Cross Country .14 .16 .18 Varsity Assistant/JV – Boys .09 .11 .13 Varsity Assistant/JV – Girls .09 .11 .13 Junior High Boys .08 .10 .12 Junior High Girls .08 .10 .12 Golf Head Boys Golf .14 .16 .18 Head Girls Golf .14 .16 .18 Varsity Assistant/JV – Boys .09 .11 .13 Varsity Assistant/JV – Girls .09 .11 .13 Junior High Assistants – Boys (2) .08 .10 .12 Junior High Assistants – Girls (2) .08 .10 .12 Basketball Head Boys Basketball .21 .23 .25 Head Girls Basketball .21 .23 .25 Varsity Assistant – Boys .135 .155 .175 Varsity Assistant – Girls .135 .155 .175 Junior Varsity – Boys .135 .155 .175 Junior Varsity – Girls .135 .155 .175 Freshman Assistant – Boys .12 .14 .16 Freshman Assistant – Girls .12 .14 .16 Junior High Assistants – Boys (4) .12 .14 .16 Junior High Assistants – Girls (4) .12 .14 .16 Wrestling Head Wrestling .19 .21 .23 Varsity Assistant .10 .12 .14 Junior Varsity .10 .12 .14 Junior High Assistants (2) .08 .10 .12 Track Head Track .19 .21 .23 Varsity Assistant/JV (3) .09 .11 .13 Junior High Assistants (4) .08 .10 .12 Baseball Head Baseball .14 .16 .18 Varsity Assistant .09 .11 .13 Junior Varsity .09 .11 .13 Freshman Assistant .08 .10 .12 Softball Head Softball .14 .16 .18 Varsity Assistant .09 .11 .13 Junior Varsity .09 .11 .13
Cross Country a. Interdivisional and Sectional Meet: One (1) official assigned at 1½ Zone 1 fee plus $15.00. Maximum 1 driver fees permitted.
Cross Country. 1. In years when teams compete for 5 state berths, KingCo will advance 6 teams and Wesco will advance 4 teams to the bi-district meet.
2. In years when teams compete for 4 state berths, KingCo will advance 7 teams and Wesco will advance 3 teams to the bi-district meet.
3. Each non-qualifying team will be permitted two individual entries in the bi-district meet.