Flat rate definition
Examples of Flat rate in a sentence
Flat rate payments shall be made once each month whether an Officer is working or taking leave.
Flat rate means the haul charge, disposal charge and container rental charges are all combined for one flat rate.
Miscellaneous expense portion ______ Flat rate (no receipts required) or ______ Itemize (DSSR 241.2a, receipts required) ______Without family $500 ______Without family: lesser of one week’s salary or GS-13, step 10 ______With family $1,000 ______With family: lesser of two weeks’ salary or GS-13, step 10 4.
Flat rate accounts do not receive water after the close of the irrigation season established by the Agency.
Flat rate denotes service where available, for a stated monthly rate, unlimited calling is allowed to all other local lines/trunks in the local service area of the exchange in which it is furnished.