Options within the Layoff Unit A. Employees will be laid off in accordance with seniority, as defined in Article 39, Seniority. The Employer will determine if the employee possesses the required skills and abilities for the position and the comparability of the position. The Employer may require updated information from the employee regarding the employee’s current skills and abilities. Employees being laid off will be provided one (1) option within the layoff unit in descending order of salary range and one
Additional mechanisms within the Programme 5.1 Pre-defined projects
Retraining for Positions within the Hospital Where, with the benefit of retraining of up to six (6) months, an employee who has either accepted the layoff or who is unable to displace any other employee could be redeployed to a hospital position identified by the Redeployment Committee in accordance with Article 9.08(d)(i):
Exclusion de garanties A. Si vous êtes un client qui est un consommateur (quelqu’un qui utilise le Logiciel Apple en dehors de son commerce, son entreprise ou sa profession), il se peut que vous bénéficiez, dans votre pays de résidence, de droits selon lesquels les limitations suivantes ne s’appliqueraient pas à vous.Dans les pays où ces limitations sont interdites, elles ne s’appliquent pas. Pour en savoir plus sur vos droits, prenez contact avec un organisme local de conseil aux consommateurs.
Occupational First Aid Requirements and Courses (a) The Union and the Employer agree that First Aid Regulations made pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Act shall be fully complied with.
Other Leaves Without Pay 10.10.1 Upon recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board of Trustees, leave without compensation, increment, seniority, or tenure credit may be granted for a period of one school year for the following purposes: Peace Corps, care for a member of the immediate family who is ill, long-term illness of the bargaining unit member, service in an elected public office, or professional study or research.
Outpatient emergency and urgicenter services within the service area The emergency room copay applies to all outpatient emergency visits that do not result in hospital admission within twenty-four (24) hours. The urgicenter copay is the same as the primary care clinic office visit copay.
Conflicts with RS Means Unit Price Book If the terms of the solicitation referenced RS Means Unit Price Book occur, the RS Means Book shall control if it determines the legality of the solicitation award as it relates to the requisite Means Unit Price Book.
Right to Refuse Dangerous Work An employee shall have the right to refuse to work in situations, which can reasonably be considered dangerous.
What Will Happen After We Receive Your Letter When we receive your letter, we must do two things: