Other Leaves Without Pay Sample Clauses
Other Leaves Without Pay. 10.10.1 Upon recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board of Trustees, leave without compensation, increment, seniority, or tenure credit may be granted for a period of one school year for the following purposes: Peace Corps, care for a member of the immediate family who is ill, long-term illness of the bargaining unit member, service in an elected public office, or professional study or research.
10.10.2 The applications for and granting of such leaves of absence shall be in writing. In addition, a bargaining unit member on such leave shall notify the District Human Resources Office by March 15 of the school year as to an intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to so notify will be considered an abandonment of position.
Other Leaves Without Pay. 12.12.1 Upon recommendation of the Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations, the Superintendent/President and approval by the Board of Trustees, leave without compensation and without increment, seniority or any other benefit, may be granted for a period not to exceed one (1) fiscal year for the following purposes: Voluntary government service, care for a member of the immediate family who is ill, long-term illness of the unit member, service in an elected public office, study and retraining or pregnancy and related medical conditions.
12.12.2 The applications for and granting of such leaves of absence shall be in writing. In addition, a unit member on such leave shall notify the District Human Resources Office, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of such leave, as to an intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to so notify will be considered an abandonment of position.
12.12.3 During the period between the end of the Spring Academic Semester and the beginning of the Fall Academic Semester (inclusive of "Flex Days"), employees who, for personal reasons, wish to take leave without pay may take such leave with the approval of their immediate supervisor and the xxxx of the school in which they are employed, or the appropriate administrator, under the following conditions: (1) The employee must provide at least one month's notice prior to taking such leave; (2) The leave must be for a specific period of not less than five nor more than twenty consecutive working days (160 hours during 4/40 work schedule) with firm beginning and ending dates indicated. No other requests for leave without pay shall be considered except as they are provided for in Subsections 12.12.1, 12.12.2 and 12.12.3 of this Article. It is expressly agreed that denial of leave under this provision SHALL NOT be subject to the provisions of ARTICLE IV: GRIEVANCE PROCESS of this Agreement.
Other Leaves Without Pay. 1. A leave of absence without compensation may be granted to any teacher for a period of not less than one semester, nor more than one year, for the purpose of: (1) teaching programs in other states, territories, or countries, or military teaching programs; (2) Peace Corps, Teacher Corps, or Job Corps, as a full-time participant; (3) cultural travel; (4) work programs related to the teacher’s professional responsibilities; (5) rest; (6) public office; (7) continued parental leave as described in E2 of this Article, (8) care for a member of the immediate family who is ill; (9) long-term illness of the employee; (10) disability; or (11) other reasons acceptable to the Board. Upon application, the District may grant an extension.
2. Applications for leaves of absence without pay for reasons 1 through 6 above shall be submitted in writing to the Certificated Human Resources Office no later than March 31 of the year preceding the proposed leave. Approval of requests received after this date may be contingent upon finding a suitable replacement for the staff member requesting leave. Applications for leaves for reasons 7 through 11 should be made as soon as possible after the need for the leave becomes known.
3. Salary credit (step advancement) shall be granted for teaching experience outside the District while an individual is on leave, if he teaches seventy-five percent (75%) of the days of the Palo Alto Unified School District calendar on a half-time or more basis.
Other Leaves Without Pay. The District may grant unpaid leaves of absence to faculty members for reasons not previously mentioned in this article, without establishing a practice or precedent.
Other Leaves Without Pay. Leave for other reasons may be granted to professors upon mutual consent for up to one year. Terms and conditions of such leaves will be in writing and may be granted upon recommendation of the appropriate Vice President and approved by the President. Such leaves will not count as service for purposes of salary advancement or the accrual ofbenefits.
Other Leaves Without Pay. 13.9.1 Upon recommendation of the President or designee, and approval by the Board of Trustees, leave without compensation, increment, or seniority credit may be granted for a period not to exceed one (1) school year.
13.9.2 At the expiration of an unpaid leave of absence and provided the employee is physically and legally capable of performing his/her duties, he/she has the right to return to his/her previous classification.
13.9.3 Upon returning to duty following an unpaid leave of absence, a permanent employee is entitled to all previously accumulated sick leave benefits and shall return to the appropriate salary schedule placement based on the number of years of service.
13.9.4 All applications for and granting of unpaid leaves of absence shall be in writing. A Unit Member on such leave shall notify the Human Resources Office no later than two (2) months prior to the termination of the leave of his/her intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to notify will be considered an abandonment of position.
13.9.5 Credit toward annual steps will not be counted if the unpaid leave of absence results in service of less than 50 percent (50%) of the work year.
Other Leaves Without Pay. 1. A leave of absence without pay and without credit on the salary schedule may be granted at the Board’s discretion subject to the conditions outlined in Section C. 3. of this Article.
2. A child care leave of absence without pay to care for children, not to exceed three (3) months duration, shall be granted to bargaining unit members under the following terms:
a. A written request for leave must be submitted as much in advance of the beginning of such leave as possible; and
b. If the period of unpaid absence does not exceed three (3) months, then the bargaining unit member shall be reinstated to the bargaining unit member’s former position upon return from the leave providing that the position is still being offered by the services of KISD.
c. A three month extension of this leave may be granted by the request of the bargaining unit member and the approval of the Kent ISD Board.
3. Days that can be counted toward those provided under FMLA will be deducted from that liability.
Other Leaves Without Pay. 17.10.1 Requests for unpaid leaves of absence for one (1) school year or less will be considered on an individual basis by the Executive Director/designee. Such requests shall include the beginning and ending dates of the leave.
Other Leaves Without Pay a. Upon recommendation of the Superintendent and approval of the Governing Board, leave without compensation, increment, seniority, or tenure credit may be granted for a period of up to one (1) school year for purposes of care for a member of the immediate family who is ill or long term illness of the unit member.
b. The application for and granting of such leaves of absence shall be in writing. In addition, a unit member on such leave shall notify the District Personnel Office by May 1 of the school year as to intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to so notify may be considered an abandonment of position.
c. If the member is in this status for one (1) year or less, he/she shall have the same rights set forth in Section 10.7 (g) of this Agreement.
Other Leaves Without Pay. Employees may apply for other unpaid leaves of absence. Approval of such leave shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer, whose decision shall not be subject to Article 19 of this Agreement. The Employer will continue the Employer’s contribution for life insurance and health coverage for the month in which an approved leave begins.