Additional mechanisms within the Programme Sample Clauses

Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) Sustainable social and education integration through sport activities" a) Providing services for target groups: - for the primary target group – children in risk of educational and social exclusion: an evaluation of their status in order to properly select the project activities suitable for each one, inclusive activities based on sport, counselling and guidance sessions, non-formal education based on social integration skills, providing hot meal, participating at competitions and camps - for the secondary target group – specialists: workshops in order to present the methodologies, counselling sessions, non-formal education to develop specific skills needed in working with children in risk of social exclusion, participating at targeted communication and awareness campaigns, implementing a caravan that will reach other locations that the 8 regional project locations, participating in scientific communication sessions - for the secondary target group – parents: targeted communication campaigns, group counselling and workshops presenting instruments they can use for the social integration of their children b) Studies and research that will contribute to elaborating and implementing the methodologies in the project and will be the starting point for the public policy; c) Development of four specific methodologies for social inclusion and early school prevention based on sporting activities; d) Exchanges of experience between the project partner and Norwegian project partner 2) Improving access and quality of services to citizens – transparent, responsible and accountable local public administration" 1. Transparent decision-making process in place at the local level through public consultation processes regarding the measures taken by the local government that affect them directly, and greater participation of citizens in community life through assimilation of basic concepts of civic culture; 2. Organizational ethics assumed by decision makers in local government institutions through good practice examples from Norway and EU Member States; 3. Reduced Incompatibility cases through better understanding of legislative concepts and appropriate implementation of the laws so that the number of elected officials and civil servants being subjects of incompatibility investigations is reduced; 4. Reduced cases of conflict of interest, through early identification of emerging risks of conflicts of interest in the daily operations of commune adm...
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) “Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie” Work package 1: Living lab - outdoor measures Work package 2: Living Lab - indoor measures Work package 3: Living Lab – education and awareness measures
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) “Feasibility study on utilizing the hydro power potential in existing water supply systems and upgrading potential for existing small scale hydro power plants in water supply systems” Project Promoter: Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA) Donor project partner(s): Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) Other project partner(s): N/A Programme outcome the project contributes to: “Increased renewable energy production” Total maximum eligible project costs: € 350,000 Project grant rate: 100% Maximum project grant amount: € 350,000 The project will contribute to a better knowledge of sites in water supply systems, such as irrigation dams and dams for drinking water, where appropriate conditions for implementing technically and economically feasible investments exist. The pre-defined project will include, inter alia, the following activities: • Mapping of sites in water supply systems where there are available appropriate conditions for implementing technically and economically feasible investments; • Mapping of the upgrading potential for already existing small-scale hydro power plants in water supply systems; • Analysis of the technical, social, legal and environmental feasibility of small-hydro installations on water supply systems. A report from the fact finding and analysis will be prepared for supporting the PO’s preparation for the open call on the area. 2) “System for Forecasts, Control аnd Management оf HPP Generation аnd Dams Condition” Project Promoter: National Electricity Company EAD (NEK EAD) Donor project partner(s): N/A Other project partner(s): N/A Programme outcome the project contributes to: “Increased renewable energy production” Total maximum eligible project costs: €2,470,000 Project grant rate: 50% Maximum project grant amount: €1,235,000 The project will increase the energy security and the renewable energy production of Bulgaria through an upgraded and centralized system for forecasts, control and management of hydro power generation, including the conditions of the dams of the hydro power plants. The project will contribute to a more efficient use of water resources; optimized energy production from hydro power plants covered by the system and a safer energy supply. The pre-defined project will include, inter alia, the following activities: • Analyses/studies of the existing situation; • Preparation of Terms of reference for a suitable upgraded system for optimization of the water reso...
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) Innovative education of teachers to increase their intercultural competences in the education process of Roma pupils" 1. Educational activities o Trainings for pedagogical staff members of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools on innovative education practices: the aim is to prepare teaching staff (teachers, teachers ´assistants, educators) to work with pupils from Roma communities, applying innovative forms of education and including the Romani language, Roma culture and Roma history in the teaching process. The trainings will create a platform for dialogue between schools in the field of inclusive and innovative education and strengthen development of Roma identity and Roma cultural values. o Preparation of teachers teaching Romani language for the state language examination in Romani language o Innovative education programs for school management and pedagogical staff: the main goal of the training is to motivate school management to integrate Romani language, Roma culture and history into school education programmes and to adopt new forms of communication with employees to promote inclusive school environments. 2. Development and dissemination of teaching materials o Production of teaching materials, including digitalization (electronic version): teaching materials include Romani/Slovak dictionary, language books, readers and workbooks, along with methodologies and good practices also in digital PDF format.
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) Improving Integrity of the Public Administration / IIPA" 2) Enhancing the efficiency of the justice system through the protection/empowerment of victims and vulnerable parties"
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) Enhanced tools for creating equal opportunities in education for pupils with disabilities"" 2) Enhanced Strategic Planning at Regional and Local Levels in Croatia"" 3) Investigation of seismically vulnerable areas in Croatia and seismic ground motion assessment"" 1. Research equipment procurement, including seismographs/gnss units, geologic field equipment, servers and data storage, computer equipment 2. Off-road vehicle procurement 3. Research activities, including installation of instruments, collection of data, development of new structural models of selected investigated region, seismogenic potential and seismotectonic interpretation and development of attenuation relations for Croatia. 4. Dissemination of results and project visibility, including dissemination of the results in the scientific community, policymakers and local governments (paper publishing, organising conferences, reporting on the results directly to stakeholders)
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) Blended learning in vocational education and training" (BlendVET)"
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Fund for bilateral relations
Additional mechanisms within the Programme. 5.1 Pre-defined projects 1) “Geographic information for Environment, Climate Change and EU integration’ Project Promoter: The Romanian National Agency of Cadastre and Land Registration (NACRL) Donor project partner(s): The Norwegian Mapping Authority Registers Iceland Total maximum eligible project costs: €5,000,000 Project grant rate: 100% Maximum project grant amount: €5,000,000 Programme outcome the project contributes to: Improved geographic information tools for decision-makers in place The overall objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the project promoter to produce accurate and updated geographic information as needed for Romanian stakeholders that are dealing with environmental monitoring and reporting, climate related disaster preparedness and mitigation, climate change effects adaptation, integrated planning and implementation of the EU Directive on harmonization and exchange of geographic information domestically and across national borders. The project shall build upon and be complementary to the results of the LAKI I and LAKI II projects, financed under EEA Financial Mechanism 2004-2009 and 2009-2014. This objective will be achieved specifically by the following main activities: • Production of detailed Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) through LIDAR scanning technology for approx. 50,000 square kilometres; • Solution for secure storage and efficient distribution of terrain data; • Capacity building, knowledge transfer and training; • Project publicity and information dissemination The Digital Terrain Model will be a complex 3D output with appropriate precision that includes ground relief as well as derived data (slope, visibility, etc.), contour lines and other geomorphological elements such as: rivers, valleys, ridges, etc. The Digital Surface Model including all elements on the earth's surface (e.g. buildings, roads, vegetation, etc.) will be used to generate the accurate orthophoto maps and vector data of the project area. The project outputs shall be available for use in estimating surface elevation for infrastructure development, cartographic modelling for environment and agriculture, photo interpretation and 3D thematic mapping, detecting land cover/ land use types, territorial statistics, as well as providing a base map for tracking hazards for better preparedness, mitigation and adaptation as well as efficient response and recovery.