Destination CSU-Pueblo scholarship This articulation transfer agreement replaces all previous agreements between CCA and CSU-Pueblo in Bachelor of Science in Physics (Secondary Education Emphasis). This agreement will be reviewed annually and revised (if necessary) as mutually agreed.
Classrooms The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a standard of cleanliness in each teacher’s classroom.
Přetrvávající platnost Tento odstavec 1.3 “Zdravotní záznamy a Studijní data a údaje” zůstane závazný i v případě zániku platnosti či vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.
Classroom Teachers b. School counselors
Přetrvající platnost This Section 3 “
DHS Seal, Logo, and Flags The Contractor shall not use the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likeness of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA pre-approval.
Catalog Information about Community Regional Medical Center – Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (CRMC-DMSP) is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. CRMC-DMSP reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in CRMC-DMSP, the Student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.
Use of School Equipment The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including duplicating equipment, calculating machines, computers and printers and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use.
LOGOS, AND FLAGS The Supplier cannot use the seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Federal agency officials without specific pre-approval.
Badges (A) Correctional officers and correctional probation officers shall be issued badges according to the following specifications: