Breach of Contract Claims [Option (Include if University prefers an abbreviated Breach of Contract Claims provision): To the extent that Chapter 2260, Texas Government Code, is applicable to this Agreement and is not preempted by other applicable law, the dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 and the related rules adopted by the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Chapter 2260, will be used by University and Contractor to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by Contractor that cannot be resolved in the ordinary course of business. The chief business officer of University will examine Contractor's claim and any counterclaim and negotiate with Contractor in an effort to resolve the claims. The parties specifically agree (i) neither execution of this Agreement by University nor any other conduct, action or inaction of any representative of University relating to this Agreement constitutes or is intended to constitute a waiver of University’s or the state's sovereign immunity to suit; and (ii) University has not waived its right to seek redress in the courts.] 19.1 To the extent that Chapter 2260, Texas Government Code, as it may be amended from time to time (Chapter 2260), is applicable to this Agreement and is not preempted by other Applicable Laws, the dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 will be used, as further described herein, by University and Contractor to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by Contractor: Contractor’s claims for breach of this Agreement that the parties cannot resolve pursuant to other provisions of this Agreement or in the ordinary course of business will be submitted to the negotiation process provided in subchapter B of Chapter 2260. To initiate the process, Contractor will submit written notice, as required by subchapter B of Chapter 2260, to University in accordance with the notice provisions in this Agreement. Contractor's notice will specifically state that the provisions of subchapter B of Chapter 2260 are being invoked, the date and nature of the event giving rise to the claim, the specific contract provision that University allegedly breached, the amount of damages Contractor seeks, and the method used to calculate the damages. Compliance by Contractor with subchapter B of Chapter 2260 is a required prerequisite to Contractor's filing of a contested case proceeding under subchapter C of Chapter 2260. The chief business officer of University, or another officer of University as may be designated from time to time by University by written notice to Contractor in accordance with the notice provisions in this Agreement, will examine Contractor's claim and any counterclaim and negotiate with Contractor in an effort to resolve the claims. If the parties are unable to resolve their disputes under Section, the contested case process provided in subchapter C of Chapter 2260 is Contractor’s sole and exclusive process for seeking a remedy for any and all of Contractor's claims for breach of this Agreement by University. Compliance with the contested case process provided in subchapter C of Chapter 2260 is a required prerequisite to seeking consent to xxx from the Legislature under Chapter 107,
Breach of Contract The failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions, covenants or conditions of this Contract shall be a material breach of this Contract. In such event the County may, and in addition to any other remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this Contract: a) Terminate the Contract immediately, pursuant to Section K herein; b) Afford the Contractor written notice of the breach and ten (10) calendar days or such shorter time that may be specified in this Contract within which to cure the breach; c) Discontinue payment to the Contactor for and during the period in which the Contractor is in breach; and d) Offset against any monies billed by the Contractor but yet unpaid by the County those monies disallowed pursuant to the above.
Damage to Property Of Others 1. We will pay, at replacement cost, up to $1,000 per "occurrence" for "property damage" to property of others caused by an "insured". 2. We will not pay for "property damage": a. To the extent of any amount recoverable under Section I;
CONTRACT NO PB066AA Signature Page
Engagement of Contractor Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, CDS engages Contractor to provide services specified in Section 1.2. Contractor hereby accepts this engagement by CDS with respect to such matters and for such compensation and terms as provided herein.
Grant of Contract Right In connection with each sale of Additional Loans, VG Funding hereby assigns to Funding all of its rights (but none of its obligations) under, in and to the Original SLM ECFC Purchase Agreement, including all rights of VG Funding to proceed against SLM ECFC with respect to breaches of representations, warranties and covenants with respect to the applicable Additional Loans.
Breach of Contract and Liquidated Damages A. Where OGS determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with the requirements of subsection 4.7 of this Contract, and the Contractor refuses to comply with such requirements, or if it is found to have willfully and intentionally failed to comply with the MWBE participation goals set forth in the Contract, the Contractor shall be obligated to pay liquidated damages to OGS. B. Such liquidated damages shall be calculated as an amount equaling the difference between: 1. All sums identified for payment to MWBEs had the Contractor achieved the contractual MWBE goals; and 2. All sums actually paid to MWBEs for work performed or materials supplied under the Contract. C. If OGS determines that Contractor is liable for liquidated damages and such identified sums have not been withheld by OGS, Contractor shall pay such liquidated damages to OGS within sixty (60) days after they are assessed. Provided, however, that if the Contractor has filed a complaint with the Director of the Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development pursuant to 5 NYCRR § 142.12, liquidated damages shall be payable only in the event of a determination adverse to the Contractor following the complaint process.
Damage to Personal Property The Employer will provide reimbursement for reasonable repair or replacement of damages incurred to the employee's eyeglasses, contact lenses or other prosthesis, ripped uniforms, or personal clothing, as a result of being assaulted while performing his/her work. The employee must report the incident by the end of their shift. The employee will present her or his receipt to the Employer within seven (7) days after the event, unless it was impossible for her or him to do so during this period. The Employer will reimburse up to a maximum of one hundred dollars ($100) per incident except for eyeglasses, which shall have a maximum reimbursement of three hundred dollars ($300).
Material Breach of Contract In the event Contractor fails to deliver the product and services as contracted for herein, to the satisfaction of the City of Sparks or otherwise fails to perform any provisions of this Contract, the City, after providing five (5) days written notice and Contractor’s failure to cure such breach within the time specified in the notice, may without waiving any other remedy, make good the deficiencies and deduct the actual cost of providing alternative products and/or services from payment due the Contractor. Non-performance after the first notice of non-performance shall be considered a material breach of contract.
EXTENT OF CONTRACT This Contract which includes this Agreement and the other documents incorporated herein by reference represents the entire and integrated Agreement between Owner and Contractor and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by Owner and Contractor. If anything in any document incorporated into this Agreement is inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement shall govern.