Limited Operation If any of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities or System Upgrade Facilities or System Deliverability Upgrades are not reasonably expected to be completed prior to the Commercial Operation Date of the Developer’s Large Generating Facility, NYISO shall, upon the request and at the expense of Developer, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, perform operating studies on a timely basis to determine the extent to which the Developer’s Large Generating Facility and the Developer’s Attachment Facilities may operate prior to the completion of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities or System Upgrade Facilities or System Deliverability Upgrades consistent with Applicable Laws and Regulations, Applicable Reliability Standards, Good Utility Practice, and this Agreement. Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO shall permit Developer to operate the Developer’s Large Generating Facility and the Developer’s Attachment Facilities in accordance with the results of such studies.
Suspended Operations If the University President or designee determines that the public health, property or safety is jeopardized and it is advisable due to emergency conditions to suspend the operation of all or any portion of the University, the following will govern represented individuals: A. When prior notice has not been given, represented individuals released until further notice after reporting to work will be compensated for hours worked on the first day of suspended operations. B. Represented individuals who are not required to work during suspended operations may request and may be granted a schedule change during their workweek. C. Represented individuals who are required to work during suspended operations will receive their regular hourly rate for work performed during the period of suspended operation. Overtime worked during suspended operations will be compensated in accordance with Section 5.3, above.
STANDARDS OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS In performing its obligations hereunder, during the term of this ESA, the Competitive Supplier shall exercise reasonable care to assure that its facilities are prudently and efficiently managed; that it employs an adequate number of competently trained and experienced personnel to carry out its responsibilities; that it delivers or arranges to deliver a safe and reliable supply of such amounts of electricity to the Point of Delivery as are required under this ESA; that it complies with all relevant industry standards and practices for the supply of electricity to Participating Consumers; and that, at all times with respect to Participating Consumers, it exercises good practice for a Competitive Supplier and employs Commercially Reasonable skills, systems and methods available to it.