DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. [Description] RBK&C Drawing Nos: [ ] Applicant’s Drawing Nos: [ ]
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. The Developer has sought an amendment to the Penrith Local Environmental Plan 2010 (numbered PP_2018_PENRI_004_00) including the rezoning of the Land (LEP Amendment) and then proposes the redevelopment of the Station Plaza Shopping Centre to allow mixed use development including apartments, upgraded shops, and commercial premises on the Land (Development). The Developer has made an offer to the Council to enter into the Planning Agreement in connection with the LEP Amendment and the Development and to provide and secure development contributions.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. (a) Demolition of existing structures and construction of a building for student accommodation ranging between seven (7) to twelve (12) storeys in height, and including four hundred and thirty−five (435) bedrooms and associated landscaping (Development).
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. Variation of condition 2 (Compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission 16/08015 (Demolition of existing building and structures and construction of mixed use building comprising four storeys over ground and basement levels and including retail (Use Class A1), cinema (Used Class D2) and 11 no. residential units (Use Class C3) to omit approved glazed window with external screen shutters on King's Road elevation. MAJOR APPLICATION
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Copper plans to construct the Development in accordance with the Site Plan, and commence occupancy of the units as early as December 2020. All construction shall be undertaken and completed in accordance with any applicable rules and regulations, including any zoning or other land use regulations, and consistent with the general requirements of this Agreement and in accordance with applicable law.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. The construction of a mansard roof extension and reconfigure the existing accommodation to provide two duplexes and one additional apartment.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. The Developer has obtained development approval from Council for additions and alterations to its existing facility to meet growing demand for school education in the area (Development) and has made an offer to Council to enter into the Planning Agreement in connection with the Development.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. Change of use from hotel (Use Class C1) to single residential dwelling (Use Class C3) together with refurbishment and restoration of building.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. [insert description of development from Planning Application but check the description against the planning application details on the Council’s website as the original definition may have been changed]