Negotiation Committee (A) The Union may designate certain employees to serve on its Negotiation Committee, and such employees will be granted administrative leave to attend negotiating sessions with the state. No employee shall be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee's regular workday for any day the employee is in negotiations. The agency shall not reimburse employees for travel, meals, lodging, or any expense incurred in connection with attendance at negotiating sessions. (B) No more than one employee shall be selected from the same work unit at any one time, nor shall the selection of an employee unduly hamper the operations of the work unit.
Evaluation Committee 16.2.1 The Association and the Board agree to establish a standing joint Evaluation Development Committee for the purpose of regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the policy, procedure and process, including the evaluation instrument, for the evaluation of teachers in the District and to provide recommendations to the Superintendent and Board by April 30.
Mutual Discussions The Employer and the Union acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from dialogue between the parties and are prepared to discuss matters of common interest.
Central Dispute Resolution Committee a) There shall be established a Central Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC), which shall be composed of two (2) representatives from each of the central parties, and two (2) representatives of the Crown. b) The Committee shall meet at the request of one of the central parties. c) The central parties shall each have the following rights: i. To file a dispute as a grievance with the Committee. ii. To engage in settlement discussions, and to mutually settle a grievance with the consent of the Crown. iii. To withdraw a grievance. iv. To mutually agree to refer a grievance to the local grievance procedure. v. To mutually agree to voluntary mediation. vi. To refer a grievance to final and binding arbitration at any time. d) The Crown shall have the following rights: i. To give or withhold approval to any proposed settlement between the central parties. ii. To participate in voluntary mediation. iii. To intervene in any matter referred to arbitration. e) Only a central party may file a grievance and refer it to the Committee for discussion and review. No grievance can be referred to arbitration without three (3) days prior notice to the Committee. f) It shall be the responsibility of each central party to inform their respective local parties of the Committee’s disposition of the dispute at each step in the central dispute resolution process including mediation and arbitration, and to direct them accordingly. g) Each of the central parties and the Crown shall be responsible for their own costs for the central dispute resolution process.
Informal Discussion If an employee has a problem relating to a work situation, the employee is encouraged to request a meeting with his or her immediate supervisor to discuss the problem in an effort to clarify the issue and to work cooperatively towards settlement.
Informal Discussions Before a written grievance is submitted, informal discussions will take place between the aggrieved party, the principal or supervisor and Education Minnesota – OSSEO representative. Through these discussions the parties will attempt to resolve the problem. Subd. 2. Level I: If the grievance is not resolved through informal discussions, the aggrieved party may submit the grievance in writing to the principal or supervisor. A copy of such written grievance must simultaneously be filed with Human Resources. The Director, Human Resources will set a meeting date within five (5) days of receipt of the written grievance. The Director, Human Resources will give a written decision on the grievance to the parties involved within ten (10) days after the meeting. Subd. 3. Level II: In the event the grievance is not resolved in Level I, the decision rendered may be appealed to the superintendent of schools, provided such appeal is made in writing within five (5) days after receipt of the decision in Level I. If a grievance is properly appealed to the superintendent, the superintendent or designee will set a time to meet regarding the grievance within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the appeal. Within ten (10) days after the meeting, the superintendent or designee will issue a decision in writing to the parties involved. Subd. 4. Level III: In the event the grievance is not resolved in Level II, the decision rendered may be appealed to the School Board, provided such appeal is made in writing within five (5) days after receipt of the decision in Level II. If a grievance is properly appealed to the School Board, the School Board will set a time to hear the grievance within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the appeal. Within twenty (20) days after the meeting, the School Board will issue its decision in writing to the parties involved. At the option of the School Board, a committee or representative(s) of the School Board may be designated by the School Board to hear the appeal at this level and report its findings and recommendations to the School Board. The School Board will then render its decision.
Negotiating Committee The Hospital agrees to recognize a Negotiating Committee comprised of representatives of the Association for the purpose of negotiating a renewal agreement. The number of nurses on the Negotiating Committee is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. The Hospital agrees to pay members of the Negotiating Committee for time spent during regular working hours in negotiations with the Hospital for a renewal agreement up to, but not including, arbitration.
Discussions Within 14 days of the date of the notice under Clause 23.2 (Advance Notice) of this article, the Union and the Employer will commence discussions for the purpose of reaching agreement as to the effects of the technological change and in what way, if any, this agreement should be amended.
Negotiations Committee At all negotiations meetings with the Employer representatives for a renewal of this Agreement, the Union may be represented by a negotiations committee composed of five (5) bargaining unit members. No deduction from the regular pay of such Employees will be made for attendance at such meetings with the Employer’s representatives held during the Employee's regular working hours. The Union has the right to have up to an additional five (5) members, including Union Officers, on the Negotiating Committee at no cost to the Employer.
Informal Resolution Outcomes a. When a complainant approaches an administrative officer and alleges harassment by another BCTF member, the following shall apply: i. All discussions shall be solely an attempt to mediate the complaint; ii. Any and all discussions shall be completely off the record and will not form part of any record; iii. Only the complainant, respondent, and administrative officer shall be present at such meetings iv. No discipline of any kind would be imposed on the respondent; and v. The BCTF and its locals, based on the foregoing, will not invoke the notice of investigation and other discipline provisions of the collective agreement at meetings pursuant to Article E.2.5.a. b. Should a resolution be reached between the complainant and the respondent at Step One under the circumstances of Article E.2.5.a, it shall be written up and signed by both. Only the complainant and the respondent shall have copies of the resolution and they shall be used only for the purpose of establishing that a resolution was reached. No other copies of the resolution shall be made. c. In the circumstances where a respondent has acknowledged responsibility pursuant to Article E.