Disputes Procedure. 37.1 The parties to this Agreement commit themselves to ensure they comply with the following principles: (1) the parties undertake to resolve any grievances, or industrial disputes on the basis of goodwill, consultation, discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant facts; (2) all grievances must be properly investigated and potential disputes receive fair, prompt and careful attention and consideration; (3) any dispute arising out of employment shall be referred by the delegate representative appointed by the employee(s) for this purpose to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company); (4) failing settlement at this level between the Company and the delegate, the delegate may refer the dispute within a reasonable time to the Union organiser who will take the matter up with the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be made by the Company and the Union organiser to settle the matter, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall refer the dispute to the Union secretary who shall take the matter up with the Company or the Company’s nominated representative; (5) at any time either party shall have the right to notify the dispute to the Industrial Registrar of the Commission; (6) during the dispute resolution process, work continues normally and the Company continues to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety law, even if the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform; and (7) no party shall be prejudiced, in relation to the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions the status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1), and work shall proceed normally. “Status quo” shall mean the situation existing immediately prior to the dispute or matter giving rise to the dispute.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 (a) All sites depend on milk supplied for their ongoing viability and success. Similarly, milk suppliers depend on the Company and its employees for reliable and timely service. Due to the perishable nature of raw materials and product, it is essential that all sites maintain continuity of operations.
(b) The parties to this Agreement commit themselves to ensure they comply with will, therefore, observe the following principles:procedure for the avoidance of industrial disputes.
(1c) The objective of the parties undertake procedure is to resolve any grievances, or industrial promote the resolution of grievances and disputes by measures based on the basis of goodwill, consultation, discussioncooperation, open communication communication, and disclosure common sense; to reduce industrial confrontation; and to avoid interruption to the performance of all relevant facts;work and consequential loss of wages and production.
(2i) all grievances must In the first instance, the matter in dispute should be properly investigated discussed at the workplace between the employee(s) concerned and potential disputes receive fairthe relevant Line Manager.
(ii) If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, prompt the matter will be discussed at the workplace between the employee(s) concerned, the Union delegate and careful attention the relevant Line Manager.
(iii) If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, the matter will be discussed between more senior levels of management at that site, the employee(s) and consideration;the Union Organiser.
(iv) If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, the matter will be discussed between Regional Operations Managers or nominated senior manager and an appropriate senior official of the Union. The provisions of this sub-clause should occur within three (3) any weeks. If discussions do not occur within three (3) weeks or the matter remains unresolved for three (3) weeks the dispute arising out will move to the next stage of employment shall be referred by this procedure unless there is agreement to extend this period.
(v) If the delegate representative appointed by matter in dispute remains unresolved, the Company, the employee(s) for this purpose to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company);
(4) failing settlement at this level between the Company and the delegate, the delegate may refer the dispute within a reasonable time to or the Union organiser who will take the matter up with the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be made by the Company and the Union organiser to settle the matter, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall may refer the dispute to the Fair Work Commission to deal with, using any of its powers including conciliation, and, if necessary, arbitration.
(d) The Company, the employee(s) and the Union secretary who shall take agree to abide by any decisions or orders made by the Fair Work Commission, subject to exercising any right of appeal.
(e) Until the matter up with the Company or the Company’s nominated representative;
(5) at any time either party shall have the right to notify the in dispute to the Industrial Registrar of the Commission;
(6) during the dispute resolution processis determined, work continues normally and the Company continues to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety law, even if the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform; and
(7) no party shall be prejudiced, in relation to the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions the status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1), and work shall proceed normallywill prevail. “Status quo” shall mean the situation existing immediately The status quo is what was in place prior to the dispute or matter giving rise to the being in dispute.
(f) A nominated employee representative may be involved in any of the above steps.
(g) In this clause, a matter in dispute can include the operation of this Agreement or the NES (including subsections 65(5) and 76(4) of the Fair Work Act).
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Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 The parties to Any dispute or claim in the workplace about matters arising under this Agreement commit themselves to ensure they comply with agreement shall be settled in the following principlesmanner:
(1) 11.1 In the first instance, the parties undertake will attempt to resolve any grievances, or industrial disputes on the basis of goodwill, consultation, discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant facts;
(2) all grievances must be properly investigated and potential disputes receive fair, prompt and careful attention and consideration;
(3) any matter in dispute arising out of employment shall be referred at the workplace by the delegate representative appointed by discussions between the employee(s) for this purpose concerned and the relevant supervisor. The employee may appoint another person to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company);represent them, including a union delegate.
(4a) failing settlement at this level between The representative may interview the Company employee(s) concerned and the delegatesupervisor. The representative shall have reasonable access to resources (including photocopier, telephone, fax machine and notice board) to perform their role.
(b) Any employee directly involved in the dispute procedure steps shall be released on paid time.
11.2 If such discussions do not resolve the matter in dispute, the delegate parties will arrange further discussions involving more senior levels of management as appropriate. The employee may invite a representative, including the union organiser, to be involved in the discussions.
11.3 If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, the employer may refer it to a more senior level of management. The employee may invite a representative, including a more senior union official, to be involved in the dispute within a reasonable time to the Union organiser who will take discussions. The provisions of this sub-clause need not apply unless either party requests otherwise.
11.4 If the matter up with in dispute is unable to be resolved at the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be made by the Company workplace, and the Union organiser to settle the matterall agreed steps for resolving it have been taken, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall either party may refer the dispute to the Union secretary who shall take Australian Industrial Relations Commission (‘the matter up Commission’) for conciliation, and, if necessary, arbitration. Any dispute referred to the Commission should be dealt with by a member agreed by the Company or parties at the Company’s nominated representative;time or, in default of agreement, a member of the relevant panel.
(5) at any time 11.5 The decision of the Commission will bind the parties, subject to either party shall have exercising a right of appeal against the right decision to notify a Full Bench.
11.6 While the dispute to the Industrial Registrar of the Commission;
(6) during the dispute resolution processdisputes process is being followed, work continues normally and the Company continues to trade shall continue without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety law, even if the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform; and
(7) no No party shall be prejudiced, in relation prejudiced as to the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principlesthis subclause.
11.7 Powers of the Commission under the disputes procedure. During discussions The parties accept and will allow the status quo remainsCommission to inform itself in respect of a dispute before it in such manner as it considers appropriate. The parties will do all things necessary to assist the Commission in the conduct of matters referred to it, including:
(a) Attending proceedings as required;
(b) Accepting any process and procedure for the conduct of proceedings considered appropriate by the Commission;
(c) Accepting that such process and procedure may involve the taking of evidence on oath, or affirmation. However, the Commission will not be bound by any rules of evidence;
(d) Producing relevant documents (subject to clause 37.1(1exclusions for legal professional privilege, commercial in confidence documents, or other reason accepted as appropriate by the Commission); and
(e) Making persons available whose presence the Commission regards would assist help in the resolution of the matter.
11.7.1 In any process to resolve the disputes, the parties expect the Commission to:
(a) Recognise the Company has a responsibility to manage and work shall proceed normally. “Status quo” shall mean operate the situation existing immediately prior Company in a safe, reliable and profitable manner;
(b) To the extent permitted by law, have regard to the dispute or matter giving rise principles and objectives set out in Clauses 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this Agreement;
(c) Act according to equity, good conscience and the disputesubstantial merits of the case, without regard to technicalities and legal forms; and
(d) Where relevant and circumstances warrant, consider previous decisions of the Commission.
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Samples: Victorian Cream Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 The parties to 8.1 Any dispute or claim (whether any such dispute or claim arises out of the operation of this Agreement commit themselves or not) as to ensure they comply with the wages or conditions of employment of any of the employees covered by this Agreement shall be settled in the following principlesmanner:
(1a) In the first instance, the parties undertake will attempt to resolve any grievancesthe matter in dispute at the workplace by discussions between the employee(s) concerned and the relevant supervisor. The employee may appoint another person to represent them, or industrial disputes on the basis of goodwill, consultation, discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant facts;including an appointed/elected employee representative.
(2b) all grievances must be properly investigated If requested by an employee, the elected employee representative may interview the employee(s) concerned and potential disputes receive fairthe supervisor. The representative shall have reasonable access to resources (including photocopier, prompt telephone, fax machine and careful attention and consideration;notice board) to perform their role.
(3c) any Any employee involved in the dispute arising out of employment procedure steps shall be released on paid time.
(d) If such discussions do not resolve the matter in dispute, the parties will arrange further discussions involving more senior levels of management as appropriate. The employee may invite his/her representative, including an appointed industrial relations representative, to be involved in the discussions.
(e) If the matter in dispute remains unresolved, the employer may refer it to a more senior level of management. The employee may invite a representative, including an appointed industrial relations representative, to be involved in the discussions. The provisions of this sub-clause need not apply unless either party requests otherwise.
(f) If the matter in dispute is unable to be resolved at the workplace, and all agreed steps for resolving it have been taken, the dispute may be referred to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (‘the Commission’) for conciliation, and, if necessary, arbitration. Any dispute referred to the Commission should be dealt with by a member of the Commission agreed by the delegate representative parties at the time or, in default of agreement, a member appointed by the employee(s) for this purpose to Head of the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company);relevant panel.
(4g) failing settlement at this level between The decision of the Company and Commission will bind the delegateparties, subject to either party exercising a right of appeal against the delegate may refer the dispute within decision to a reasonable time to the Union organiser who will take the matter up with the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be made by the Company and the Union organiser to settle the matter, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall refer the dispute to the Union secretary who shall take the matter up with the Company or the Company’s nominated representative;Full Bench.
(5h) at any time either party shall The parties have the right to notify the dispute be represented and may appoint another person to the Industrial Registrar of the Commission;act on their behalf.
(6i) during While the dispute resolution processparties are attempting to resolve the matter, each employee will continue to work continues normally in accordance with this Agreement and the Company continues to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety law, even if their contract of employment unless the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Even if the employee has such a concern, the employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by the Company company to perform other available work work, whether at the same location or another location that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform; and.
(7) no party 8.2 Powers of the Commission under the disputes procedure If arbitration is necessary the parties agree that the Commission shall be prejudiced, have the power to do all such things as are necessary for the just resolution or determination of the matter in dispute. This includes the exercising of procedural powers in relation to directions, hearings, witnesses, evidence and submissions which are necessary to make the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions the status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1), and work shall proceed normally. “Status quo” shall mean the situation existing immediately prior to the dispute or matter giving rise to the disputearbitration effective.
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Samples: Employment Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 The parties to (a) If a dispute arises about a matter arising under this Agreement commit themselves or the NES, the parties agree that, in the first instance, they will attempt to ensure they comply with resolve the following principlesdispute at the workplace level, by discussions between the Employee and the relevant supervisors and/or management.
(b) Either party may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this clause.
(c) The procedure to be followed is:
(1i) The Employee must contact their immediate supervisor and/or site manager and inform them of the parties undertake concern. If required, the supervisor will arrange a meeting to discuss the matter further. The Employee must detail what their concern is and how it is impacting on them. The supervisor will provide a response to the matter raised.
(ii) If the Employee does not consider the matter to be resolved, they may request that the matter be further considered by relevant management. The supervisor will arrange a meeting with relevant management. The Employee will be asked to provide the reason(s) why they do not consider the matter to be resolved. The relevant management will provide a response to the matter.
(iii) If the Employee still does not consider the matter to be resolved, they may request the matter be reviewed by the Company's general manager. The relevant management will arrange for the Employee to meet with the Company's general manager. During the meeting, the Employee must explain what their concern is, and why they do not consider the matter to be resolved. The Company's general manager will provide a response to the Employee.
(d) If the matter remains unresolved at the conclusion of clause 4.8(c) above, either the Employee or the Company may refer the matter to the FWC for mediation or conciliation.
(e) The FWC will attempt to resolve any grievancesthe dispute as it considers appropriate, by mediation or industrial disputes on conciliation (including by private conference). During the basis of goodwillmediation and conciliation process, consultation, discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant factsthe FWC has the power to dismiss a matter if the FWC forms the view that:
(i) The application is trivial or frivolous;
(2ii) all grievances must be properly investigated and potential disputes receive fair, prompt and careful attention and consideration;The matter is incapable of resolution within a timeframe the FWC considers reasonable; or
(3iii) any dispute arising out of employment shall be referred by The Employee or its representative is acting unreasonably in failing to resolve the delegate representative appointed by the employee(s) for this purpose to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company);dispute.
(4f) failing settlement at this level between Subject to all of the Company and the delegatepreceding steps set out above having been completed, the delegate FWC may refer only proceed to arbitrate the dispute within if it determines by way of a reasonable time preliminary hearing that there is a serious question to be tried (including the Union organiser who will take power to dismiss the matter up with or any part of it at the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be preliminary stage).
(g) Any decision made by the Company and FWC in relation to the Union organiser to settle the matter, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall refer arbitration of the dispute will be binding on the Parties.
(h) Any arbitrated decision by the FWC is subject to the Union secretary who shall take Parties exercising a right of appeal against the matter up with arbitrated decision of the Company or FWC to the Company’s nominated representative;Full Bench of the FWC under the Act.
(5i) at any time either party shall have While the right Parties are trying to notify resolve the dispute to using the Industrial Registrar of the Commission;procedures in this clause:
(6i) during the dispute resolution process, work continues normally and the Company continues The Employee must continue to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to perform his or her health work as he or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety law, even if the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee she would normally; and
(ii) The Employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction any directions given by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate for at the employee to perform; andsame workplace, or at another workplace.
(7iii) no party The status quo shall be prejudiced, in relation to maintained whilst the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions the status above procedure is being followed.
(j) Status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1), and work shall proceed normally. “Status quo” shall mean the situation existing circumstances that prevailed immediately prior to the dispute or matter giving rise to any change that caused the dispute.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 10.1 A procedure for the avoidance of industrial disputes and Employee grievances shall apply to the Site.
10.2 The parties objective of the procedure shall be to promote the resolution of disputes / grievances by measures based on consultation, co-operation and discussion, to reduce the level of industrial confrontation and to avoid interruption to the performance of work and the consequential loss of production and wages.
10.3 Employees should obtain permission from their manager or supervisor prior to leaving their workstation when following this Agreement commit themselves to ensure they comply with the following principles:procedure. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(1) Procedures relating to grievances between individual Employees and Readymix
(a) The Employee concerned is required to notify (in writing or otherwise) Readymix as to the parties undertake substance of the grievance, request a meeting with Readymix for bilateral discussions and state the remedy sought.
(b) A grievance must initially be dealt with as close to resolve any grievancesits source as possible, or industrial disputes on with graduated steps for further discussion and resolution at higher levels of authority.
(c) Reasonable time limits must be allowed for discussion at each level of authority.
(d) At the basis conclusion of goodwill, consultation, the discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant facts;Readymix must provide a response to the Employee’s grievance, if the matter has not been resolved, including reasons for not implementing any proposed remedy.
(e) While a procedure is being followed, normal work must continue.
(2) Procedures relating to disputes between all grievances Employees and Readymix
(a) A question, dispute or difficulty must initially be dealt with as close to its sources as possible, with graduated steps for further discussion and resolution at higher levels of authority.
(b) Reasonable time limits must be properly investigated and potential disputes receive fair, prompt and careful attention and consideration;allowed for discussion at each level of authority.
(3c) any dispute arising out of employment While a procedure is being followed, normal work must continue.
10.5 There shall be referred a commitment by the delegate representative appointed parties to achieve adherence to this procedure. This should be facilitated by the employee(s) for this purpose earliest possible advice by one party to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by other of any issue or problem which may give rise to a grievance or dispute.
10.6 Reasonable time limits shall be allowed for the Company);completion of the various stages of the discussions. At least 7 days should be allowed for all stages of the discussions to be finalised.
(4) failing settlement at this level between 10.7 Emphasis shall be placed on a negotiated settlement. However, if the Company and negotiation process is exhausted without the delegatedispute being resolved, the delegate may parties shall jointly or individually refer the dispute within a reasonable time matter to the Union organiser who will take Commission for assistance in resolving the matter up with dispute.
10.8 In order to allow for the Company. All reasonable efforts peaceful resolution of grievances and disputes, the parties shall be made by committed to avoid industrial action, including stoppages of work, lock-outs or any other bans or limitations on the Company and performance of work, while the Union organiser to settle above procedure is being followed.
10.9 Readymix shall ensure that all practices applied during the matter, but failing settlement, the Union organiser shall refer the dispute to the Union secretary who shall take the matter up with the Company or the Company’s nominated representative;
(5) at any time either party shall have the right to notify the dispute to the Industrial Registrar operation of the Commission;
(6) during the dispute resolution process, work continues normally and the Company continues to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except are in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable accordance with its occupational health and safety law, even if obligations and consistent with established custom and practice at the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee must not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate for the employee to perform; and
(7) no party shall be prejudiced, in relation to the final settlement of a dispute by the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions the status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1), and work shall proceed normally. “Status quo” shall mean the situation existing immediately prior to the dispute or matter giving rise to the disputeSite.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Disputes Procedure. 37.1 The parties 40.1 This procedure will apply to this Agreement commit themselves to ensure they comply with the following principles:
(1) the parties undertake to resolve any grievances, or industrial disputes on the basis of goodwill, consultation, discussion, open communication and disclosure of all relevant facts;
(2) all grievances must be properly investigated and potential disputes receive fair, prompt and careful attention and consideration;
(3) any dispute arising out of employment shall be referred by the delegate representative appointed by the employee(s) for this purpose to the appropriate Company representative (appointed by the Company);
(4) failing settlement at this level between the Company and the delegateEmployees about matters arising under the Agreement.
40.2 The objectives of the procedure will be to promote the resolution of disputes/grievances by measures based on consultation, cooperation and discussion, to reduce the delegate may refer the dispute within a reasonable time level of industrial confrontation and to avoid interruption to the Union organiser who performance of work and the consequential loss of production and wages.
40.3 Employees must obtain permission from their manager or supervisor prior to leaving their workstation when following this procedure. Such permission will take not be unreasonably withheld.
40.4 If a dispute arises, in the matter up with the Company. All reasonable efforts shall be made by first instance the Company and the Union organiser Employees concerned will genuinely attempt to settle resolve the mattermatter at the workplace in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) Firstly, but failing settlementby discussions between the Employee(s) concerned and the relevant supervisor. As part of this stage of the procedure, the Union organiser shall refer Employee(s) must notify the Company (in writing or otherwise) of the nature of the dispute to and the Union secretary who shall take the matter up with the Company or the Company’s nominated representativeremedy sought;
(5b) If such discussions do not resolve the dispute, by discussions between the Employee(s) concerned and the Site manager; and
(c) If such discussions do not resolve the dispute, by discussions between the Employee(s) concerned and the relevant operations manager and/or human resources.
(d) The Employee(s) concerned may invite an appropriate support person to be involved at any time each meeting.
40.5 If the matter remains unresolved, either the Employee(s) or the Company may apply to the Registry of the Commission for resolution by conciliation and, if the matter remains unresolved, by arbitration. If arbitration is necessary, the Commission may exercise the procedural powers in relation to hearings, witnesses, evidence and submissions which are necessary to make the arbitration effective. The decision of the member will bind the Company and the Employees, subject to either party shall have exercising a right of appeal (as provided under the right Act) against the decision to notify the dispute to the Industrial Registrar a Full Bench of the Commission;.
40.6 The Company and/or the Employee(s) may be represented by a person or organisation of their choosing at any stage of this procedure.
40.7 An Employee who is a party to a dispute must, while the dispute is being resolved:
(6a) during the dispute resolution process, continue to work continues normally and the Company continues to trade without interruption from industrial stoppages, bans and/or limitations, whilst the procedure above is put into effect, except in circumstances where an employee holds a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to accordance with his or her health or safety. Subject to any applicable occupational health and safety lawcontract of employment, even if unless the employee Employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health or safety, the employee must not unreasonably fail to ; and
(b) comply with a any reasonable direction given by the Company to perform other available work that is safe and appropriate work.
40.8 Any recommendation, determination or arbitration made by the Commission must be consistent with the National Code of Practice for the employee to perform; and
Construction Industry (7the Code) no party shall be prejudiced, in relation to and the final settlement Australian Government Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of a dispute by Practice for the continuance of work in accordance with these principles. During discussions Construction Industry (the status quo remains, subject to clause 37.1(1Guidelines), and work shall proceed normallywith legislative obligations. “Status quo” shall mean 13 $883.77 $914.70 $951.29 12 $870.10 $900.55 $936.57 11 $856.08 $886.04 $921.48 10 $842.56 $872.05 $906.93 9 $821.80 $850.56 $884.58 8 $784.66 $812.12 $844.60 7 $767.34 $794.20 $825.97 6 $750.06 $776.31 $807.36 5 $731.20 $756.79 $787.06 4 $714.51 $739.52 $769.10 3 $698.64 $723.09 $752.01 2 $690.30 $714.46 $743.04 1 $673.05 $696.61 $724.47 Gosnells Quarry Agreement 2006v4.DOC Table 2 – Allowances Item No. Allowances Operative from first pay period on or after the situation existing immediately prior Commencement Date Operative from first pay period on or after 1 November 2007 Operative from first pay period on or after 1 November 2008 1 Leading Hand – 3 to the dispute 9 (per week) $21.90 $22.75 $23.64 2 Leading Hand – 10 to 19 (per week) $35.10 $36.47 $37.89 3 Leading Hand – 20 or matter giving rise to the dispute.more (per week) $43.50 $45.20 $46.96 4 First Aid (per week) $6.60 $6.86 $7.13 5 Meal (per meal) $10.08 $10.47 $10.88
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Samples: Gosnells Quarry Agreement