Secretary of State The Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.
Out-of-State Travel Costs for travel outside Texas or the United States are unallowable unless a Request to Use TJJD Funds to Attend Out-of-State Training [TJJD-CER-01-11] has been submitted by the Grantee and prior written approval of the trip and projected costs for such travel has been granted by the Department.
Summary of State Ethics Laws Pursuant to the requirements of section 1-101qq of the Connecticut General Statutes, the summary of State ethics laws developed by the State Ethics Commission pursuant to section 1-81b of the Connecticut General Statutes is incorporated by reference into and made a part of the Contract as if the summary had been fully set forth in the Contract.
Use of State Property A. Grantee is prohibited from using State Property for any purpose other than performing Services authorized under the Grant Agreement. B. State Property includes, but is not limited to, System Agency’s office space, identification badges, System Agency information technology equipment and networks (e.g., laptops, portable printers, cell phones, iPads or tablets, external hard drives, data storage devices, any System Agency-issued software, and the System Agency Virtual Private Network (VPN client)), and any other resources of System Agency. C. Grantee shall not remove State Property from the continental United States. In addition, Grantee may not use any computing device to access System Agency’s network or e- mail while outside of the continental United States. D. Grantee shall not perform any maintenance services on State Property unless the Grant Agreement expressly authorizes such Services. E. During the time that State Property is in the possession of Grantee, Grantee shall be responsible for: i. all repair and replacement charges incurred by State Agency that are associated with loss of State Property or damage beyond normal wear and tear, and ii. all charges attributable to Xxxxxxx’s use of State Property that exceeds the Grant Agreement scope. Grantee shall fully reimburse such charges to System Agency within ten (10) calendar days of Grantee’s receipt of System Agency’s notice of amount due. Use of State Property for a purpose not authorized by the Grant Agreement shall constitute breach of contract and may result in termination of the Grant Agreement and the pursuit of other remedies available to System Agency under contract, at law, or in equity.
State of Texas Franchise Tax By signature hereon, Vendor hereby certifies that Vendor is not currently delinquent in the payment of any franchise taxes owed to the State of Texas under Chapter 171 of the Texas Tax Code.
Organization Documents; Fiscal Year; Legal Name, State of Formation and Form of Entity (a) Amend, modify or change its Organization Documents in a manner adverse to the Lenders. (b) Change its fiscal year. (c) Without providing ten (10) days prior written notice to the Administrative Agent, change its name, state of formation or form of organization.
Certification Regarding Use of State Funds If Party is an employer and this Agreement is a State-funded grant in excess of $1,001, Party certifies that none of these State funds will be used to interfere with or restrain the exercise of Party’s employee’s rights with respect to unionization.
Department of State Registration Consistent with Title XXXVI, F.S., the Contractor and any subcontractors that assert status, other than a sole proprietor, must provide the Department with conclusive evidence of a certificate of status, not subject to qualification, if a Florida business entity, or of a certificate of authorization if a foreign business entity.
Use of State Facilities Where there is available appropriate meeting space in buildings owned or leased by the State, MSEA-SEIU shall be allowed reasonable use of such space at reasonable times for specific meetings, including space suitable for meetings in private between MSEA-SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances. In addition, in buildings owned or leased by the State that have video conferencing facilities, MSEA-SEIU may be allowed reasonable use of those facilities. Advance arrangements for the use of State facilities shall be made with the department or agency concerned. MSEA-SEIU shall reimburse the State for any additional expense incurred in allowing use of such space. No other employee organization, except such as have been certified or recognized as the bargaining agent for other State employees, shall have the right to meeting space in State facilities for purposes pertaining to terms and conditions of employment of employees. The use of State facilities for meetings shall be in non-work areas or where work is not in progress. Other than meetings in private between MSEA- SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances, all meetings in State facilities shall be during the off- duty time of employees attending and, in all instances, attendance shall be voluntary. Arrangements for any meetings in State facilities will be made so as to avoid interference with the department's or agency's operations or violation of the department's or agency's security.
Certificate of Good Standing Legal Existence; and