District Facilities definition

District Facilities means the District’s sewer mains, treatment works and all easements and appurtenances thereto. The term does not include sewer service lines.
District Facilities means the water, wastewater, drainage, detention, recreational and road facilities, as well as such additional facilities which the District may now or in the future be authorized by law to construct, own, operate and maintain, which are necessary to serve development within the boundaries of the District, including those necessary facilities located outside the boundaries of the District.
District Facilities means all of the District's system of collecting, conveying, and treatment including, but not limited to, the collection system and treatment plant. This includes any publicly-owned facility connected to the District's collection system which generates wastewater treated at the District treatment plant.

Examples of District Facilities in a sentence

  • The Contractor will be issued keys for the sites through the District Facilities and Support Operations Department to allow access at the sites.

  • It shall be the responsibility of the Vendor to coordinate with the District Facilities Maintenance Supervisor or their designated representative on a procedure for the Vendor’s personnel to follow when entering or leaving the District facilities.

  • To ensure a successful and satisfactory project, the points below represent essential processes that must be managed between the vendor and the appropriate District Facilities Maintenance Supervisor or their designated representative.

  • In order to access buildings outside of the regular building hours, the Union will follow the stated District Facilities Reservation System.

  • Specifications, plans, elements and commitments contained in the School District’s Educational Plant Survey, Five Year District Facilities Work Plan and long-range student projections are incorporated into the District’s capacity determinations for Controlled Open Enrollment.

More Definitions of District Facilities

District Facilities means all of the District's system for collecting, conveying and treatment including, but not limited to, the collection system and treatment plant.
District Facilities means all personal property and real property owned or controlled by the District, including Poles and Conduit System.
District Facilities means all pipes, fixtures, Meters and appurtenances of any kind and nature of that Potable Water and Reuse Water distribution or Domestic Wastewater collection and transmission facilities owned and operated by the District.
District Facilities means all water conveyance facilities of the District, including but not limited to, for example, District canals, creeks used for conveyance, laterals, ditches, drains, flumes, pipes, measurement and control devices, rights-of-way for canal banks or roadways and all related operational facilities, including dams, structures, wells, pumps, power plants, reservoirs, and all other facilities of the District.
District Facilities means poles, luminaires, circuits, junction boxes, service panels, conduits, foundations, facilities or property of any kind owned by the District or that will be transferred to District ownership upon completion of construction and acceptance by the District.
District Facilities or “Common Areas” – means and includes all District owned, operated, and/or maintained property described in the Declarations of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions for Forest Creek or any phase thereof, as amended (“DCCRs”) and the plats for Forest Creek recorded in the public records of Manatee County. This includes all tracts and property dedicated by plat to the District. See the table 1 below for a list of the primary District Facilities and Common Areas. Only Patrons and authorized guests are permitted use of District Facilities or Common Areas in accordance with these rules and policies.
District Facilities. – shall mean any property, building, parking lot, pond and pond easement, including the Clubhouse Amenity as defined above, and any other property owned and/or leased by the District. District Facilities locations are highlighted in red in Attachment 1.