Downgrade Rights. Organization may use an earlier version of a Product than the version that is current on the effective date of the Enrollment. For Licenses acquired in the current Enrollment term, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Product version includes features that are not in the new version, then the Use Rights applicable to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.
Downgrade Rights. Enrolled Customer may use an earlier version of a Product other than Online Services than the version that is current on the effective date of the Enrollment. For Licenses acquired in the current Enrollment term, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Product version includes features that are not in the new version, then the Use Rights applicable to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.
Downgrade Rights. If you acquired a device from a manufacturer or installer with a Professional version of Windows preinstalled on it, you may use either a Windows 8.1 Pro or Windows 7 Professional version, but only for so long as Microsoft provides support for that earlier version as set forth in (xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). This agreement applies to your use of the earlier versions. If the earlier version includes different components, any terms for those components in the agreement that comes with the earlier version apply to your use of such components. Neither the manufacturer or installer, nor Microsoft, is obligated to supply earlier versions to you. You must obtain the earlier version separately, for which you may be charged a fee. At any time, you may replace an earlier version with the version you originally acquired.
Downgrade Rights. Enterprise may use an earlier version of a Product than the version that is current on the effective date of the Enrollment. For Licenses acquired in the current Enrollment term, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Product version includes features that are not in the new version, then the Use Rights applicable to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.
Downgrade Rights. Enrolled Affiliate may use an earlier version of a Product other than Online Services than the version that is current on the effective date of the Enrollment. For Licenses acquired in the current Enrollment term, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Product version includes features that are not in the new version, then the Use Rights applicable to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.
Downgrade Rights. FMI only grants Bundle Redistributor the rights to distribute the current version of the Software. Bundle Redistributor may also distribute 1 version prior to the current version for a period of time determined solely by FMI and communicated to Bundle Redistributor in order to allow Bundle Redistributor time to migrate to the current version. Bundle Redistributor is not granted any rights to distribute any other prior versions of the Software under this Agreement.
Downgrade Rights. Customer may use an earlier version of Software than the version that is current on the date Customer orders the Software. In that case, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Software version includes features that are not in the new version, then the Use Rights applicable to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.
Downgrade Rights. If you acquired a device from a manufacturer or installer with a Professional version of Pro Manager V (Powered by Vompt) software preinstalled on it and it is configured to run in full feature mode, you may use either a Pro Manager V (Powered by Vompt) software, but only for so long as Pro Manager V (Powered by Vompt) software provides support for that earlier version as set forth. This agreement applies to your use of the earlier versions. If the earlier version includes different components, any terms for those components in the agreement that comes with the earlier version apply to your use of such components. Neither the device manufacturer or installer, nor Pro Manager V, LLC, is obligated to supply earlier versions to you. You must obtain the earlier version separately, for which you may be charged a fee. At any time, you may replace an earlier version with the version you originally acquired.
Downgrade Rights. For each permitted instance, you may create, store, and use an earlier version of Windows Server Datacenter for so long as Microsoft provides support for that earlier version as set forth in (xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Downgrade Rights. If you acquired a device from a manufacturer or installer with a non- academic Professional version of Windows preinstalled on it, you may use either a Windows