DS0s Sample Clauses

DS0s. The following COCI are available: Voice Grade, Digital Data and ISDN.
DS0s. The following Central Office Channel Interfaces (COCI) are available: Voice Grade, Digital Data and ISDN.
DS0s. The following cross connects are available: Analog and Digital Data.
DS0s to connect a CEB to the AEB at the zone controller. It takes three DS0s per remote console position to connect to the CEB. An additional ten DS0s are required for console programming regardless of the CEB location. Consoles can also operate using control stations to access the System. Consoles using this configuration do not connect to a CEB and do not have any remote connectivity requirements. Rather, the control stations provide a wireless connection to the System Some agencies have chosen to install bulk encryption equipment to encrypt the links between the CEB and the console positions, and the CEB and AEB. This equipment does not increase the bandwidth requirement. The BIM cards installed in the CEB allow conventional radio resources like base stations and air-to-ground radios to be used by the console dispatcher along with trunked talk groups. This capability provides System interoperability with conventional radio systems through a patch, or by communicating directly with non-System radios. Tie trunks are connections between two BIM cards in different CEBs. These can be permanent or temporary patches that link different dispatch systems and their associated resources. 2.2.2 Key Management Facility (KMF) The Motorola ASTRO 25TM system allows two-way radio transmissions to be encrypted and secure. The KMF is a solution for centralized key management and over-the-Air- rekeying (OTAR). The KMF equipment includes a KMF application server, KMF database server and KMF client. 2.2.3 Network Management Terminals (NMT) NMTs are consoles that connect to the System. The NMT is used by user System Managers and technologists to manage their radio fleet, units and configurations. While NMTs can be utilized to manage and operate more than one agency’s System operations, they are usually controlled by one Agency.
DS0s. The Parties are presently interconnected at numerous points in each LATA throughout the Xxxx Atlantic serving area. Each Party has provided the other with interconnection at various reasonable points on its network in each LATA or tandem serving area and nothing in this Agreement is intended to require either Party to provide additional or different points of interconnection without its consent. Having reviewed one another’s network configurations, the Parties agree that their present network design and resulting interconnection
DS0s to connect a CEB to the AEB at the zone controller. It takes three DS0s per remote console position to connect to the CEB. An additional ten DS0s are required for console programming regardless of the CEB location. Some agencies have chosen to install bulk encryption equipment to encrypt the links between the CEB and the console positions, and the CEB and AEB. This equipment does not increase the bandwidth requirement. The BIM cards installed in the CEB allow conventional radio resources like base stations and air-to-ground radios to be used by the console dispatcher along with trunked talk groups. This capability provides System interoperability with conventional radio systems through a patch, or by communicating directly with non-System radio systems. Tie trunks are connections between two BIM cards in different CEBs. These can be permanent or temporary patches that link different dispatch systems and their associated resources.