Bandwidth Sample Clauses
Bandwidth the amount of data (quantified as “Mbps” or “Gbps”) made available to Customer as specified in a Service Order.
Bandwidth. Actual data transfer or throughput may be lower than the minimum connection speed listed due to Internet congestion, server speeds, protocol overheads and other factors that cannot be controlled by ITC (for example: technology or distance).
Bandwidth. (A) Minimum bandwidth: 256 kbps
(B) If using video uploads: 512 kbps
Bandwidth. The bandwidth representing the Fund Documents Web Site’s connection to the Internet shall be operating at capacity no more than 2 minutes in any 24 hour period.
Bandwidth. 4.1. The bandwidth is from 6.30 am to 9:00pm Monday to Friday.
4.2. The Department may determine the working hours (commencing and finishing time) during the bandwidth subject to operational and service delivery needs and to an employee being directed to work no more than 7 hours a day, subject to the provisions of clause 5 Core Time, and clause 13 Overtime of this Agreement. An employee may be directed not to start work before a certain time, or not finish work after a certain time, where the work is not required to be performed at those times, or where the hours are judged to provide a WHS risk.
4.3. For the purposes of accrual under clause 10, time will not be credited to employees for attendance outside the bandwidth or when working additional hours for which overtime is approved.
Bandwidth. MCLS will monitor digital transmission bandwidth and will distribute monthly reports to the member library directors. Library Automation Services (LAS) has discretion to increase bandwidth based on its monitoring of digital transmission services. Any library using more than 80% of its bandwidth capacity throughout the day for a consistent 30-day period may request additional bandwidth. A member library request for additional bandwidth without a recommendation from LAS requires a review of the request be conducted and determination made by the SSOC. The review requires documentation by LAS and the member library that bandwidth is being used for direct patron services. The MCLS Director reserves the right to approve, without SSOC review, additional bandwidth for a member if it is clear the library meets the criteria stated above. Bandwidth will be increased based on capacity in the current digital transmission contract and available MCLS operational funding.
Bandwidth. Genhost Offers Unlimited Bandwidth with All Hosting & Reseller Plans.UNLIMITED Means we didn’t limited anything for your initial usage but you are about the consider upgrading as per your business/website needs incase of heavy usage..Shared Environments (Shared/Reseller hosting/Master/AlphaReseller) are only for Initial/Average level of websites. VPS/Dedicated Servers Bandwidth will be Unlimited but if we found any VPS/Dedicated Server using Morethan 1 TB Per day You should considering upgrading your Network Speed with Paid Bandwidth Once it has been noticed by our Datacenter Network Team. We generally recommend a control panel to manage and operate the VPS. All customers who have a Unmanaged VPS would have to configure the DNS, user accounts, mail accounts and other such activities pertaining to the configuration of such VPS' themselves. The support team will not be responsible for this. We don’t maintain any type of backups for your Cloud/VPS/Dedicated Servers ! • Spamming, sending unsolicited emails from our servers or using email addresses that are maintained by us is STRICTLY prohibited and will qualify your site for immediate deactivation with no refund. Genhost Webhosting Solution would be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. • In order to ensure that our shared servers, cloud & vps nodes as well as dedicated server hardware node give us optimum performance we have set limits on the number of outgoing mails which can be sent per hour. Accordingly, shared & reseller customers would be allowed to send 150 outgoing mails per hour, Customers having VPS/Dedicated can able to set their Limits But incase of any Spam complaint Received Those VPS/Dedicated Port 25 Will be Blocked and Incase of multiple Abuse cases we have rights to keep such services on Suspension until you resolve the spam issue • We do not guarantee Inbox email delivery with any of our hosting plans. Sugesstion Taking Dedicated IP Address in Shared/Reseller/Master/Alpha hosting will help you with Inbox Delievry (But we don’t have any gurantee for it as it was something related to GMAIL/YAHOO/OUTMAIL and other mail services providers Mailing policies) • Your use of the Services is at your sole risk. You agree to back-up all of your User Content so that you can access and use it when needed. Genhost Webhosting Solution does not warrant that it backs-up any Account or User Content, and you agree to accept as a risk the loss of any and all of your User Content...
Bandwidth. (i) Bandwidth is the period during the day when all staff may record time worked.
(ii) The maximum bandwidth shall be 15 hours, the earliest starting time being 7.00am and the latest finishing time being 10.00pm Monday to Friday.
(iii) Staff must at all times obey directions given by their supervisors regarding hours of attendance. Where possible, supervisors should try to balance flexibility for staff in nominating their usual span of working hours, provided that the constraints of service delivery requirements are factored into any working arrangement.
(iv) Time shall not be credited to an officer for attendance outside the bandwidth.
(v) Any time worked during a settlement period before or after the bandwidth which is worked at the direction of the Department will be compensated for in terms of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment 1997)
Bandwidth. Total cumulative size of all files uploads and downloads recorded in the MOVEit Transfer audit logs. Calculation is based on files sizes and resets at the start of each calendar month. If you have a cloud test environment provisioned for you any usage there will be included in the total monthly bandwidth usage.
Bandwidth. The bandwidth for all employees is 6.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Friday.