Dugongs Sample Clauses

Dugongs. The dugong (Dugong dugong) is considered endangered in eastern Africa with the last remaining viable population (>300) found in the Bazaruto Archipelago in Mozambique. The dugong once ranged from Somalia to Mozambique and across to western Madagascar (WWF, 2004), but numbers have plummeted since the 1960s as it is fished for its meat and is the accidental victim of seine, xxxx- net and trawl fishing. Habitat destruction and human encroachment have also contributed to its decline. Dugongs are protected in both Kenya and Tanzania, yet their numbers continue to decline. In northern Tanzania Dugongs were known to inhabit seagrass beds off the Tanga coast. Today sightings are highly irregular with one caught in 2000 at Buyuni near Pangani and another sighted in May 2006 by divers at 10m depth near Kigombe, It is believed that a small population might still exist near the Kenyan border at Mbaya/Kigomeni. In Kenya, it is believed that dugongs may now remain only in very small numbers in the Lamu-Kiunga region (Xxxxxx, 1998) and in Funzi Bay in the south of the country. There has been only one recent sighting in the northern area of Lamu-Kiunga. One dugong has been sighted each year (2007–2009) in Funzi Bay in southern Kenya. There have been two sightings off Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Reserve further south (Samoilys et al., 2015).
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Dugongs. The dugong is a threatened migratory mammal of the Indo-Pacific, which the CMS MoU from 2007 aims to conserve through national and transboundary level action. A comprehensive management plan provides the foundation for the individual objectives, which focus on the mitigation of anthropogenic threats such as pollutions or collisions with vessels.

Related to Dugongs

  • Pendahuluan Semakin tahun semakin besar kebutuhan akan tanah, baik untuk kepentingan pembangunan perumahan atau gedung maupun untuk pelaksanaan usaha, termasuk usaha pertanian, sedangkan tanah 1 Xxxxx Xxxxxx,XX.XX. adalah Xxxxx Xxxxx III Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi xxx Xxxxx Tetap PS. Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi. kosong yang tersedia sudah semakin sedikit xxx tidak pula memiliki tanah sendiri. Dikarenakan tanah sendiri tidak ada atau sangat kecil sedangkan kebutuhan untuk usaha sangat besar, maka diperlukan pihak xxxx xxxx memiliki lahan tanah yang luas untuk menggunakan tanahnya. Pihak yang membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas untuk usahanya tidak hanya orang perorangan melainkan juga suatu badan usaha. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan lahan tanah yang cukup luas untuk usahanya di kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama. Perusahaan ini membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas guna usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dari usaha yang dilakukan, akhirnya PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama mendapatkan lahan tanah yang diinginkannya dengan menggunakan tanah xxxxx masyarakat kecamatan Xxxx Xxxx. Penggunaan tanah masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx untuk keperluan usaha perkebunan PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama bukanlah terjadi dengan sendirinya xxx penguasaan semena-mena, melainkan diawali dengan suatu perjanjian kepada xxxxx masyarakat pemilik tanah tersebut. Perjanjian yang diadakan antara PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dengan masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx adalah perjanjian penggunaan tanah untuk keperluan usaha, yang dituangkan dalam surat perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian yang diadakan, ditentukan xxx xxx kewajiban masing-masing pihak, umumnya hak dari pihak PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dapat menggunakan tanah milik masyrakat adat untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunannya hingga jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan kewajiban membayar sejumlah harga dari hasil perkebunan yang dilakukan xxx mengembalikan pengelolaan tanah tersebut kepada xxxxx masyarakat adat pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu perjanjian. Sedangkan hak masyarakat adat selaku pemilik tanah selain mendapatkan bagian hasil perkebunan juga mendapatkan tanahnya kembali setelah berakhirnya perjanjian. Dikarenakan penggunaan tanah untuk usaha perkebunan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, maka banyak terjadi perubahan- perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kadangkala tidak diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat, sehingga merugikan xxxxx masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian tanpa diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx, timbulah berbagai permasalahan berupa :

  • meminta nasihat daripada Pihak Xxxxxx dalam semua perkara berkenaan dengan jualan lelongan, termasuk Syarat-syarat Jualan (iii) membuat carian Hakmilik Xxxxx xxxxxx rasmi di Pejabat Tanah xxx/atau xxxx-xxxx Pihak-pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan xxx (iv) membuat pertanyaan dengan Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan samada jualan ini terbuka kepada semua bangsa atau kaum Bumiputra Warganegara Malaysia sahaja atau melayu sahaja xxx juga mengenai persetujuan untuk jualan ini sebelum jualan lelong.Penawar yang berjaya (“Pembeli”) dikehendaki dengan segera memohon xxx mendapatkan kebenaran pindahmilik (jika ada) daripada Pihak Pemaju xxx/atau Pihak Tuanpunya xxx/atau Pihak Berkuasa Negeri atau badan-badan berkenaan (v) memeriksa xxx memastikan samada jualan ini dikenakan cukai. BUTIR-BUTIR HARTANAH : HAKMILIK : Hakmilik strata bagi hartanah ini masih belum dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa. NO. HAKMILIK INDUK / NO. LOT : Geran 203771, Lot 106 Seksyen 3 PEKAN/DAERAH/NEGERI : Pekan Batu Tiga / Petaling / Selangor Darul Ehsan PEGANGAN : Selama-lamanya KELUASAN LANTAI : 93.65 meter persegi (1,008 kaki persegi) PEMAJU : Shanghai Realty (M) Sdn Bhd (350799-U) XXXXXXXX XXX : Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Bin Xxxxxx BEBANAN : Diserahhak kepada RHB Islamic Bank Berhad (200501003283/680329-V) LOKASI XXX PERIHAL HARTANAH Hartanah tersebut terletak di Pangsapuri Indahria, Xx. 0, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx. Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah unit pangsapuri dikenali sebagai Xxxxx Pemaju No. P5-2-11, Tingkat No. 2, Bangunan No. P5, berserta dengan Xxxxx Aksesori No. GRD-07, Pangsapuri Indahria xxx mempunyai alamat surat-menyurat di Unit No. P5-02-11, Pangsapuri Indahria, Xx. 0, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx. HARGA RIZAB: Harta ini dijual “keadaan seperti mana sediada” dengan harga rizab sebanyak RM 270,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA: DUA RATUS XXX TUJUH PULUH RIBU SAHAJA) xxx tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat Jualan xxx melalui penyerahan hakkan dari Pemegang Serahak, tertakluk kepada kelulusan di perolehi oleh pihak Pembeli daripada pihak berkuasa, jika ada, termasuk semua terma, syarat xxx perjanjian yang dikenakan xxx mungkin dikenakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan. Pembeli bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memperolehi xxx mematuhi syarat- syarat berkenaan daripada Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan, jika ada xxx semua xxx xxx perbelanjaan ditanggung xxx dibayar oleh Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.Pembeli atas talian (online) juga tertakluk kepada terma-terma xxx syarat-syarat terkandung dalam xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx Pembeli yang berminat adalah dikehendaki mendeposit kepada Pelelong 10% daripada harga rizab dalam bentuk Bank Draf atau Cashier’s Order di atas nama RHB Islamic Bank Berhad sebelum lelongan awam xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx bersama-sama dengan segala cukai jualan xxx perkhidmatan (SST) xxx/atau cukai yang menggantikan SST hendaklah dibayar dalam tempoh sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh lelongan kepada RHB Islamic Bank Berhad melalui XXXXXX. Butir-butir pembayaran melalui XXXXXX, xxxx berhubung dengan Tetuan T. Rajagopalu & Co. Untuk maklumat lanjut, xxxx berhubung dengan TETUAN T. RAJAGOPALU & CO, Solicitors for Assignee herein whose address is at Xxxxx 0-0, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Tel: 00-0000000 / Fax: 00-0000000 [Ruj: RG/RHB/0339/2023/SYAFIQAH(yusof)], peguamcara bagi pihak pemegang xxxxx xxx atau pelelong yang tersebut dibawah. RAJAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. X. XXXXX Xx.00X,Xxxxxxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, ( Xxxxxxxx Berlesen ) 41000 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. H/P: 000-0000000 Tel: 00-00000000 / Fax : 00-00000000 H/P: 012-2738109 Ruj Kami: RA/RHBI/TRC/NS/4220-24(fz) CONDITIONS OF SALE

  • Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:

  • Welder (a) The Welder shall when issued a specific job assume the role of a Welder and representative of the Employer and take the initiative to perform the work, according to the best practice of this industry. Where circumstances are beyond his or her control he or she shall immediately advise the Employer.

  • Millwright Xxxxx be to assist and work under the direction and instructions I or A. He will work alone at times performing assignments in keeping with his training. During the course of his year, training must become proficient in good practices in the areas of fitting, aligning, lubricating and the operation of all shop tools and machines. In addition to the foregoing, he will be exposed to and the process of learning techniques required in trouble shooting key production machinery, pipe fitting, basic welding and machining but not be expected to display a high degree of proficiency in these areas at this point. Millwright Must be capable of performing the tasks of fittings, aligning, lubricating an able to operate all shop tools and machines. Must under direction become proficient in basic welding and pipe fitting as well as dismantling and reassembly of plant equipment. Under direction,will continueto develop skills in trouble shooting all plant equipment and improve his skills at machining part and be exposed to basic principles of hydraulics and pneumatic. He may work alone frequently, but occasionally will require direction and instructions form Millwright I or A. Millwright 11: be capable, without direction of fitting, aligning and lubrication and taking apart and reassembling plant equipment. In addition, is expected to be able to weld, operate shop tools and do pipe fitting as required. Must under direction, become proficient at effective methods of trouble shooting and repairing hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical faults in plant machinery. I: Must be capable without direction of performing all practices under Xxxxxxxxxx Must under directionbecomeproficient at reading and understanding blueprints, all phases of installing new equipment, laying out hydraulic and mechanical drives and meet speed and power requirements correctly. Xxxxxxxxxx "A": Must he capable without direction, of performing all under Xxxxxxxxxx X, and Must take full responsibility for work done by himself or his assistant. Must he in possession of a Millwright Certificate or a Machinist Certificate or Welder Certificate. Millwrightspresently employed in this classification will not be required to have a Certificate.

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.


  • Pruning Nondestructive thinning of lateral branches to enhance views or trimming, shaping, thinning or pruning of a tree necessary to its health and growth is allowed, consistent with the following standards:

  • Xxxxx, Haldimand, Norfolk (a) An employee shall be granted five working days bereavement leave with pay upon the death of the employee’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandchild or step-grandchild.

  • Welding Welding and use of cutting torches or cutoff saws will be permitted only in areas that have been cleared or are free of all material capable of carrying fire. Flammable debris and vegetation must be removed from within a minimum 10-foot radius of all welding and cutting operations. A shovel and a 5-gallon standard backpack water container filled and with handpump attached shall be immediately available for use in the event of a fire start. C8.212 – MARKET-RELATED CONTRACT TERM ADDITION (11/08). The term of this contract may be adjusted when a drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred in accordance with 36 CFR 223.52. The Producer Price Index used to determine when a drastic reduction in price has occurred is stated in A20. Purchaser will be notified whenever the Chief determines that a drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred. If the drastic reduction criteria specified in 36 CFR 223.52 are met for 2 consecutive calendar quarters, after contract award date, Contracting Officer will add 1 year to the contract term, upon Purchaser’s written request. For each additional consecutive quarter such a drastic reduction occurs, Contracting Officer will, upon written request, add an additional 3 months to the term during Normal Operating Season, except that no single 3-month addition shall extend the term of the contract by more than one year. Contracting Officer must receive Purchaser’s written request for a market-related contract term addition before the expiration of this contract. No more than 3 years shall be added to a contract's term by market-related contract term addition unless the following conditions are met:

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