E-Scrap Sample Clauses

E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor or television). Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludges; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or Infectious Waste. Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in advance to pay, an additional fee for service. Contractor may reject un- containerized Discarded Materials with the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap and large pieces of Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.
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E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor, or television). Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludge; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or Infectious Waste. Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in advance to pay, an additional fee for service at Agency-approved Charges specified in Attachment Q. Contractor may reject un-containerized Discarded Materials with the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap, and large pieces of Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.
E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor, or television). Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludge; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or Infectious Waste. 937 Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) 938 pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in 939 advance to pay, an additional fee for service at Agency-approved Charges specified 940 in Attachment Q. Contractor may reject un-containerized Discarded Materials with 941 the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap, and large pieces of 942 Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.
E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor or television). 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludges; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or, Infectious Waste. Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in advance to pay an additional fee for service, and Contractor may reject un- containerized Discarded Materials with the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap and large pieces of Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.
E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor, or television). Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludge; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or Infectious Waste. Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in advance to pay, an additional fee for service at Agency-approved Pricing. Compensation to Contractor for additional fee for service shall be at the Charges specified in Attachment Q. Contractor may reject un-containerized Discarded Materials with the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap, and large pieces of Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.
E-Scrap. One (1) item per event (e.g., a computer, computer monitor, or television). Contractor shall reject: liquids or sludge; dirt, rock, concrete or asphalt; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length; commercial-sized refrigerators or freezers; Construction and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; or Infectious Waste. Contractor may reject any individual item that weighs more than two-hundred (200) pounds (excluding Major Appliances) unless Customer has paid, or has agreed in advance to pay, an additional fee for service at no more than the Agency-approved Maximum Rates specified in Attachment Q. Contractor may reject un-containerized Discarded Materials with the exception of Major Appliances, Bulky Items, E-Scrap, and large pieces of Organic Material such as tree limbs and dimensional lumber.

Related to E-Scrap

  • Conhecimento da Lingua O Contratado, pelo presente instrumento, declara expressamente que tem pleno conhecimento da língua inglesa e que leu, compreendeu e livremente aceitou e concordou com os termos e condições estabelecidas no Plano e no Acordo de Atribuição (“Agreement” xx xxxxxx).

  • CFR 200 328. Failure to submit such required Performance Reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.

  • Subtotal Add Bond and Insurance, not to exceed percent ( %) of Item (g)

  • xxx/Xxxxxx/XXXXX- 19_School_Manual_FINAL pdf -page 101-102 We will continue to use the guidelines reflected in the COVID-19 school manual.

  • Nxxxx X Xxxxxxx is hereby designated as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer and Jxxx Xxxxxxxxx is designated the General Counsel and Secretary of the Company, each to serve in such capacity until his earlier death, resignation or removal from office.

  • Pendahuluan Lembaga keuangan yang disebut bank tidak cukup ampuh untuk menanggulangi berbagai keperluan xxxx dalam masyarakat, mengingat keterbatasan jangkauan penyebaran xxxxxx xxx keterbatasan sumber xxxx xxxx dimiliki oleh bank. Hal ini semakin nyata terlihat dari banyaknya bank-bank yang dilikuidasi. Kondisi demikan ini berdampak pada lesunya perekonomian negara yang berbuntut pada semakin sulitnya mendapatkan xxxx xxxxx xxxx sangat dominan xxx dibutuhkan oleh dunia perekonomian. Menyikapi berbagai kelemahan yang terdapat pada lembaga keuangan bank dalam rangka menyalurkan kebutuhan xxxx xxxx diperlukan masyarakat, maka muncul lembaga keuangan bukan bank yang merupakan lembaga penyandang xxxx xxxx lebih fleksibel xxx moderat daripada bank yang dalam xxx-xxx tertentu tingkat risikonya bahkan lebih tinggi. Lembaga inilah yang kemudian dikenal sebagai lembaga pembiayaan yang menawarkan model-model formulasi baru dalam hal penyaluran xxxx terhadap pihak- pihak yang membutuhkannya seperti, leasing (sewa guna usaha), factoring (anjak piutang), modal ventura, perdagangan surat berharga, usaha kartu xxxxxx xxx pembiayaan konsumen yang diatur berdasarkan Keppres Nomor 61 Tahun 1988 tentang Lembaga Pembiayaan. Pengertian Lembaga Pembiayaan keuangan bukan bank dapat dilihat dalam Pasal 1 angka (4) Keppres Nomor 61 Tahun 1988 Tentang Lembaga Pembiayaan, yaitu: Lembaga keuangan bukan bank adalah badan usaha yang melakukan kegiatan dibidang keuangan yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung menghimpun xxxx dengan jalan mengeluarkan surat berharga xxx menyalurkannya kedalam masyarakat guna membiayai investasi perusahaan-perusahaan. Salah satu sistim pembiayaan alternatif yang cukup berperan aktif dalam menunjang dunia usaha akhir-akhir ini yaitu pembiayaan konsumen atau dikenal dengan istilah consumer service. Berdasarkan Xxxxx 0 Angka (6) Keppres Nomor 61 Tahun 1988 tentang Lembaga Pembiayaan, Perusahaan Pembiayaan Konsumen adalah Badan usaha yang melakukan pembiayaan pengadaan barang untuk kebutuhan konsumen dengan sistim pembayaran berkala. Dengan demikian, istilah Lembaga Pembiayaan lebih sempit pengertiannya dibandingkan dengan istilah Lembaga Keuangan, Lembaga Pembiayaan adalah bagian dari Lembaga Keuangan. Dewasa ini, jenis pembiayaan konsumen meskipun masih terbilang muda usianya tetapi sudah cukup populer dalam dunia bisnis di Indonesia, mengingat sifat dari transaksi pembiayaan konsumen tersebut mampu menampung masalah-masalah yang tidak dapat dipecahkan dengan jenis pembiayaan yang biasa di bank-bank. Di samping itu besarnya biaya yang diberikan perkonsumen relatif kecil, mengingat barang yang dibidik untuk dibiayai secara pembiayaan konsumen adalah barang- barang keperluan konsumen yang akan dipakai oleh konsumen untuk keperluan hidupnya. Adanya petumbuhan xxx perkembangan perusahaan yang menghasilkan berbagai macam produk kebutuhan hidup sehari–hari, hal ini mendorong masyarakat untuk memiliki xxx menikmati produk yang dibutuhkannya. Produk xxxx xxxxxx dijadikan dalam menggunakan jasa perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen biasanya adalah barang-barang konsumtif seperti barang elektronik, furniture xxx kendaraan bermotor, disisi lain masyarakat belum mampu membelinya secara tunai. Sejak adanya paket kebijaksanaan 20 Desember 1988 (Pakdes 20/88) mulai diperkenalkan pranata hukum, diantaranya pembiayaan konsumen. Dimana lembaga ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produk yang diharapkan/dibutuhkan. Di samping alasan tersebut ada beberapa xxxxxx xxxx dapat dilihat sebagai berikut : a. Keterbatasan sumber xxxx formal dengan sistim pembiayaan yang fleksibel xxx Tidak memerlukan penyerahan barang jaminan b. Koperasi pembiayaan sulit berkembang, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh manajemen koperasi di tangani oleh orang–orang yang tidak profesional atau masih bermental individualis (tidak berorientasi kepada kepentingan bersama) dimana pembiayaan xxx pengawasan lebih menekankan pada keberadaannya bukan pada pemanfaatan modal usaha dimana apabila telah mampu menghimpun xxxx xxxx besar, maka cenderung untuk korupsi dengan pemanfaatan modal untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. c. Bank tidak melayani pembiayaan konsumen, karena Bank tidak melayani kredit yang bersifat konsumtif xxx Bank menerapkan prinsif jaminan dalam pemberian kredit. Dengan adanya lembaga Pembiayaan Konsumen dapat membantu masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah untuk memiliki prodak barang yang mereka butuhkan xxx seringkali barang tersebut mereka jadikan sebagai alat untuk mencari uang guna mendapatkan tambahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen sebagai terobosan terhadap jual beli secara angsuran. Perjanjian pembiayaan merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjawab persoalan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan barang yang dibutuhkan xxx memberikan jalan keluar apabila pihak supplier menghadapi banyak permintaan atau hasrat masyarakat untuk membeli barang tetapi calon pembeli tersebut tidak mampu untuk membayar harga barang tersebut secara tunai. Dalam memenuhi permohonan suatu barang, pihak supplier melibatkan pihak ke 3 (tiga) yaitu perusahaan pembiayaan sebagai penyadang xxxx. Dalam praktek perjanjian yang melibatkan tiga pihak ini yaitu konsumen, supplier xxx perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen, karena pihak supplier pada dasarnya lebih megutamakan penjualan secara tunai untuk menjaga stabilitas keuangan perusahaannya, sehingga untuk memenuhi permohonan kredit dari pembeli, pihak supplier melibatkan perusahaan pembiayaan yang menyediakan xxxx untuk membeli barang dari supplier secara tunai. Supplier sebagai pemilik barang atau produsen wajib memberikan informasi atas barang yang dibeli oleh konsumen atas kualitas xxx keadaan barang yang akan dipakai sehingga konsumen memperoleh informasi yang jelas dari karakter xxx sifat barang yang akan digunakan oleh konsumen, sehingga konsumen dapat menggunakan barang sesuai dengan kebutuhan xxx petunjuk penggunaan, xxxx xxx kualitas barang sangat mempengaruhi kelangsungan dalam berusaha penjualan barang. Maka perlu adanya suatu jaminan atas barang yang dipakai oleh konsumen, xxx perlunya suatu kepastian penggantian bila terjadi kesalahan produksi. Untuk mendapatkan fasilitas kredit dari lembaga pembiayaan konsumen tidak memerlukan prosedur xxxx xxxxx melainkan konsumen yang berkepentingan dapat mengajukan permohonan aplikasi kredit terhadap perusahaan, sehingga perusahaan akan membayar secara tunai atas harga barang kebutuhan yang dibeli konsumen dari pemasok (supplier) dengan ketentuan pembayaran kembali harga barang itu kepada perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen dilakukan secara angsuran atau berkala. Akan tetapi kegiatan perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen seperti ini bukan berarti tidak mengandung resiko. Resiko akan muncul apabila konsumen tidak melakukan pembayaran angsuran secara berkala sebagai kewajibannya sebagaimana yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian. Disamping itu ada juga konsumen yang menghilangkan atau menjual barang sebagai objek perjanjian tersebut sehingga keberadaan barang tidak diketahui oleh pihak perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen Perkembangan prilaku masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya berdampak pada perkembangan hukum . Hal ini sesuai dengan teori Xxx Xxxxxxx yang menyatakan bahwa perkembangan hukum terjadi karena perubahan prilaku masyarakat, lebih tepat adalah bahwa jiwa rakyatlah (volksgeit) yang hidup xxx bergerak dalam diri semua individu yang menciptakan hukum (Xxxx Xxxxxxx, 2006: 89). Selanjutnya beliau mengatakan bahwa hukum tidak muncul secara kebetulan, tetapi lahir dari kesadaran batiniah rakyat (Xxxxxxx L Xxxxx, 2010: 105). Teori tersebut membawa dampak lahirnya Undang-Undang No 8 Tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen. Dalam hal seperti ini apabila terjadi sengketa antara konsumen dengan perusahaan pembiayaan menurut ketentuan Pasal 45 ayat 2 Undang – Undang Nomr 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen disebutkan bahwa penyelesaian perselisihan konsumen dapat ditempuh melalui pengadilan atau diluar pengadilan berdasarkan pilihan sukarela para pihak yang bersengketa. Xxxx xxxxxx terjadi dalam masyarakat adalah perusahaan lebih suka penyelesaiannya diluar pengadilan atau non litigasi. Dengan tujuan agar citra perusahaan tetap dipandang xxxx xxxx masyarakat, karena prosedur-prosedur penyelesaian diluar pengadilan bisa memberikan jaminan kerahasiaan yang sama besarnya bagi setiap pihak yang terlibat seperti xxxx xxxxxx kali ditentukan dalam konferensi penyelesaian masalah (Rachmadi Usman,2002: 13). Selanjutnya Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, menyatakan bahwa sebagai usaha yang penuh resiko, sebelum memberikan kredit seyogianya harus melakukan analisis kredit yang seksama, teliti, xxx xxxxxx dengan didasarkan pada yang actual xxx akurat, sehingga tidak akan keliru dalam pengambilan keputusan (Rachmadi Usman, 2001: 255). Oleh karena itu, setiap pemberian kredit tentunya telah memenuhi ketentuan- ketentuan xxxx xxx xxx sesuai dengan asas perkreditan yang sehat. Untuk menentukan apakah suatu kredit dikatakan bermasalah atau macet didasarkan pada kolektibilitas kreditnya. Kolektabilitas adalah keadaan pembayaran pokok atau angsuran xxx bunga kredit oleh konsumen. Pasal 1338 KUHPerdata disebutkan bahwa semua perjanjian yang dibuat secara sah, berlaku sebagai undang-undang bagi mereka yang membuatnya, tidak dapat ditarik kembali tanpa persetujuan kedua belah pihak atau xxxxxx xxxxxx-xxxxxx xxxx cukup menurut Undang- Undang xxx harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik (Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 2000: 233). Sebenarnya yang dimaksud dalam pasal ini adalah, suatu perjanjian yang dibuat secara sah artinya tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang mengikat kedua belah pihak. Perjanjian itu pada umumnya tidak dapat ditarik kembali kecuali dengan persetujuan tertentu dari kedua belah pihak atau berdasarkan xxxxxx xxxx telah ditetapkan oleh Undang-undang. Ada keleluasaan dari pihak yang berkepentingan untuk memberlakukan hukum perjanjian yang termuat dalam buku III KUHPerdata tersebut, yang juga sebagai hukum pelengkap ditambah pula dengan asas kebebasan berkontrak tersebut memungkinkan para pihak dalam prakteknya untuk mengadakan perjanjian yang sama sekali tidak terdapat di dalam KUHPerdata maupun KUHD, dengan demikian oleh Undang- undang diperbolehkan untuk membuat perjanjian yang harus dapat berlaku bagi para pihak yang membuatnya. Apabila dalam perjanjian terdapat xxx-xxx xxxx tidak ditentukan, xxxx xxx-xxx dimaksud tunduk pada ketentuan Undang-undang. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut jelaslah bahwa perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen (Consumer Finance) tunduk pada ketentuan-ketentuan umum untuk hukum perjanjian yang terdapat dalam buku III KUHPerdata sehingga apabila terjadi perselisihan antara para pihak ketentuan- ketentuan tersebutlah yang dapat ditentukan sebagai pedoman dalam penyelesaian. Dalam prakteknya pelaksanaan perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen tidak terlepas dari berbagai hambatan xxx masalah yang menyertainya, sehingga perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen harus menyiapkan berbagai upaya penyelesaian guna mengatasi masalah yang timbul. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, xxxx xxxx menjadi permasalahan adalah Bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa antara para pihak sebagai akibat adanya wanprestasi dalam perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance. Tbk ?

  • DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ Pre-existing Intellectual Property 4.1

  • Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxxx ----------------------------- Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx

  • Xxxx X Xxxx, Chief Corporate Counsel of Sempra Energy, a California corporation and the ultimate parent of the Company, shall have furnished to the Representatives a written opinion, dated the Time of Delivery, in form and substance satisfactory to the Representatives, to the effect that: (i) The Company has been duly incorporated and is validly existing as a corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of California, with power and authority (corporate and other) to own its properties and conduct its business as described in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, and has been duly qualified as a foreign corporation for the transaction of business and is in good standing under the laws of each other jurisdiction in which it owns or leases properties or conducts any business so as to require such qualification, except where the failure to be so qualified would not subject it to material liability or disability; (ii) The Company has an authorized capitalization as set forth in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus and all of the issued shares of capital stock of the Company have been duly and validly authorized and issued and are fully paid and non-assessable; (iii) To the best of such counsel’s knowledge and other than as set forth or incorporated by reference in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, there are no legal or governmental proceedings pending to which the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a party or of which any property of the Company or any of its subsidiaries is the subject which, if determined adversely to the Company or any of its subsidiaries, would reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position, shareholders’ equity or results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole; and, to the best of such counsel’s knowledge, no such proceedings are threatened or contemplated by governmental authorities or threatened by others; (iv) This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company; (v) The Bonds have been duly authorized, executed, authenticated, issued and delivered by the Company and the Bonds and the Indenture conform to the descriptions thereof in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus; (vi) The Indenture has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company; and the Indenture has been duly qualified under the Trust Indenture Act; (vii) The Company and its subsidiaries hold all franchises, certificates of public convenience and necessity, permits, licenses and easements necessary to own, operate and maintain their properties as described in the Prospectus except to the extent that such failure, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position, shareholders’ equity or results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole; (viii) The Base Indenture and each Supplemental Indenture has been duly recorded (or arrangements have been made for the prompt recording) in all offices of county recorders or clerks of all counties in the State of California and the State of Arizona in which any real property subject to the lien of the Indenture is located and appropriate financing statements in respect of personal property and fixtures have been filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of California and the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona and no other filing or recordation is necessary for the perfection and preservation of the lien created thereby except for recordations required in respect of after-acquired real property; (ix) The Indenture constitutes, as security for the Bonds, a valid and subsisting first lien to the extent that it purports to be such on all the present properties of the Company (including plants, machinery, equipment, real estate and fixed property described above), rights and franchises of the Company (other than those properties excepted or released from the lien of the Indenture by its terms) subject only to Permissible Encumbrances and other liens and charges permitted by the Indenture and such liens, charges and encumbrances, defects, qualifications, exceptions and other matters as are set forth or referred to in the Prospectus, or which do not, in such counsel’s opinion, materially affect the security for the Bonds, and upon acquisition thereafter by the Company of similar properties the Indenture will, subject to liens existing thereon at the time of acquisition, create such lien thereon; (x) The issue and sale of the Bonds and the compliance by the Company with all of the provisions of the Bonds, the Indenture and this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions herein and therein contemplated will not conflict with or result in a breach or violation of any of the terms or provisions of, or constitute a default under, any material contract, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, loan agreement, note, lease or other agreement or instrument to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound or to which any of its material properties or assets is subject, nor will such actions result in any violation of the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Company or any statute or any order, rule or regulation of any court or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over the Company or any of its material properties; (xi) No consent, approval, authorization, order, registration or qualification of or with any court or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over the Company or any of its material properties is required for the issuance and sale of the Bonds or the consummation by the Company of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the Indenture, except such as have been obtained under the Act, the Trust Indenture Act and from the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California and such consents, approvals, authorizations, orders, registrations or qualifications as may be required under state securities or Blue Sky laws in connection with the purchase and distribution of the Bonds by the Underwriters; the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California has duly authorized the issuance and sale of the Bonds by the Company on the terms set forth in the Pricing Disclosure Package and Prospectus and in this Agreement and such authorizations are in full force and effect; (xii) The Company is not (i) in violation of its Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws or (ii) in default in the performance or observance of any material obligation, agreement, covenant or condition contained in any contract, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, loan agreement, note, lease or other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties may be bound, except in the case of clause (ii) for such defaults which, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position, shareholders’ equity or results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole; (xiii) The statements set forth in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented under the captions “Description of First Mortgage Bonds” and “Supplemental Description of First Mortgage Bonds,” insofar as they purport to constitute a summary of the terms of the Bonds or the Indenture, and under the captions “Plan of Distribution” and “Underwriting,” insofar as they purport to describe the provisions of the laws and documents referred to therein, are accurate and fair in all material respects; (xiv) The Company is not, and after giving effect to the offering and sale of the Bonds, will not be, an “investment company,” as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act; (xv) The documents incorporated by reference in the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented (other than the financial statements and related schedules therein, as to which such counsel need express no opinion), when they became effective or were filed with the Commission, as the case may be, complied as to form in all material respects with the requirements of the Act or the Exchange Act, as applicable, and the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder, and such counsel has no reason to believe that any of such documents, when they became effective or were so filed, as the case may be, contained, in the case of a registration statement which became effective under the Act, an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, or, in the case of other documents which were filed under the Act or the Exchange Act with the Commission, an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made when such documents were so filed, not misleading; it being understood that such counsel expresses no belief with respect to the financial statements or schedules or other financial data included or incorporated by reference in, or omitted from, the Prospectus as amended or supplemented; and (xvi) The Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented and any further amendments and supplements thereto made by the Company prior to the Time of Delivery (in each case, excluding the documents incorporated by reference therein) comply as to form in all material respects with the requirements for registration statements on Form S-3 under the Act, and the requirements under the Trust Indenture Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder, it being understood, however, that such counsel expresses no opinion with respect to Regulation S-T or the financial statements, schedules or other financial data included or incorporated by reference in, or omitted from, the Registration Statement or the Prospectus as amended or supplemented or with respect to any Form T-1. In passing upon the compliance as to the form of the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented (in each case, excluding the documents incorporated by reference therein), except for those statements referred to in the opinion in subsection (xiii) of this Section 7(c), such counsel has assumed that the statements made and incorporated by reference therein are correct and complete.

  • Xxxxx X Xxxxxxxx ------------------------ Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx

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