Emissions Sample Clauses

EmissionsThe provisions cited above do not prohibit emissions above a specified level. Without information on engine usage and emission rates, it is not practicable to quantify the excess emissions. However, since CARB has alleged that the vessel(s) did not meet the regulatory requirements, all of the emissions from it were excess and illegal.
EmissionsThe provisions cited above prohibit VOC and/or toxic compound emissions above a specified percentage for the specified product category. Since CARB has alleged that the product did not meet the regulatory requirements, the emissions above the specified percentage were in excess and illegal.
EmissionsSeller shall be responsible for all costs associated with the Facility’s emissions, including the cost of procuring emission reductions, offsets, allowances or similar items associated with the Facility’s emissions, to the extent required to operate the Facility. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, failure or inability of Seller to procure emission reductions, offsets, allowances or similar items associated with the Facility’s emissions shall not constitute a Force Majeure.
EmissionsThe provisions cited above do prohibit emissions above a specified level. The ozone emission standard is 0.050 ppm. Since CARB has alleged that the product did not meet the regulatory requirements, the emissions above the specified limit were excess and illegal.
EmissionsThe provisions cited in Paragraph 6 (Allegations) above do not prohibit emissions above a specified level. Without more information, it is not practicable to quantify the excess emissions.
EmissionsTenant shall not, without the prior written consent of Landlord: (i) make, or permit to be made, any use of the Premises or any portion thereof which emits, or permits the emission of an unreasonable amount of dust, sweepings, dirt, cinders, fumes or odors into the atmosphere, the ground or any body of water, whether natural or artificial (including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, canals, or flood control channels), or which emits, or permits the emission of dust, sweepings, dirt, cinders, fumes or odors into the atmosphere, the ground or any body of water, whether natural or artificial (including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, canals, or flood control channels) which is in violation of any federal, state or local law, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, code or any other governmental restriction or requirement; (ii) permit any vehicle on the Premises to emit exhaust which is in violation of any federal, state or local law, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, code or any other governmental restriction or requirement; (iii) create, or permit to be created, any sound pressure level which will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of any real property adjacent to the Premises, or which will create a nuisance or violate any federal, state or local law, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, code or any other governmental restriction or requirement; (iv) transmit, receive, or permit to be transmitted or received any electromagnetic, microwave or other radiation which is harmful or hazardous to any person or property in, on or about the Premises, or anywhere else, or which interferes with the operation of any electrical, electronic, telephonic or other equipment wherever located, whether on the Premises or anywhere else; (v) create, or permit to be created, any ground vibration that is discernible outside the Premises; or (vi) produce or permit to be produced any intense glare, light or heat except within an enclosed or screened area and then only in such manner that the glare, light or heat shall not be discernible outside the Premises.
EmissionsThe provisions cited in Paragraph 6 (Allegations) above do not prohibit emissions above a specified limit.
EmissionsTenant shall not: 8.1.1 Knowingly permit any vehicle on the Premises or in the Commons Areas to emit Hazardous Materials (defined below) which is in violation of any governmental law, rule, regulation or requirement; 8.1.2 Discharge, emit or permit to be discharged or emitted, any liquid, solid or gaseous Hazardous Material, or any combination thereof, into the atmosphere or on, into or under the Premises, any building or other improvements of which the Premises are a part, or the ground or any body of water which Hazardous Material, if discharged or emitted into the atmosphere, the ground or any body of water would be in violation of law or regulation and does or may (a) pollute or contaminate the same, or (b) adversely affect the (i) health or safety of persons, whether on the Premises or anywhere else, (ii) condition, use or enjoyment of the Premises or any real or personal property, whether on the Premises or anywhere else, or (iii) the Premises or any of the improvements thereto including buildings, foundations, pipes, utility lines, landscaping or parking areas; 8.1.3 Produce, or permit to be produced, any intense glare, light or heat in violation of law or regulations; 8.1.4 Create, or permit to be created, any sound pressure level which will create a nuisance or violate any governmental law, rule, regulation or requirement; 8.1.5 Create, or permit to be created, any vibration that is discernible outside the Premises; or 8.1.6 Transmit, receive or permit to be transmitted or received from or to the Premises, any electromagnetic, microwave or other radiation which is or may be harmful or hazardous to any person or property in, or about the Premises, or anywhere else.
EmissionsLessee shall not (i) discharge, emit or permit to be discharged or emitted, any liquid, solid or gaseous matter, or any combination thereof, into the atmosphere, the ground or any body of water, which does or may pollute or contaminate the same, or does or may adversely affect the health or safety of persons, or the use or enjoyment of the Premises; nor (ii) transmit, receive or permit to be transmitted or received, any electromagnetic, microwave or other radiation in, on or about the Premises.
EmissionsThe provisions cited above do prohibit emissions above a specified level. Without information on usage and emission rates, it is not practicable to quantify the excess emissions. However, since CARB has alleged that the SIMW did not meet the regulatory requirements, all emissions were excess and illegal.