Common use of – Employee Relations Division Clause in Contracts

– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrence, names of witnesses or individuals involved, location, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisor, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate with the Employee Relations Division within ten (10) working days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriate. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(s) have been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated. The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA will be made within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedure, SEBA may appeal this decision directly to the arbitrator, in accordance with the provisions of this procedure, within five (5) working days. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of the grievance procedure it is expressly agreed that such objections to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the merits.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, provide a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrencedates, names of witnesses or individuals involvednames, locationand places, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisorarticles, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate duplicate with the Employee Relations Division within ten five (105) working days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriateappropriate after consultation with SBPEA. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that a specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(sarticle(s) have has been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated; and (4) The matter complained of in the grievance is covered by a specific provision of the MOU. The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA SBPEA will be made within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedure, SEBA SBPEA may appeal this decision determination directly to the arbitrator, an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of this procedure, procedure within five (5) working daysdays following notification by the Employee Relations Division. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of the grievance procedure procedure, the parties may mutually agree to continue processing the grievance on the merits. However, it is expressly agreed that such objections to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the merits.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, provide a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrencedates, names of witnesses or individuals involvednames, locationand places, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisorarticles, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate with the Employee Relations Division within ten five (105) working days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriateappropriate after consultation with ESDSBC. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that a specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(sarticle(s) have has been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated; and (4) the matter complained of in the grievance is covered by a specific provision of the MOU (unless the grievance is submitted pursuant to Section 9(b) of this Article). The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA ESDSBC will be made within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedure, SEBA ESDSBC may appeal this decision determination directly to the arbitrator, an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions provision of this procedure, procedure within five (5) working daysdays following notification by the Employee Relations Division. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of the Grievance Procedure, the parties may mutually agree to continue processing the grievance procedure on the merits. However, it is expressly agreed that such objections to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the merits.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, provide a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrencedates, names of witnesses or individuals involvednames, locationand places, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisorarticles, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate duplicate with the Employee Relations Division within ten five (105) working days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriateappropriate after consultation with Teamsters. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that a specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(sarticle(s) have has been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated; and (4) The matter complained of in the grievance is covered by a specific provision of the MOU. The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA Teamsters will be made within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedure, SEBA Teamsters may appeal this decision determination directly to the arbitrator, an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of this procedure, procedure within five (5) working daysdays following notification by the Employee Relations Division. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of the grievance procedure procedure, the parties may mutually agree to continue processing the grievance on the merits. However, it is expressly agreed that such objections to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the merits.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1reached, ESDSBC or the grievant shall submit the written grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by to the Employee Relations Division which shall providewithin five (5) working days of the receipt of written response of the CONFIRE Director. Following a review of the grievance with the appointing authority, the Director of Human Resources or designee, in order to be considered, a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrence, names of witnesses or individuals involved, location, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisor, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate consultation with the Employee County Labor Relations Division Chief, shall have full and final authority on behalf of CONFIRE to mutually resolve the grievance with the employee/employee’s representative within ten (10) working days of oral notification receipt of the immediate supervisor’s decisionwritten grievance of the employee. The Employee Relations Division Such notification shall make be rendered in writing to the grievant, ESDSBC and the appointing authority. Step 5 – Pre-Arbitration Process. If a determination of whether the grievance is has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 4, a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriate. In making such determination, written appeal to arbitration must be filed with the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(s) have been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated. The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA will be made by ESDSBC within five (5) working days of receipt notification of the grievancedecision by the Director of Human Resource. If At the Employee Relations Division determines that same time and upon mutual agreement of the parties, the grievance is not subject may advance to this procedure, SEBA may appeal this decision directly to the arbitrator, mediation in accordance with the provisions Step 7 of this procedureArticle, within five while concurrently seeking an arbitrator. The appeal must be presented on the aforementioned grievance form along with a copy of any pertinent documents and must state that a resolution of the issue was unattainable through procedures through Step 4 and a formal hearing is now requested. Grievances shall only be advanced to arbitration with the agreement of ESDSBC. The cost for hearing all grievances advanced to arbitration shall be split equally between CONFIRE and ESDSBC, including any cancellation fee if both parties are mutually responsible, otherwise the party responsible shall pay the entire cancellation fee. Pre-arbitration conferences are to be mandatory and no grievances shall be forwarded to the arbitration process without the same. Within twenty (520) working daysdays of the approval to advance a grievance to arbitration, both parties are required to meet in such conference with the goal of resolving mutually identified grievance issues. If objection resolution is made not attained, both parties are obligated at that time to jointly or individually declare stipulations, identify witnesses and exchange exhibits that will be carried forward to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of arbitration process, the grievance procedure it is expressly agreed that such objections intent being full disclosure by both sides prior to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the meritsprocess.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, provide a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrencedates, names of witnesses or individuals involvednames, locationand places, applicable Agreement Articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisorarticles, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate with the Employee Relations Division within ten five (105) working days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriateappropriate after consultation with CWA, Local 9588. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step has been followed; (3) the grievance contains the information required; and (4) if the grievance alleges that a specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(sarticle(s) have has been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated; and (4) the matter complained of in the grievance is covered by a specific provision of the MOU (unless the grievance is submitted pursuant to Section 9(b) of this Article). The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA CWA, Local 9588 will be made within five (5) working days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedureCWA, SEBA Local 9588 may appeal this decision determination directly to the arbitrator, an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions provision of this procedure, procedure within five (5) working daysdays following notification by the Employee Relations Division. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step of the Grievance Procedure, the parties may mutually agree to continue processing the grievance procedure on the merits. However, it is expressly agreed that such objections to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from the subsequent processing and discussion of the grievance on the merits.

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– Employee Relations Division. If a mutually acceptable solution has not been reached in Step 1, the grievant shall submit the grievance in writing on appropriate forms supplied by the Employee Relations Division which shall provide, in order to be considered, a detailed statement of the grievance, including the date of occurrence, names of witnesses or individuals involved, location, applicable Agreement Articles articles alleged to have been violated, date discussed with immediate supervisor, and the specific remedy or action requested. The written grievance shall be filed in triplicate with the Employee Relations Division Director of Human Resources or designee within ten fifteen (1015) working calendar days of oral notification of the immediate supervisor’s decision. The Employee Relations Division Director of Human Resources or designee, shall make a determination of whether the grievance is a matter for which the Grievance Procedure is appropriate. In making such determination, the Employee Relations Division Director of Human Resources, or designee, shall determine if: (1) the grievance has been filed in a timely manner; (2) the initial step informal grievance process has been followed; , (3) the grievance contains the information requiredrequired (the date the employee became aware of the inequity or damage suffered, specific details of inequity or damage suffered; dates; names; and places), and (4) if the grievance alleges that a specific Memorandum of Understanding Article(sarticle(s) have has been misinterpreted, misapplied, or violated. The determination and notification to the grievant and SEBA Local 935 will be made within five seven (57) working calendar days of receipt of the grievance. If the Employee Relations Division Director of Human Resources, or designee, determines that the grievance is not subject to this procedure, SEBA the employee or Local 935 may appeal this decision directly to the an arbitrator, in accordance with the provisions of this procedure, within five seven (57) working dayscalendar days of the receipt of the Director of Human Resources, or designee’s written decision. If objection is made to the procedural and/or substantive grievability of a grievance at this step or any other step arbitrability of the grievance procedure it is expressly agreed that such objections to in dispute, the procedural and/or substantive grievability of arbitrator shall render a grievance are preserved in any arbitration hearing and that no waiver will result from decision on the subsequent processing and discussion arbitrability of the grievance dispute prior to scheduling a hearing on the meritsmerits of the grievance.

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