Employer Funding Sample Clauses

Employer Funding. Is any part of the employee’s or dependent’s deductible being funded by the Participating Employer or from a Participating Employer-established account? □ Yes □ No If so, how much? Single: Family: Does the Participating Employer fund first? □ Yes □ No
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Employer Funding. On Employer’s regularly scheduled paydays, Employer shall fund Cards by direct deposit of wages, salaries, bonuses, reimbursements, incentives and other funds payable to Cardholders by Employer through standard Automated Clearing House (ACH) to the Issuing Bank following SOLE’s and Issuing Bank’s procedures or by such other method as approved or directed by SOLE and Issuing Bank. ACH funding errors made by Employer to a Card and all adjustments to ACH deposits shall be made using an offsetting ACH adjustment when possible. In the event funding errors cannot be corrected through an ACH adjustment, the correction must be handled (adjusted) exclusively by the Employer and the Cardholder outside the Program; Employer shall make all reasonable efforts to contact the affected Cardholder to notify of the error and the impending resolution. Correcting ACH adjustments shall be originated through Employer’s ACH service provider. Employer acknowledges and agrees that SOLE does not hold Cardholder funds and is not licensed as a money transmitter as defined by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and cannot move or reverse funds or otherwise make corrections for Employer.
Employer Funding. The Employer shall provide flex credits to fund benefits at 100% for regular employees scheduled to work 32 hours or more per week. Regular employees scheduled to work 26 to 31 hours per week will receive funding at 80%. Regular employees scheduled to work 20-25 hours per week will receive funding at 60%.
Employer Funding. Where the New Graduate Nurse is not bridged to a permanent full time position during the 26 weeks, MOHLTC-funded period, the Employer must fund a period of full time, above staffing employment which must continue until the earliest of: (i) the date the New Graduate Nurse is hired into a permanent, full time position; or (ii) six weeks from the date the MOHLTC-funded bridging position ended.

Related to Employer Funding

  • Other Funding It may be appropriate for funding to be provided to the awardee by other organizations, including Federal agencies in support of their missions or in support of mission-related staff research. It is also recognized that it may be appropriate for personnel or facilities to be used for other NSF and non-NSF projects that are deemed consistent with the scope of the federal award. Such activities, however, must be coordinated in advance with NSF and not impact negatively on NSF sponsored activities to be performed under the award. Accordingly:

  • Program Funding Upon entry into force of this Compact in accordance with Section 7.3, MCC will grant to the Government, under the terms of this Compact, an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Xxxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Dollars (US$459,500,000) (“Program Funding”) for use by the Government to implement the Program. The allocation of Program Funding is generally described in Annex II.

  • Formula Funding Funding equivalent to the level of funding which would be provided through the funding formula of the LA to a maintained school which had all of that Academy's relevant characteristics, including its number of pupils;

  • Employer Union Relations 7.1 Representation at Meetings with the Employer No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. To implement this, the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its officers and, similarly, the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its supervisory or other personnel with whom the Union may be required to transact business.

  • Fiscal Funding Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the parties hereto agree that the charges hereunder are payable to the Contractor by the District solely from appropriations received by District. In the event such appropriations are determined by the Chief Financial Officer/Comptroller of the District to no longer exist or to be insufficient with respect to the charges payable hereunder, this Agreement shall immediately terminate without further obligation to the District upon notice that such appropriations no longer exist and are insufficient. If this Agreement is so terminated, then the District shall only pay Contractor for goods and/or services provided by Contractor and accepted by the District up to, through, and including the date of termination. Following the termination of this Agreement under this Section, the parties’ duties to one another shall cease except for those obligations that shall survive the termination of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the District’s payment obligations for goods and/or services accepted by the District before the date of termination, and the Contractor’s duties to insure and/or indemnify the District and to cooperate with any audit. Termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section shall not limit either of the parties’ remedies for any breach of this Agreement.

  • Employer The minimum periods of notice to be given by an employer are governed by the Employment Rights Xxx 0000: Continuous Service Period of Notice One month or more Not less than one week but less than two years Two years or more but Not less than one week for each year less than twelve years of continuous service Twelve years or more Not less than twelve weeks

  • Employer Contribution (a) An Employer contribution for health and dental benefits will only be made for each active employee who has at least eighty (80) paid regular hours in a month and who is eligible for medical insurance coverage, unless otherwise required by law.

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