Other Funding Sources. Except for Title IV-E Federal funds, other sources of funds, such as court-ordered child support payments and social security payments, shall be contributed toward the individual juvenile’s placement cost for Residential Services.
Other Funding Sources. If requested by the DISTRICT, the GRANTEE must make information available to DISTRICT, within a reasonable period of time set by DISTRICT, pertaining to other funding sources or collaborators for the GRANTEE Program or services which receive any of the Grant Funds.
Other Funding Sources. All other sources of funding required to complete the Approved Project must be identified, committed and documented prior to issuance of the NTP. If at any time, those identified and secured sources change, the Subrecipient must notify the Department within ten (10) days of the Subrecipient’s knowledge that funding sources are changing. The terms and conditions of all financing shall be subject to the Department’s review and approval. The Department reserves the right to re-review a Project application at any time in the event there is a change in the amount of, or the material terms and conditions of, any third-party financing for the Project.
Other Funding Sources. The Contractor shall not require any parent, guardian, or custodian responsible for support of a Child placed with the Contractor under any ICPR subject to this Contract to make any payment to the Contractor for support, maintenance, or the cost of services for the Child. Establishment and collection of any required parental support payments for the Child shall be solely the responsibility of DCS.
Other Funding Sources. The Charter School may secure funding from private foundations, corporations, businesses and/or individuals.
Other Funding Sources. The School may secure funding from private institutions, corporations, businesses, and/or individuals.
Other Funding Sources. The School may secure funding from private institutions, corporations, businesses, and/or individuals. The School shall notify the Sponsor, in writing, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds.
Other Funding Sources. Where the Sources and Uses set forth in this Exhibit B identify funds other than Program funds, those funds shall be expended and applied to Project costs as provided therein. Recipient agrees that it will make best efforts to ensure that the other funds specified in the Sources and Uses are available for disbursement as provided in this Exhibit and approved for the use specified in the Sources and Uses, except to the extent the Sources and Uses may be updated and modified by the Disbursement Agreement described below. The Recipient shall provide evidence and assurance of the commitment and availability of such other sources of funding identified in the Sources and Uses as provided in the Disbursement Agreement. The terms and conditions of all construction financing to be used in conjunction with the Program funds shall be subject to the Department’s review and approval.
Other Funding Sources. Please describe any other funding not already mentioned that your organization has applied for or obtained for this purchase. This includes but is not limited to Community Block Development Grants (CBDG), local government grants (including Tourist Development Council funding), foundation grants, and private donors (you do not need to disclose donor identities but simply indicate the amount raised for this purchase). This includes any matching grants or in-kind contributions you may have obtained. Please be sure these other funding sources are represented in the "Applicant Match" column in the budget summary uploaded above. We have not applied for or received any other funding sources. All of our applications this year have been for operational funding. We are having a severe staff shortage based somewhat on historic low salaries and have been focusing on increasing salaries to be competitive and on keeping our group homes staffed and our doors open. DOT, our only other way to apply for vehicles, only pays for passenger vehicles historically. Please answer this question based on the descriptions below: Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Centers Inc. • If this project increases ongoing operational costs (programmatic, operating maintenance or other costs), how will you compensate for the difference? • If this purchase decreases ongoing operating costs, how will it do so? • If this purchase does not affect operating costs, please note so below. This purchase will have no impact on operating costs. Please upload your most recent, board-approved organizational budget for this fiscal year. PDF and Excel documents are accepted. Proposed 2022 - 2023 Operating Budget.pdf Please upload your Board of Directors list. Excel, Word, and PDF file formats are accepted. Board List 22-23.docx Please upload a PDF copy of your most recently submitted IRS Form 990. If you file a Form 990-EZ and do not have anything to attach, please note so below. Only PDF files are permitted. Xxxxx Centers_US_2020_PublicInspectionTaxDocuments.pdf Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Centers Inc. Upload a PDF version of your most recent financial statements. If you have audited financial statements, please upload the most recently conducted audit. If you do not have a recent audit, please explain why. XXXXX CENTERS, INC-ISSUED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS- 2020-2021.pdf Grantees of the ARPA Nonprofit Capital Project Fund will be required to maintain appropriate insurance related to your operations and this purchase. PCF will determin...
Other Funding Sources. Customer will pay, in full, all invoices issued by Sprint prior to Sprint’s receipt of notification from the Other Funding Source acknowledging Customer’s receipt of Services. Upon notification, Sprint will apply discounts or reimburse Customer for Services delivered under the terms of the Agreement and corresponding to the Other Funding Source acknowledgement. These discounts or reimbursements will be retroactive to the date authorized by the Other Funding Source funding year. Sprint may apply a credit to Customer’s account or provide Customer with a check corresponding to the Other Funding Source’s Support commitment as calculated after providing Services.