Using Your Card You understand that the use of your credit card or credit card account will constitute acknowledgement of receipt and agreement to the terms of the Credit Card Agreement and Credit Card Account Opening Disclosure (Disclosure). You may use your card to make purchases from merchants and others who accept your card. The credit union is not responsible for the refusal of any merchant or financial institution to honor your card. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. In addition, you may obtain cash advances from the Credit Union, from other financial institutions that accept your card, and from some automated teller machines (ATMs). (Not all ATMs accept your card.) If the credit union authorizes ATM transactions with your card, it will issue you a personal identification number (PIN). To obtain cash advances from an ATM, you must use the PIN issued to you for use with your card. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Even if you use your card for an illegal transaction, you will be responsible for all amounts and charges incurred in connection with the transaction. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, you may also use your card to purchase instruments and engage in transactions that we consider the equivalent of cash. Such transactions will be posted to your account as cash advances and include, but are not limited to, wire transfers, money orders, bets, lottery tickets, and casino gaming chips, as applicable. This paragraph shall not be interpreted as permitting or authorizing any transaction that is illegal.
Quarterly Portfolio of Investments Services Subject to the receipt of all Required Data, and as a component of the Services, the Administrator will use such Required Data from each Trust, State Street’s internal systems, and other data providers to prepare a draft portfolio of investments (the “Portfolio of Investments”), compliant with GAAP, as of each Trusts’ first and third fiscal quarter-ends. · Each Trust acknowledges and agrees that it will be responsible for (i) reviewing and approving each such Portfolio of Investments, (ii) incorporating such information into such Trust’s filing mechanism, (iii) attaching each of its Portfolio of Investments to its first and third fiscal quarter-end N-PORT filings, and (iv) submitting such Portfolios of Investments as part of such N-PORT filings electronically to the SEC.
What To Do If You Find A Mistake On Your Statement If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at the address(es) listed on your statement. In your letter, give us the following information:
Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true:
PAYING YOUR BILL 10.1 What you have to pay
December 2020 In the presence of:
Actions We May Take if You Engage in Any Restricted Activities If we believe that you’ve engaged in any of these activities, we may take a number of actions to protect PayPal, its customers and others at any time in our sole discretion. The actions we make take include, but are not limited to, the following: • Terminate this user agreement, limit your account, and/or close or suspend your account, immediately and without penalty to us; • Refuse to provide the PayPal services to you in the future; • At any time and without liability, suspend, limit or terminate your access to our websites, software, systems (including any networks and servers used to provide any of the PayPal services) operated by us or on our behalf, your PayPal account or any of the PayPal services, including limiting your ability to pay or send money with any of the payment methods linked to your PayPal account, restricting your ability to send money or make withdrawals; • Hold your money to the extent and for so long as reasonably needed to protect against the risk of liability. You acknowledge that, as a non-exhaustive guide: • PayPal’s risk of liability in respect of card-funded payments that you receive can last until the risk of a chargeback closing in favour of the payer/buyer (as determined by card scheme rules) has passed. This depends on certain factors, including, without limitation:
Happen After We Receive Your Letter When we receive your letter, we must do two things:
Market Abuse 13.1 The Client acknowledges that he will not enter into any transaction which falls within the definition of market abuses of Seychelles Securities Act 2007 as amended. This rule applies to all forms of market abuse such as xxxxxxx xxxxxxx (an abusive exploitation of privileged confidential information), the misuse of information and directors trading in shares of their own companies; 13.2 If the Company suspects or has reasonable grounds to believe that the Client has been engaged into an abusive behavior as indicated above the Company reserves the rights to void and/or cancel part or all Client’s abusive trading transactions, close all and any of the Client’s trading accounts and terminate this Agreement under s.21.
Reports of unusual occurrence The Contractor shall, during the Maintenance Period, prior to the close of each day, send to the Authority and the Authority’s Engineer, by facsimile or e- mail, a report stating accidents and unusual occurrences on the Project Highway relating to the safety and security of the Users and Project Highway. A monthly summary of such reports shall also be sent within 3 (three) business days of the closing of month. For the purposes of this Clause 15.4, accidents and unusual occurrences on the Project Highway shall include: (a) accident, death or severe injury to any person; (b) damaged or dislodged fixed equipment; (c) flooding of Project Highway; and (d) any other unusual occurrence.