Engineering Support When requested by CLEC, CBT shall provide timely engineering support. CLEC shall pay CBT for the use of its engineering services at charges previously agreed to by CLEC.
Marketing Support Planet Payment will provide such marketing support as Acquirer may reasonably require in connection with marketing the Acquirer Program to Merchants, including but not limited to: (a) The participation of Planet Payment personnel at meetings (if available) or conference calls with Merchants; (b) Assistance in the creation of collateral materials; (c) Assistance in the drafting of contractual agreements and addenda for Acquirers; (d) Assistance in training Merchants in the use of Planet Payment’s systems and reports, which will be made available to them under the Acquirer Program and the operation of the Acquirer Program, including but not limited to use of Planet Payment’s MWEB on-line reporting system and providing suitable training materials.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES This Grant Agreement is for the Foundational Year only. Subsection 1. Continuous SIA Plan Implementation (a) Increasing instructional time, which may include: (A) More hours or days of instructional time; (B) Summer programs; (C) Before-school or after-school programs; or (D) Technological investments that minimize class time used for assessments administered to students. (b) Addressing students’ health or safety needs, which may include: (A) Social-emotional learning and development; (B) Student mental and behavioral health; (C) Improvements to teaching and learning practices or organizational structures that lead to better interpersonal relationships at the school; (D) Student health and wellness; (E) Trauma-informed practices; (F) School health professionals and assistants; or (G) Facility improvements directly related to improving student health or safety. (c) Reducing class sizes, which may include increasing the use of instructional assistants, by using evidence-based criteria to ensure appropriate student-teacher ratios or staff caseloads. (d) Expanding availability of and student participation in well-rounded learning experiences, which may include: (A) Developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive early literacy practices and programs in prekindergarten through third grade; (B) Culturally responsive practices and programs in grades six through eight, including learning, counseling and student support that is connected to colleges and careers; (C) Broadened curricular options at all grade levels, including access to: (i) Art, music and physical education classes; (ii) Science, technology, engineering and mathematics education;
Development Activities The Development activities referred to in item “b” of paragraph 3.1 include: studies and projects of implementation of the Production facilities; drilling and completion of the Producing and injection xxxxx; and installation of equipment and vessels for extraction, collection, Treatment, storage, and transfer of Oil and Gas. The installation referred to in item “c” includes, but is not limited to, offshore platforms, pipelines, Oil and Gas Treatment plants, equipment and facilities for measurement of the inspected Production, wellhead equipment, production pipes, flow lines, tanks, and other facilities exclusively intended for extraction, as well as oil and gas pipelines for Production Outflow and their respective compressor and pumping stations.
Design Development Documents See Section 2, Part 1, Article 2.1.5.
Specific Activities Please give detailed information about the specific activities of the Project promoter and the Partner(s), with budget allocations 7.1 The main tasks of [name of the Project Promoter], referred to as the ‘Project Promoter’, are summarized as follows: Name Project activities Project budget 1 .... [mention the budget allocated to Project Promoter for the respective activity] EUR.... Activity 2 .... EUR... 7.2 The main input/responsibilities of [name of the Project Partner(s)], referred to as Partner 1, 2, etc., are summarized as follows: Name Project activities Project budget Partner 1... [briefly present the project activity implemented by Partner]. Activity 1 .... [mention the budget allocated to Partner 1 for the respective activity] EUR.... Activity 2 .... EUR... Name Project activities Project budget
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
Engineering Services Definition: Engineering Services includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning and designing, engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Xxxxxx Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Engineering Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials 3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering 4. Configuration Management 5. Concept Development
Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").
Market Activities The Company will not, directly or indirectly, (i) take any action designed to cause or result in, or that constitutes or would reasonably be expected to constitute, the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of Common Stock or (ii) sell, bid for, or purchase Common Stock in violation of Regulation M, or pay anyone any compensation for soliciting purchases of the Placement Shares other than the Agent.