Evaluations. 11.1 The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or with the agreement of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the member’s performance as well as self-evaluation of the member. As part of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description. 11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent. 11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 1. The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) unit member shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxxhis/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing her immediate supervisor as follows:
A. Probationary unit members will shall be evaluated at least once each school year.
B. Permanent unit members shall be evaluated at least once every two (2) school years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or .
C. Permanent unit members, who have been with the agreement district for at least ten (10) years, and have received exemplary evaluations, may be excused from evaluations for every two years and be evaluated on a four-year cycle, based upon the mutual consent of the evaluator and the evaluatee. Teachers who have had satisfactory evaluations and have been in the district for ten (10) years may qualify if they receive an exemplary rating in their next evaluation cycle. At the beginning of each year shared staff will be notified of which site is their evaluator. The evaluator will discuss openly with the member the evaluator's formal written observation report and/or written evaluations of the performance of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicableIf any deficiencies are indicated, the evaluator shall hold a conference with the member to make specific recommendations as to the areas of needed improvement in the member’s job description's performance and shall endeavor to assist the member in improving performance. Evaluations shall Recommendations as to areas of needed improvement will be based on made in writing including a reasonable time schedule to monitor progress.
2. Each instructional personnel member of the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment bargaining unit shall, prior to 40 working days after their first annual date of service, present written statements setting forth objectives of, (a) expected student achievement in courses currently being taught; (b) instructional techniques and strategies; (c) the establishment and maintenance of a suitable learning environment within the scope of the member's responsibilities and (d) the employees adherence to District's curricular objectives (California grade level standards). The total minimum number of objectives required shall be four (4). A teacher’s final evaluation will not be lowered because the number of objectives turned in was four (4). There shall not be less than one
(1) objective in each of the above specified areas.
3. Each noninstructional personnel member of the bargaining unit shall prior to the 40 working day deadline, present written statements of performance as well as self-evaluation objectives based upon the job responsibilities assigned to that position. Each noninstructional unit member shall be required to write no less than six (6) specific performance objectives. The written statements setting forth objectives shall be submitted by the member for approval by the evaluator.
4. In the event the evaluator does not approve the written statements setting forth objectives, the evaluator shall discuss the written statements of objectives with the member. As part If the evaluator and the member of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with bargaining unit cannot come to an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicableagreement within twenty (20) working days as to what should constitute said objectives, the member’s job descriptionevaluator and the unit member may present evidence to the Superintendent at a meeting of the parties and their representative. The Superintendent shall render a decision no later than ten (10) work days following said meeting.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion5. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to When requested by the Xxxx/Director member, modifications or additions to the written statements of objectives can be made, provided said modifications and additions are approved by the evaluator. In the event the evaluator and the Faculty/Unitmember cannot come to an agreement as to what should constitute said modifications or additions, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which same process may be taken into account utilized as stipulated in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consentparagraph above.
11.3 6. A copy of any the written evaluation or set shall be given to the member no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the end of evaluations must the calendar school year. The unit member shall have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit right to have his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached response to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by become a permanent attachment to the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Memberformal evaluation.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 Evaluations are intended to support Members’ formative development. The performance of all members Members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Sessional faculty shall be evaluated in each of the first two (2) academic years of teaching by the Xxxx or designate to determine competency prior to establishing RFR. Where an evaluation has not been conducted, the sessional Member’s teaching will be deemed competent. Sessional Members who hold RFR should be evaluated every four (4) years. Tenured and continuing members Members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the memberMember’s request or with the agreement of the memberMember. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria Teaching, Research, and Service as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicablein the case of Instructional Associates, Professional Associates, and Administrative Associates, the memberMember’s job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the memberMember’s performance performance, student feedback information, as well as self-evaluation of by the memberMember. As part of the evaluation process, members Members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the memberMember’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of University shall conduct in-class student opinionfeedback surveys. Each facultyFaculty/unit Unit will work with the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) to devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluationsoliciting student feedback. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors Factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • :
(a) Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor Member has played an important supporting role; • ;
(b) Evidence of commitment and service to students; • ;
(c) Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • ;
(d) The memberMember’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • ;
(e) Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • ;
(f) Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • ;
(g) Observations by the Xxxx/Director or designate based upon classroom visitations with at a time mutually agreed upon by the member’s consent; • Member and the Xxxx;
(h) Assessments by other colleagues, with the memberMember’s consent. Classroom visitations (see above) are normally performed by the Xxxx/Director. In exceptional circumstances, at the Member’s request, classroom visitation can be performed by a mutually agreed designate. Evaluative tools used during classroom visitations (e.g., a form of relevant items on which Members are to be evaluated) shall be developed by each Xxxx/Director in consultation with their respective Faculty/Unit and shall be made available to Members on the Faculty website.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has they have been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her their Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance It is recognized that a system of all periodic evaluation is essential to assist teachers in developing competency and in realizing their potential. It is further recognized that information gathered through periodic evaluations will enable Board of Trustees decisions, for which a unit member’s competence is relevant, to be made in a just and equitable manner.
11.2 Probationary and temporary unit members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each school year. Tenured and continuing Permanent unit members will shall be evaluated every other school year. Those unit members receiving a “needs improvement” may be evaluated every year. If a unit member is scheduled to be evaluated during a particular school year, but is granted a leave of absence for eighteen (18) weeks or longer, such evaluation shall take place during the first year of return to duty.
11.3 Unit members to be evaluated during a particular year shall be furnished a copy of the evaluation procedures, advised of criteria upon which the evaluation is to be based, and notified of the identity of their evaluator no later than October 15 of the year in which the evaluation is to take place.
11.4 The unit member being evaluated and the evaluator shall meet no later than October 15 to discuss objectives and standards to be achieved during the evaluation period.
11.5 In the event of a disagreement over the objectives, standards and/or evaluation schedule, the unit member and evaluator shall:
11.5.1 Make a good faith effort to resolve the difference themselves.
11.5.2 If the disagreement persists, the parties may invite a mutually agreed upon third party to assist in resolving the difference. The third party shall recommend alternatives to the unit member and evaluator.
11.5.3 If either the unit member or evaluator rejects the proposed alternatives, each shall have the opportunity to state their position on the matter(s) in dispute and to have a written statement attached to the evaluation form.
11.5.4 The unit member shall have the right to identify any constraints which the unit member believes may inhibit his/her ability to meet the objectives and standards established.
11.6 During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which require modification of the original objectives and standards. The unit member may initiate a change of these objectives and standards in a manner prescribed in section 11.4 above.
11.7 The evaluation process shall include the following activities:
11.7.1 Classroom observations shall last at least thirty (30) minutes. One
(1) mutually planned observation shall be conducted for each evaluation cycle for all permanent unit members and two (2) yearsfor probationary unit members and shall be followed by a conference with written feedback within ten (10) days. Nothing Any observation in addition to those specified in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at article should be beneficial and of value to both evaluator and the unit member being evaluated. Such observations must not be detrimental to instructional process.
11.7.2 A unit member who receives a negative evaluation shall, upon request, be entitled to additional classroom observations, evaluation conferences, and written evaluations. Such entitlement includes a pre-observation conference.
11.7.3 The immediate supervisor shall meet with first-year probationary employees by February 1, or no later than the midpoint of the unit member’s request or with the agreement of the memberinstructional year. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicableAt this meeting, the member’s job description. Evaluations immediate supervisor shall be based on review the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the unit member’s performance as well as self-evaluation of in the memberfirst semester and inform the unit member whether any problems were noted that could result in the unit member being denied permanent status. As part of If any such problems are identified, the evaluation process, members immediate supervisor shall provide their Xxxx/Director the unit member, at this meeting, with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses a written assistance plan (see 11.7.4) designed to allow the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined unit member to make the improvements necessary to attain permanent status. If problems persist that could result in Article 8 and, if applicablethe unit member being denied permanent status, the member’s job descriptionunit member shall again be provided with a written assistance plan (see 11.7.4) designed to allow the unit member to make the improvements necessary to attain permanent status.
11.2 The evaluation 11.7.4 In the case of teaching attainment negative evaluation(s), or if any problems are noted, the evaluator shall take positive action to develop a written assistance plan which will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/assist the unit will devise an instrument for use member in such surveyscorrecting any cited deficiencies. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed evaluator’s role to by assist the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement unit member shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service : Specific recommendations for improvement. Direct assistance to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consentimplement such recommendations.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or with the agreement of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the member’s performance as well as self-evaluation of the member. As part of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or with the agreement of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the member’s performance performance, statistical summaries of student surveys (as per 11.2), as well as self-evaluation of by the member. As part of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with at a time mutually agreed upon by the member’s consentmember and the evaluator (see note below); • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent. Classroom visitations (see above) are normally performed by the Xxxx/Director. In exceptional circumstances, classroom visitation can be performed by a mutually agreed designate. Evaluative tools used during classroom visitations (e.g., a form of relevant items on which members are to be evaluated) shall be developed by each Xxxx/Director in consultation with their respective Faculty/Unit and shall be made available to members on the Faculty website.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or with the agreement of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment of the member’s performance performance, statistical summaries of student surveys (as per 11.2), as well as self-evaluation of by the member. As part of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with at a time mutually agreed upon by the member’s consentmember and the evaluator (see note below); • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent. Classroom visitations (see above) are normally performed by the Xxxx/Director. In exceptional circumstances, classroom visitation can be performed by a mutually agreed designate. Evaluative tools used during classroom visitations (e.g., a form of relevant items on which members are to be evaluated) shall be developed by each Xxxx/Director in consultation with their respective Faculty/Unit and shall be made available to members on the Faculty website.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance District will update and modify its evaluation procedures and related forms, as necessary, in order to provide meaningful evaluation to its certificated employees, in order to ensure employee success, satisfaction, development and accountability, and ensure that evaluation tools are aligned with appropriate and relevant standards. Teachers will be notified by November 1 of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) their evaluation dates.
A. Each bargaining unit employee will be evaluated in compliance with the mandatory evaluation provisions contained in the Education Code. In each evaluation, the employee shall be evaluated by assessing his/her competency as it reasonably relates to:
1. The progress of the employee’s pupils toward standards of expected pupil achievement at each grade level in written form each area of study, and if applicable, the State- adopted academic content standards as measured by their Xxxx/Director State-adopted criterion reference assessments.
2. The instructional techniques and strategies used by December the employee.
3. The employee’s adherence to curricular objectives.
4. The employee’s establishment and maintenance of each yeara suitable learning environment, within the scope of the employee’s responsibilities.
5. Tenured and continuing members will The employee’s performance of the non-instructional duties listed in Article V, Section A.
B. Each bargaining unit employee shall be evaluated by the Superintendent, principal, or his/her designee. No bargaining unit employee may be required to evaluate another bargaining unit employee. Probationary employees shall be evaluated annually; permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at .
C. Within twenty (20) workdays after school begins, the member’s request or evaluator shall meet with the agreement teacher to develop goals and objectives for the teacher for that year. The goals and objectives shall be reduced to writing and shall pertain to the factors stated in Paragraph A above. If the evaluator and teacher do not agree upon the teacher’s goals and objectives within thirty (30) workdays after school begins, the evaluator shall set the goals and objectives for the year’s evaluation and provide a copy to the teacher. The teacher may comment in writing upon the mandated goals and objectives. The teacher shall have the right to inform the evaluator, in writing, of any perceived constraints which would work against the attainment of District-imposed goals and objectives.
D. The evaluator shall observe the employee’s class or other work place at least twice during the school year. So long as two (2) observations occur no later than March 1, other observations may occur later. Each of the membertwo (2) minimum observations shall cover an entire lesson presentation. Evaluations Lessons presented for announced observations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job descriptionuse a lesson plan. Evaluations One observation shall be based on announced to the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment employee at least two (2) workdays prior to the observation; any other observation may be unannounced. Observations beyond the minimum two (2) may be for any length of time. The evaluator shall schedule the first observation to occur prior to December 1.
E. Each observation may be followed by a conference between the evaluator and the teacher to discuss the results of the member’s performance as well as self-evaluation of the memberobservation. As part of the evaluation process, members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will This conference should take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, place within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.ten
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 The performance of all members on term or probationary appointments (except for one-year non-renewable term appointments and sessional appointments) shall be evaluated in written form by their Xxxx/Director by December of each year. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s 's request or with the agreement of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s 's job description. Evaluations shall be based on the Xxxx’xXxxx'x/Director’s 's assessment of the member’s 's performance as well as self-evaluation of self evaluations by the member. As part of the evaluation process, members Members shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses as part of the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job descriptionevaluation process.
11.2 The evaluation Evaluations of teaching attainment may be based on information derived from a variety of sources. These sources may include but shall not be limited to the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Exemplary or innovative instructional methods and materials; • Systematic efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member's consent; • Student opinion surveys. Evaluation of teaching will normally take into account surveys of student opinion. Each facultyFaculty/unit Unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they shall be considered in formal evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Member's Personnel File (see Article 19). Any Member who considers that he/she has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which shall be attached to the evaluation in question and one (1) copy, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the Member.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Evaluations. 11.1 12.1 The performance purpose of all members on term or probationary appointments (except this evaluation procedure is to provide a basis for one-year non-renewable term appointments the individual unit member’s growth, both as an individual and sessional appointments) in his/her position within the District. An evaluation of each unit member's work shall be made periodically, not less than twice during the unit member's first year of employment and not less than once each year thereafter. Evaluation reports shall be written on approved forms and shall be signed by the person making the evaluation. The evaluated in written form by their Xxxxunit member shall sign the report as evidence of his/Director by December her knowledge of each yearits contents. Tenured and continuing members will be evaluated every two (2) years. Nothing in this Article will preclude annual evaluations at the member’s request or with the agreement A copy of the member. Evaluations shall address all relevant criteria as outlined in Article 8 and/or, if applicable, the member’s job description. Evaluations report shall be based on maintained in the Xxxx’x/Director’s assessment confidential personnel file of the member’s performance as well as self-evaluation of the member. As part of the evaluation process, members unit member and shall provide their Xxxx/Director with an updated curriculum vitae which addresses the Qualifications by Rank categories outlined in Article 8 and, if applicable, the member’s job description.
11.2 The evaluation of teaching attainment will take into account surveys of student opinion. Each faculty/unit will devise an instrument for use in such surveys. The form and administration of this instrument must be agreed to by the Xxxx/Director and the Faculty/Unit, but such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. When such surveys are used, only information expressed in summary or statistical form will be forwarded to the Xxxx/Director for use in formal evaluation. Transcriptions of comments by individual students will be made available to instructors who may determine without prejudice whether they the Governing Board in executive session upon request.
12.2 If the evaluation shows a unit member's work to be below a satisfactory standard, the unit member's supervisor shall take the appropriate steps to assist the unit member in improving. The supervisor will provide a written improvement plan which will be shared and discussed in a conference. Failure of the unit member to show improvement to a satisfactory standard is deemed just cause for terminating employment.
12.3 The unit member shall be considered informed that he or she has the right to rebut, in formal writing, any evaluation. Other factors which may be taken into account in evaluating teaching attainment include, but The evaluation shall not be limited to, the following: • Evidence of student achievements in which the instructor has played an important supporting role; • Evidence of commitment and service to students; • Development of new courses and revision of existing courses; • The member’s development of instructional materials, teaching aids and techniques; • Efforts to evaluate and improve teaching; • Assessments by graduates of the quality of instruction in light of subsequent professional or graduate school experience; • Observations based upon classroom visitations with the member’s consent; • Assessments by colleagues, with the member’s consent.
11.3 A copy of any evaluation or set of evaluations must have been seen by the Member, who shall sign it as having been read before it is placed in the Memberunit member's Personnel File personnel file until the unit member presents the written rebuttal, provided the written comments or rebuttal is received with ten (see Article 19)10) days. Any Member who considers that he/she The unit member shall have the right, upon request, to a conference to discuss the written rebuttal or comments. There will be no overall unsatisfactory evaluations given unless there has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated may submit to his/her Xxxx/Director, within one (1) week of seeing prior conferencing with the evaluation, a written objection, one (1) copy of which unit member.
12.4 Probationary unit members shall be attached evaluated prior to the end of the fourth (4th) month of employment.
12.5 Permanent unit member who receives an unsatisfactory evaluation will be re-evaluated within four (4) months.
12.6 Evaluators shall make specific recommendations for improvement, and the supervisor shall assist the unit members in question and one carrying out these recommendations.
12.7 Unit members have the right to be accompanied by a CSEA representative at any evaluation meeting.
12.8 A new worker shall serve an initial probationary period of seven (17) copymonths.
12.9 Unit members hired into the District at Step 1 shall advance to Step 2 upon successful completion of their probationary period; earned advancement to Step 2 shall be retroactive to the first day of the unit member’s seventh (7th) month of employment Succeeding steps will be attained as detailed in Article 5, signed by the Xxxx/Director as having been seen, kept by the MemberSection 5 of this agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement