EXCEEDING PERMITTED FLOWS. The allocated capacity rights of City and District shall not be exceeded except by mutual agreement.
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EXCEEDING PERMITTED FLOWS. The allocated capacity rights of the County shall not be exceeded without authorization fiom the


  • Expenditure Limit The Contractor shall notify the County of Orange assigned Deputy Purchasing Agent in writing when the expenditures against the Contract reach 75 percent of the dollar limit on the Contract. The County will not be responsible for any expenditure overruns and will not pay for work exceeding the dollar limit on the Contract unless a change order to cover those costs has been issued.

  • Utilisations permises de la licence et restrictions A. Licence de logiciel Apple préinstallé ou copie unique. Sous réserve des conditions générales de cette Licence, et à moins que vous ayez acquis le logiciel Apple dans le Mac App Store, par le biais d’un téléchargement automatique ou dans le cadre d’une licence ou maintenance de volume ou tout autre accord écrit passé avec Apple, une licence de non-exclusivité limitée vous est accordée pour installer, utiliser et exécuter un (1) seul exemplaire du logiciel Apple sur un seul ordinateur Apple à la fois. Par exemple, les termes de la présente Licence à copie unique s’appliquent à vous si vous avez acquis le logiciel Apple préinstallé sur un matériel de marque Apple.

  • Capital Expenditures The Issuer shall not make any expenditure (by long-term or operating lease or otherwise) for capital assets (either realty or personalty).

  • Collateral Threshold If the Parties have in place between them an Edison Electric Institute Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement, and have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable under EEI on the Cover Sheet, then, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party hereunder will be included in the calculation of each Party’s Termination Payment under (and as defined in) such agreement, and an event of default under such agreement will be an Event of Default hereunder and an Event of Default hereunder will be an event of default under such agreement. If the Parties have in place between them an ISDA Master Agreement with Credit Support Annex, and have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable under ISDA on the Cover Sheet, then, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party hereunder will be included in the calculation of each Party’s Exposure under (and as defined in) such agreement, and an event of default under such agreement will be an Event of Default hereunder and an Event of Default hereunder will be an event of default under such agreement. If the Parties have elected either of the two foregoing options but at any time do not have in effect between them the referenced other agreements, or such referenced agreements do not provide for the exchange of margin or collateral thresholds, or if the Parties have selected Collateral Threshold Applicable Standalone on the Cover Sheet, if at any time and from time to time, notwithstanding whether an Event of Default has occurred, the Termination Payment that would be owed to by a Party plus that Party’s Independent Amount, if any, exceeds the Collateral Threshold specified, then the Party to whom such amount would be owed, on any Business Day, may request that owing Party to provide Performance Assurance in an amount equal to the amount of such excess, less any Performance Assurance already posted. Such Performance Assurance will be provided within three Business Days of the date of request. On any Business Day, but no more frequently than weekly with respect to letters of credit and daily with respect to cash, if there has been a reduction in the amount of such excess, the posting Party may request that such Performance Assurance be reduced correspondingly by the amount of such excess, if any. Failure to provide such Performance Assurance to the requesting Party within three Business Days of request is an Event of Default. For purposes of this Section, the Termination Payment will be calculated pursuant to Article 5 by the requesting Party as if the posting Party had defaulted and all outstanding Transactions had been liquidated, even if that is not actually the case, and in addition thereto, and include the net amount of all amounts owed but not yet paid between the Parties, whether or not such amounts are due, for performance already provided pursuant to any and all Transactions. A Party holding Performance Assurance in the form of cash posted by the other Party will pay the posting Party interest on such cash, monthly, at the Federal Funds rate of interest.

  • Withdrawals during Concession Period 31.3.1 The Concessionaire shall, at the time of opening the Escrow Account, give irrevocable instructions, by way of an Escrow Agreement, to the Escrow Bank instructing, inter alia, that deposits in the Escrow Account shall be appropriated in the following order every month, or at shorter intervals as necessary, and if not due in a month then appropriated proportionately in such month and retained in the Escrow Account and paid out therefrom in the month when due:

  • Capital Expenditure Make or incur any Capital Expenditure if, after giving effect thereto, the aggregate amount of all Capital Expenditures by Borrower in any fiscal year would exceed the amount set forth on the Schedule;

  • Excluded Expenditures The Recipient undertakes that the proceeds of the Financing shall not be used to finance Excluded Expenditures. If the Association determines at any time that an amount of the Financing was used to make a payment for an Excluded Expenditure, the Recipient shall, promptly upon notice from the Association, refund an amount equal to the amount of such payment to the Association. Amounts refunded to the Association upon such request shall be cancelled.

  • Funding Availability This Contract is at all times subject to state appropriations. The Department makes no express or implied representation or guarantee of continued or future funding under this Contract. The Department has, as of the date of the execution of this Contract, obtained all requisite approvals and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Contract, including, without limitation, the obligation to make the initial payment or payments required to be made under this Contract on the date or dates upon which such initial payment or payments may otherwise be disbursed during the current contract period, (i.e., Sept ember 1, 2015, through August 31, 2017). The Grantee acknowledges the Department’s authority to make such payments is contingent upon the Texas Legislature's appropriation to the Department of sufficient funds and the availability of funds to the Department for such purpose. If the State of Texas or the federal government terminates its appropriation through the Department or fails to pay the full amount of the allocation for the operation of any grant or reimbursement program hereunder , or the funds are otherwise unavailable, the Department may immediately and without penalty reduce payments or terminate this Contract, in whole or in part. Upon termination of the Contract or reduction of payments, the Grantee shall return to the Department any unexpended funds already disbursed to the Grantee. Neither the Department nor the State of Texas shall incur liability for damages or any loss that may be caused or associated with such termination or reduction of payments. The Department shall not be required to give prior notice for termination or reduction of payments.

  • Equipment Usage The equipment must remain in use for the specific project for which it was obtained in accordance with 2 CFR § 200.313(c)(1), unless the provision in 2 CFR § 200.313(c)(4) applies.

  • Asset Sales (a) The Company will not, and will not permit any of its Restricted Subsidiaries to, consummate an Asset Sale unless:

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