Excluded Cost Elements. It is the Department’s intent that the Design-Builder provide a turnkey solution for the implementation of the Project, and the Project Budget set herein has been developed based on such framework. The Design-Builder shall advance the Project in a manner consistent with the Project Budget with the understanding that only the following cost elements shall be excluded from the Project Budget set forth herein:
Excluded Cost Elements. It is the Department’s intent that the Design-Builder provide a turnkey solution for the implementation of the Project, and the Project Budget set herein has been developed based on such framework. The Design-Builder shall advance the Project in a manner consistent with the Project Budget with the understanding that only the following cost elements shall be excluded from the Project Budget set forth herein:
a) 3rd Party Material Testing;
b) 3rd Party Commissioning;
c) 3rd Party Inspections;
d) Costs of active DPR equipment;
e) 3rd Party Plan Review; and
f) Public Art.
Excluded Cost Elements. It is the Department’s intent that the Design-Builder provide a turnkey solution for the implementation of the Project, and the Target GMP set herein has been developed based on such framework. The Design-Builder shall advance the Project in a manner consistent with the Target GMP with the understanding that only the following cost elements shall be excluded from the Target GMP set forth herein:
Excluded Cost Elements. .1 3rd Party Material Testing;
Excluded Cost Elements f It is the Department’s intent that the Construction Manager provide a turnkey soolution for the implementation of the Project, and the Project Budget set herein has been dreveloped based on such framework. The Construction Manager shall advance the Project ien a manner consistent with the Project Budget with the understanding that only the following cost elements shall be excluded from the Project Budget set forth herein: