Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 7(a) above shall cease to apply to information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Investigator, the Institution or Staff or is later received from a third party having a right of disclosure. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by law (after giving Biogen notice and an opportunity to contest the required disclosure, if possible). The same shall apply to the treatment of the Subjects participating in the Trial.
Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 7(a) above shall cease to apply to information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Investigator, the Institution or Staff or is later received from a third party having a right of disclosure. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by law (after giving Biogen notice and an opportunity to contest the required disclosure, if possible). The same shall apply to the treatment of the Subjects participating in the Trial.
(c) Důvěrné informace a zveřejnění. Důvěrné informace uvedené v čl. 7(a) (iii) výše mohou být dále zveřejněny pro účely interního výzkumu a vzdělávání v přísném souladu s čl. 8 a 9 níže a s dalšími ustanoveními této smlouvy. Takové sdělení nesmí obsahovat jiné Důvěrné informace než ty, které jsou uvedeny v čl. 7(a) (iii) výše.
Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 6(a) above shall cease to apply to information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Institution or the Staff or is later received from a third party
Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 6(a) above shall cease to apply to information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Institution or the Staff or is later received from a third party having a right of disclosure. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by law (after giving Hexal notice and an opportunity to contest the required disclosure, if possible). The same shall apply to the treatment of the Subjects participating in the Trial. Hexal acknowledges that the Institution, as a state contributory organization is required to provide information on a third party's request under the Act No. 106/1999 Coll., On Free Access to Information, as amended.
Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 7(a) above shall cease to apply to information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Principal Investigator, the Institution or Staff or is later received from a third party having a right of disclosure. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by law (after giving Hexal directly or through CRO notice and an opportunity to contest the required disclosure, if possible). The same shall apply to the treatment of the Subjects participating in the Trial.
Exclusions and Disclosure. The provisions in Section 7(a) above shall cease to apply to později xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx zaviněním Zkoušejícího, Zdravotnického zařízení nebo Personálu nebo které budou později obdrženy od třetí strany mající oprávnění takové informace sdělovat. Důvěrné informace mohou být sdělovány v rozsahu požadovaném zákonem (poté, co o tom byla informována společnost Biogen a co měla možnost vznést proti takto požadovanému sdělení případné námitky). Totéž platí pro léčbu Subjektů účastnících se Klinického hodnocení. information that later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Investigator, the Institution or Staff or is later received from a third party having a right of disclosure. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by law (after giving Biogen notice and an opportunity to contest the required disclosure, if possible). The same shall apply to the treatment of the Subjects participating in the Trial.