Executing Agency. The State Joint-Stock Company “Uzbekenergo”
Executing Agency. An Executing Agency is any public authority, any public or private corporation as well as any organization, recognized by the Parties and mandated to implement a specific Project financed under this Framework Agreement. Consequently, the Executing Agency is the contracting party for service, supply and works contracts in the framework of approved Projects. The Project Agreement shall contain the name of the Executing Agency. Its tasks and responsibilities shall be defined in the Implementation Agreement.
Executing Agency. The parties agree that the execution of the Program and the utilization of the resources of the loan granted by the Bank shall be carried out by the Borrower, through its Ministry of Finance, which for the purposes of this Contract shall be referred to, without distinction, as either the “Borrower” or the “Executing Agency”.
Executing Agency. (contact person) (address) (telephone) (fax) (e-mail)
Executing Agency. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Executing Agency. The execution of the Programme and the utilization of the resources of the Contribution shall be carried out by the Beneficiary through the Ministry of National Security, hereinafter referred to as the “Executing Agency” or “MNS”.
Executing Agency. [Name of Executing Agency] [Name and Designation of Contact person]
Executing Agency. 1. As the Project Executing Agency, MARD shall have overall responsibility for Project implementation.
Executing Agency. Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL), Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB), Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Executing Agency. The IIPFF will be implemented by the India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL).