Project Coordinator The Project Coordinator coordinates and manages the Project and represents the Participants before Stichting LSH-TKI. Participants appoint [Participant] as Project Coordinator and authorize Mr/Mrs ……….. to carry out the tasks set forth under this Section 6.7 and Section 6.8. In particular, the Project Coordinator shall be responsible for: preparing the meetings, proposing decisions and preparing the agenda of Project Committee chairing the meetings, preparing the minutes of the meetings and monitoring the implementation of decisions taken at meetings; monitoring compliance by the Participants with their obligations; keeping the address list of Members and other contact persons updated and available; collecting and reviewing information on the progress of the Project and submitting outline scientific reports and other deliverables (including financial statements and related certification), if required, to Stichting LSH-TKI and other Participants; transmitting promptly documents and information connected with the Project; administration of the Budget and fulfilling the financial tasks, all as described in Article 7; providing, upon request, the Participants with official copies or originals of documents which are in the sole possession of the Project Coordinator when such copies or originals are necessary for the Participants to present claims. The Project Coordinator shall not be entitled to act or to make legally binding declarations on behalf of any other Participant.
Project Manager The term “Project Manager” refers to the employee of the State who has been assigned responsibility for overseeing and managing the proper and timely implementation of the project.
Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.
Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and
Project Coordination The Engineer shall coordinate all subconsultant activity to include quality and consistency of deliverables and administration of the invoices and monthly progress reports. The Engineer shall coordinate with necessary local entities.
Coordinator 6.4.1 The Coordinator shall be the intermediary between the Parties and the Funding Authority and shall perform all tasks assigned to it as described in the Grant Agreement and in this Consortium Agreement. 6.4.2 In particular, the Coordinator shall be responsible for: - monitoring compliance by the Parties with their obligations - keeping the address list of Members and other contact persons updated and available - collecting, reviewing to verify consistency and submitting reports, other deliverables (including financial statements and related certifications) and specific requested documents to the Funding Authority - transmitting documents and information connected with the Project to any other Parties concerned - administering the financial contribution of the Funding Authority and fulfilling the financial tasks described in Section 7.3 - providing, upon request, the Parties with official copies or originals of documents which are in the sole possession of the Coordinator when such copies or originals are necessary for the Parties to present claims. If one or more of the Parties is late in submission of any project deliverable, the Coordinator may nevertheless submit the other parties’ project deliverables and all other documents required by the Grant Agreement to the Funding Authority in time. 6.4.3 If the Coordinator fails in its coordination tasks, the General Assembly may propose to the Funding Authority to change the Coordinator. 6.4.4 The Coordinator shall not be entitled to act or to make legally binding declarations on behalf of any other Party or of the consortium, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Grant Agreement or this Consortium Agreement 6.4.5 The Coordinator shall not enlarge its role beyond the tasks specified in this Consortium Agreement and in the Grant Agreement. [Option: 6.5 Management Support Team (Optional, where foreseen in Grant Agreement or otherwise decided by the consortium) The Management Support Team shall be proposed by the Coordinator. It shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall assist and facilitate the work of the Executive Board and the Coordinator for executing the decisions of the General Assembly as well as the day-to-day management of the Project.] [Option: 6.6 External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) (Optional, where foreseen in the Grant Agreement or otherwise decided by the consortium) An External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) will be appointed and steered by the Executive Board. The EEAB shall assist and facilitate the decisions made by the General Assembly. The Coordinator is authorised to execute with each member of the EEAB a non-disclosure agreement, which terms shall be not less stringent than those stipulated in this Consortium Agreement, no later than 30 calendar days after their nomination or before any confidential information will be exchanged, whichever date is earlier. The Coordinator shall write the minutes of the EEAB meetings and prepare the implementation of the EEAB's suggestions. The EEAB members shall be allowed to participate in General Assembly meetings upon invitation but have not any voting rights.]
Joint Development If joint development is involved, the Recipient agrees to follow the latest edition of FTA Circular 7050.1, “Federal Transit Administration Guidance on Joint Development.”
Development Agreement As soon as reasonably practicable following the ISO’s selection of a transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution, the ISO shall tender to the Developer that proposed the selected transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution a draft Development Agreement, with draft appendices completed by the ISO to the extent practicable, for review and completion by the Developer. The draft Development Agreement shall be in the form of the ISO’s Commission-approved Development Agreement for its Reliability Planning Process, which is in Appendix C in Section 31.7 of Attachment Y of the ISO OATT, as amended by the ISO to reflect the Short-Term Reliability Process. The ISO and the Developer shall finalize the Development Agreement and appendices as soon as reasonably practicable after the ISO’s tendering of the draft Development Agreement. For purposes of finalizing the Development Agreement, the ISO and Developer shall develop the description and dates for the milestones necessary to develop and construct the selected project by the required in-service date identified in the STAR or Generator Deactivation Assessment, including the milestones for obtaining all necessary authorizations. Any milestone that requires action by a Connecting Transmission Owner or Affected System Operator identified pursuant to Attachment P of the ISO OATT to complete must be included as an Advisory Milestone, as that term is defined in the Development Agreement. If the ISO or the Developer determines that negotiations are at an impasse, the ISO may file the Development Agreement in unexecuted form with the Commission on its own, or following the Developer’s request in writing that the agreement be filed unexecuted. If the Development Agreement is executed by both parties, the ISO shall file the agreement with the Commission for its acceptance within ten (10) Business Days after the execution of the Development Agreement by both parties. If the Developer requests that the Development Agreement be filed unexecuted, the ISO shall file the agreement at the Commission within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the request from the Developer. The ISO will draft, to the extent practicable, the portions of the Development Agreement and appendices that are in dispute and will provide an explanation to the Commission of any matters as to which the parties disagree. The Developer will provide in a separate filing any comments that it has on the unexecuted agreement, including any alternative positions it may have with respect to the disputed provisions. Upon the ISO’s and the Developer’s execution of the Development Agreement or the ISO’s filing of an unexecuted Development Agreement with the Commission, the ISO and the Developer shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement that are not in dispute, subject to modification by the Commission. The Connecting Transmission Owner(s) and Affected System Operator(s) that are identified in Attachment P of the ISO OATT in connection with the selected transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution shall act in good faith in timely performing their obligations that are required for the Developer to satisfy its obligations under the Development Agreement.
County’s Project Manager Note: The written approval of substituted A-E Key Personnel is for departmental use only and shall not be used for auditing purposes outside OC Public Works or other County department.
Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.